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Unanswered Questions

157 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
5 votes
2 answers

Is there a narration about the following story related to the Day of Judgement?

It goes along the lines of what is mentioned in a lecture and on the internet, which is not the Hadith mentioned in Sahih Muslim (190a), but is still somehow similar to this following narration (if it ...
4 votes
1 answer

What is behind the statement "Were it not 'Iyad the Maghrib would be unknown"?

There's a famous quote about al-Qadi 'Iyad القاضي عياض بن موسى, which is often mentioned: لولا عياض لما عُرف المغرب/ لولا عياض ما عرف المغرب Which translates to: Where it not 'Iyad the Maghrib ...
4 votes
1 answer

Angels Visiting Prophet Abraham on the Way to Prophet Lot

During a most enjoyable speech about the story of Angel Gabriel (YouTube link), Omar Suleiman talks about the three angels visiting Prophet Abraham on their way to annihilate the people of Prophet Lot....
3 votes
2 answers

Evidence for 'every spot where we do sajdah will testify for us on the Day of Judgment'

I have heard this colloquially but I would like to be pointed to a reference in the Hadith for the notion that "every spot that we do Sajdah at on this Earth, will testify for us on the Day of ...
3 votes
0 answers

When is the time of response mentioned in this following hadith?

I have read a hadith that says, every night there is an hour when no Muslim asks Allah of anything and he will be given that. Can anyone tell me is there any record or authentic opinion about when ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can a person see himself being taken into the grave?

I got a WhatsApp message about what a person sees during death and it was written there that a dead man does not realize that he is dead initially. He feels himself dreaming of death, he sees himself ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is the source of "Shami and Egyptian fight each other... and a man... with small black banners... will hand over the rule to the Mahdi"?

I am seeing the following hadith being quoted at many places (e.g. ShiaChat, TurnToIslam) but I cant find the reference book for this: "When a man rules over ash-Sham, and another over Egypt, and ...
2 votes
0 answers

Did Imam Ibn Jarir al Tabari say women can be Imams of prayer?

Whenever I searched about the issue of the permissibility of a woman leading a prayer, I find that many people cite al Tabari as having given a verdict that women can indeed lead the prayer. But I ...
2 votes
0 answers

Why did al-Albani grade as authentic the hadith of Asma regarding the permission of showing the hands and face?

Islamqa says that this hadith is weak: narrated by Abu Dawood (4104) from al-Waleed from Sa’eed ibn Basheer from Qataadah from Khaalid ibn Durayk from ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her), that ...
2 votes
0 answers

The Nature of the Hadith in Ash Shifa

There is a Hadith in Page 48 of Ash Shifa which speaks of the musk of the Prophet. I can’t find the Arabic but I will like to know the authenticity of the report and it’s legitimacy if it can be ...
2 votes
0 answers

Reference to Hadith about a man who will be with Muhammad ﷺ in Jannah?

Bismillah. Alhamdulillahi rabbil-'alamin was-Salatu was-Salam 'ala Sayyidil-Mursalin wa 'ala 'Alihi wa Sahbihi Ajma'in. I can't find the hadith about a man who will be, allegedly, with Rasulullah ﷺ ...
2 votes
0 answers

The incident when Imam Ali threw away his sword when his enemy spat at his face

In the heat of the battle, the man spat his face and Ali forgave his life. Puzzled, the man asked why; and Ali said: a moment ago I was fighting and about to kill you in the name of Islam; now I am ...
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0 answers

The story abou Imam Abu-Hanifa (where he said Alhamdulillah twice about his ship)

One afternoon Imam Abu-Hanifa was teaching when a man came and told him that his ship sunk. The Imam paused for a moment and said Alhamdulillah; later the same man came and said there had been a ...
2 votes
0 answers

Where can I find this hadith on shaking hands?

It is possible that this hadith is from a Shia Hadith Book, but I am not sure. I have not been able to find it yet. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) is reported to have said: "It is not ...
2 votes
0 answers

Did the Prophet dispatch aid for Mecca during a drought?

I heard in a sermon that Mecca was hit with either drought or famine while it was still under the control of the pagans. When it happened, the Prophet sent relief aid for the people of Mecca in the ...

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