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Unanswered Questions

1,682 questions with no answers
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What did the seal of prophet hood look like?

According to tradition there was a marking on the prophet's back from birth or later between his shoulder blades, that wise men looked for and saw that confirmed to them his prophet hood even before ...
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Which scholars say that the fast automatically is broken on sunset (maghreb)?

Reading this hadith: ... قَالَ ‏"‏ إِذَا رَأَيْتُمُ اللَّيْلَ أَقْبَلَ مِنْ هَا هُنَا فَقَدْ أَفْطَرَ الصَّائِمُ ‏"‏‏ It seems one could understand the hadith in two different ways; (1) as it is ...
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How are the rulings for menstruation defined?

How are the rulings for menstruation/menses for our sisters defined according to the different fiqh schools? I mean the duration, how a female can be sure her menses really ended, etc.
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Did ulama actively oppose the caliphate's expansionism?

Wikipedia has a decent overview over early conquests of the Islamic empire. The expansion seems to have been one of the most rapid in history. I'm not aware of any Muslim scholar who opposed the ...
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Fiqh on attempted crimes

In modern law, attempting to commit a crime is criminalized, in some - perhaps many, I'm not sure - legal systems to roughly the same degree as actually committing the attempted crime. However, I've ...
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How can a new Muslim fit in when praying in a mosque in Iran?

Inshallah, I will go to Iran again in May. I intend to pray in the mosques there and I would like to fit in better with my (presumably mostly Shia) sisters when doing so. Question: How can a new ...
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What constitutes reviling/defaming/being sarcastic about Islam?

In "reliance of the traveler", section o8.7 talks about some acts that constitute disbelief. The ones this question is about are attitudes that treat Islam too lightheartedly or negatively. The ...
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Can a husband determine where his wife lives only if he provides her accommodation?

In an answer to Does Islam teach subjugation and inequality of women, or is that due to a wrong interpretation of the religion?, user G. Bach writes "the husband can determine where [his wife] lives". ...
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Sources of Fiqh from Madhabs

Within the sunni branch of Islam, there are the 4 major Madhabs (Hanafi, Shafii, Maliki and Hanbali). My question is, is there a book or compilation of sources for each and every fiqh draw by Imam Abu ...
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Working at the company that has halal and harram business model, is it Permissible?

Let's say there is a company that generate revenue from finding an eligible or qualified person who can take a loan at interest(Riba). this company will get paid from the conventional bank if succeed ...
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What is the "established madhhab" for each of the 4 sunni schools of fiqh?

Basically the question Should I correct an imam who forces his opinions on his community? is the reason for me to ask the above question. As I know (or learnt) that even if abu Hanifa holds the ...
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On earning gotten from forbidden knowledge

From my student days, I have been repeatedly copying materials to learn about some subjects. Since I discovered that this is haram, and I am really afraid of the question, "Where did your wealth came ...
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Did the Prophet Muhammad fast voluntarily during times of battle?

Islam has days for voluntary fasting, e.g., Mondays and Thursdays, and Muhammad was known to fast on these days (e.g. Aishah narrated: "The Prophet used to try to fast on Mondays and Thursdays." ...
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Is a baby shower permissible?

I didn't find any question regarding baby showers, so I'll first explain what a baby shower is: it is a celebration for a lady during her 5th or 7th month of pregnancy; In this function, bangles were ...
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Is it an act of kufr to watch a movie wanting a wizard to use his magical powers?

I was once watching a movie where the main character was a wizard. The movie depicted this wizard in a way which showed him to be good. In the plot the wizard took a vow never to use his powers. But I ...

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