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Unanswered Questions

99 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 answers

Is there a narration about the following story related to the Day of Judgement?

It goes along the lines of what is mentioned in a lecture and on the internet, which is not the Hadith mentioned in Sahih Muslim (190a), but is still somehow similar to this following narration (if it ...
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When is the time of response mentioned in this following hadith?

I have read a hadith that says, every night there is an hour when no Muslim asks Allah of anything and he will be given that. Can anyone tell me is there any record or authentic opinion about when ...
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Did Imam Ibn Jarir al Tabari say women can be Imams of prayer?

Whenever I searched about the issue of the permissibility of a woman leading a prayer, I find that many people cite al Tabari as having given a verdict that women can indeed lead the prayer. But I ...
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Why did al-Albani grade as authentic the hadith of Asma regarding the permission of showing the hands and face?

Islamqa says that this hadith is weak: narrated by Abu Dawood (4104) from al-Waleed from Sa’eed ibn Basheer from Qataadah from Khaalid ibn Durayk from ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her), that ...
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The Nature of the Hadith in Ash Shifa

There is a Hadith in Page 48 of Ash Shifa which speaks of the musk of the Prophet. I can’t find the Arabic but I will like to know the authenticity of the report and it’s legitimacy if it can be ...
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Where can I find this hadith on shaking hands?

It is possible that this hadith is from a Shia Hadith Book, but I am not sure. I have not been able to find it yet. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) is reported to have said: "It is not ...
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What is the authenticity of this hadith about an incident during the battle of Khandaq?

In his al-Bidaya wa-Nihaya ibn Kathir quotes a hadith he says that only al-Bazzar أبو بكر البزار has compiled it: وقال الحافظ أبو بكر البزار : حدثنا محمد بن معمر ، حدثنا مؤمل ، يعني ابن إسماعيل ،...
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Is the hadith of non-renewal of ablution after cupping authentic?

Daraqutni recorded a hadith about prophet not renewing ablution after cupping and blood flowed from that cut. Is this narration authentic or fair (Hasan)? Anas (Radiya Allahu Anhu) narrated that &...
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Does the hadith describing "benevolent love towards people" exist?

Does this hadith exist? What is its source? The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us that the best deed after believing there is no deity worthy of worship except God is "benevolent love ...
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Are the texts of tafsir al-kashshaf authentic?

Wikipedia lists a tafsir named Al-Kashaaf. It says: Al-Kashshaaf ('The Revealer') by Al-Zamakhshari (d. 1144CE). Al-Zamakhshari belonged to the Mu'tazili school of theology, but nevertheless this ...
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Has anyone ever been punished for making up hadiths?

Salam everyone There has always been a lot of discussion about which hadiths are authentic and which are not. The presence of non authentic hadiths suggests that some people modified or made up ...
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Is Bahira the Monk a real Person?

There are several versions of the story, with elements that contradict each other. All accounts of Bahira and his meeting with Muhammad have been deemed fictitious by modern historians as well as by ...
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Woman are more than just garmets to wear

It is narrated on the account of Umar ibn Al-Khattab: “The women are not a garment you wear and undress however you like. They are honored and have their rights.” What is the authenticity of this ...
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Authenticity of Sunan Abu Dawud 4464 on bestiality

On, this specific hadith is graded as Sahih by Albani. However, within the hadith, Abu Dawud claims that the hadith is not strong. So is Albani saying that Abu Dawud is wrong and that this ...
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Is Qadi Iyad's Kitab Ash Shifa reliable?

Assalamoalikum, I wanted to learn if Qadi Iyad's Kitab Ash Shifa is a reliable source among Sunni scholars or not. I am asking this in the sense of the author's reliability and writings. Of course, ...
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Is this Du'a after Wudu proven to be Sahih or Da'if?

Before posing my specific question, I would like to state that there is obviously a great difference to ask about a narration's authenticity which is discussed to be either Hasan or Da'if. ...
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What is the authenticity for this Du'a about Faith, Knowledge and Guidance?

It is narrated in the Musannaf of Ibn Abi Shaybah (30364) and in his Kitab al-Iman (106) that Abu Darda (rn) made this following Du'a: 'Ya Allah, I ask You for permanent faith (Iman), beneficial ...
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Addressing a report on waseelah from al-Waqidi

Is the following report authentic? Abdullah bin Qurt narrates : I then departed from the Masjid via Ethiopia Gate and said to myself, "I will commit a grave error if I fail to make salam at the ...
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Is the hadith about holding hands below the navel in Musannaf Abi Shaibah, Sahih?

I have found 2 Hadiths in Musannaf Abi Shaibah on which Hajrat Wahid ibn Hujur (R.A) says that Prophet holds hands below the navel is that hadith Sahih? Reference: Musannaf Abi Shaibah Hadith no: 3959....
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What Is The Authenticity Of This Narration About Jews In Ibn Ishaq's biography?

I want to know about the authenticity of the following narration in Ibn Ishaq's biography:- When God wished to display His religion openly and to glorify His prophet and to fulfil His promise to him, ...
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Narration In Imam Suyuti's Book Itqan Fi 'Ulum Al-Qur'an About Grammatical Error In Qur'an?

The following narration is found in Imam Suyuti's book "Itqan Fi 'Ulum Al-Qur'an". This narration has been classified as "Sahih" by Imam Suyuti in Al-Itqaan (page no.1236) Hishaam ...
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What is authenticity of this hadith? Reference: Imam Bayhaqi in his Dalail an Nabuwwah: Volume 005, Page No. 483

Abu Hurraira (May Allah have mercy on him) narrates from the Messenger of Allah (Peace be on him) that he said: When Allah created Adam (Peace be upon him) He informed him of his descendants, at this ...
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Wisdom And Theory Behind Muhammad's (Sallallahu'alayhiwassalam) Marriages With More Than Four Women?

The Qur'an permits Muslim men to marry up to four women. However, Prophet (Sallallahu'alayhiwassalam) was given permission in the Qur'an to marry more than four women in Qur'an 33:50. There are many ...
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Hajr Aswad and the First Covenant

Is there such a report in which the Black Stone is the depository of the written Primordial Covenant? Supposedly it was related from Aisha RA according to the article right here at footnote 17. ...
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Is the story of 1000 people of ibn ubayy's tribe after his funeral due to the prophet's (pbuh) good conduct converting to islam authentic?

I came across something which goes like “My shirt and the janazah prayer I performed will not save him from the torture of my Lord. However, I hope that one thousand people from his tribe will become ...
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What is the understanding of these narrations from Ibn Abbas (RA) in the Tafsir of Ibn Kathir?

I was reading Ibn Kathir and came across this in his tafsir of Al-Ahzab 59: قَالَ عَلِيُّ بْنُ أَبِي طَلْحَةَ، عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ: أَمَرَ اللَّهُ نِسَاءَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ إذا خرجن من بيوتهن في حَاجَةٍ ...
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What is the grade of this hadith about praying with lower garment hanging down?

Narrated Abu Hurairah: A man was praying with his lower garment hanging down. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to him: Go and perform ablution. He then went and performed ablution. He then came and he ...
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What is the reference of the statement that Umm Salamah nursed al-Hassan al-Basri?

Al-Hassan al-Basri is a known Tabi'i who was born two years before the death of 'Umar ibn al-Khattab in Medina and grow up in the house of Umm Salamah () the wive of the prophet (). A couple of years ...
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Authenticity of a narration

Asalamu Alaikum, I wanted to ask about the Authenticity of this hadith from Kanzul 'Ummaal كنز العمال: Narrated by Ibn Abbas: "I (Muhammad) put on her my shirt that she may wear the clothes ...
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Cutting of tree at hudaibiah where historical pledge took place?

What is genuineness of narration/report which approximately says that Umer(May Allah be pleased with him) cut down the tree at hudaibia in order to prevent people from committing acts of innovation ? ...
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Hadith Qudsi in Saadi's Gulistan

In the Omphaloskepsis edition of the Persian poet Saadi's Gulistan (Rose Garden), based on the translation of Edward Rehatsek, Saadi mentions this tradition: The tradition is that whenever a sinful ...
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Ali's letter to his son - authentic?

Is the famous letter (filled with parental advice) attributed from Ali to his son al-Hasan an authentic piece? I am not aware of an isnad or a physical manuscript. Here's a link:
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Is this hadith about dhikr authentic?

Aasim bin Bahdah, from Abee Saalih from Umm Haanee bint Abee Taalib (Prophet’s cousin). She said,"The Messenger of Allaah passed by me so I said, ‘I have become old and weak (or she said ...
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Is it true that after a person returns from Hajj or Umrah, all his supplications (i.e. dua's) are accepted for 40 days?

I have heard that after a person returns from performing Hajj or Umrah, all of his supplications (dua's) are accepted for 40 days. My question is that is this piece of information authentic? Does it ...
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Authentic hadith or supernatural talks?

Assalaamu a'laykum wa ragmatullahie wabarakaatu! I have heard from a family member not to wiggle your feet whilst eating. Also that it means Shaytaan is busy with you whenever you play/wiggle your ...
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Looking for a source of narration of Bilal being an advocate for a marriage candidate!

In one of the lessons of sheikh 'Omar Abdulkafy I witnessed around 17-20 years ago he narrated a story for which I'm looking for both source and authenticity: The story is about a Muslim man (It ...
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How should we understand the connection between the Prophet and the poem of Tarafa and what is the authenticity of the narration if there is any?

In the known mu'allaqa of Tarafa the poet -whom in my opinion used many words of wisdom which seem to go along with many teachings of Islam- said/wrote the verse saying: ستُبْدي لكَ الأيامُ ما كنتَ ...
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Is the strage narration " should praise Allah and your anus" authentic?

Is this strange narration authentic?! One day ‘Ali attacked Amr ibn Aas, he threw a spear and Amr fell to the ground, Amr fell to the ground and he then exposed his buttocks. ‘Ali then turned away ...
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Is this a sahih hadith: "They are those who accumulated wealth without differentiating between lawful and unlawful..."?

Prophet narrated: On the Night of Mi'raj, I saw people lying on their backs with drum-like, transparent bellies where there are all kinds of creatures. I asked my brother Jibrail, "What are they?" ...
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1 answer

Is the hadith about Sun and other heavenly bodies being created after Earth authentic?

In this narration itsays that this is sahih but I don't know if all scholars think the same. A sound tradition from the Messenger of God told us by Hannad b. al-Sari, who also said that he read all of ...
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1 answer

How is this hadith understood?

Recorded in Sirah al-Nabawiyyah and Mustadrak al-Hakim: I am a black man who is black, foul smelling with an ugly face. If I fight these people until I am killed where will I be. He said "In ...
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1 answer

What is the authenticity of these ahadith prohibiting the duff?

Hadhrat Ali (radhiyallahu anhu) said: "Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) prohibited beating of the duff (drum) and the sound of the flute." (Nailul Autaar) Hadhrat Ali (radhiyallahu ...
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2 answers

Stories about Prophet Seth

Are there any authentic narrations about Prophet Sheeth (AS) in any authentic books or other books of hadith? How authentic are the stories told about him?
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Can jinns reveal my private thoughts and feelings to other people?

Assalamu Alaikum. Recently, I'm getting this feeling that someone can know every single thoughts of mine with the help of jinn. I'm also doing Zikr. But I still get this feeling that someone can ...
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Is this Narration, Musanaf ibn abi Shayba 3734, authentic?

There's this Narration in Musanaf al Shaybah which says that Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar ibn khattab (RA) burned the house of Fatima (RA) and Killed her.I need help to understand if this narration is weak ...
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1 answer

Is adam (as) created by Allah’: swt hands or by “be” and he was?

Assalamu alaikum my brothers and sisters. I was just hoping you guys could help me with something im confused about. There are some ahadith which mention 4 things were created by Allah by his hands ...
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Is this Hadith authentic about the virgins of paradise

Abu Hurayra said, Allah be well-pleased with him: The Messenger of Allah said, upon him blessings and peace: “The humblest of the People of Paradise in rank shall have seven levels and as he will be ...
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Is accepting gifts/food from non Muslims on occasions of their festivals a form of condoning their false beliefs?

After years of personal research on this matter, I've found that most scholars conclude that it is not allowed to accept gifts from non Muslims on their festivals as this entails supporting and ...
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what is the authenticity of this hadith?

Sunan al kubra al bayhaqi 3224: ٣٢٢٤ - أَخْبَرَنَاهُ أَبُو سَعْدٍ الْمَالِينِيُّ، أنبأ أَبُو أَحْمَدَ بْنُ عَدِيٍّ، أنبأ عُمَرُ بْنُ سِنَانٍ، ثنا عَبَّاسٌ ...
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Validity of my Nikkah

I wasn't ready to get married. Due to some traumas and my mental health issues I'm uncomfortable with anyone getting close to me or touching me. But my parents never understood. They accepted a ...

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