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Questions tagged [obligation]

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2 answers

Do I have to perform Hajj if I have done it at the age of 17?

I have performed Hajj at the age of 17 along with my parents. My father paid for the expense. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Allah blessed me with the opportunity to perform Umrah many times after that. ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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What are the obligatory duties of a grandchild?

What are the obligatory duties of a grandchild in Islam. Also if my parents ask me to take care of my grandparents am i obligated to do so even when my grandparents have 4-5 children. Will it be haram ...
Urooj's user avatar
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Who is the target of the prohibition of graphical representations of Allah and Muhamad? [duplicate]

Who is the prohibition addressed to? Believers, or everyone? In other words, is it a requirement of faith where Muslims are themselves banned from the action, or whether they should also actively seek ...
WoJ's user avatar
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A question about prayer

Salam I've got a question about prayer, the tashahhud/at-tahiyat part. When I was saying the Attahiyyaatu lillaahi wassalawaatu part I didn't say lillaahi. Does that invalid my prayer if I miss a word?...
fatima's user avatar
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What will happen if a Muslim doesn't wants to follow the five pillars of Islam?

If a person who is either born in or converted to Islam, doesn't want to follow the fundamentals (five pillars e.g Imaan, Namaz, Roza, Zakat, and Hajj) of Islam, then what will happen, what our ...
Rashid's user avatar
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The obligation on forbidding evil

Is forbidding every evil you see happening in front of you obligatory? Would only hating it very much with the heart and not speaking against it be sinful? Is it obligatory to forbid evil in matters ...
asmaHuda's user avatar
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Rule and benefits of joining feet's together during solat

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Please if anyone can help me with this question I will appreciate it What are the rules I mean is it compulsory to join feet's during prayer When I was ...
Muhammad's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is dyeing hair not obligatory?

The prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “The Jews and the Christians do not dye (their hair) so do the opposite to them” as recorded by Al-Bukhaari, Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Daawood and An-Nasaa’i. Yet no ...
asmaHuda's user avatar
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Is not meeting an agreed upon deadline a sin?

I work as a Freelancer. I recently got into a contract with a client, we set up a deadline, and I agreed that I will deliver on the aforementioned deadline. But due to my own lack of competence, I ...
Abbas's user avatar
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Who should move forward between imam or the person with him when someone comes to the mosque

Assalamualaikum waramatullahi wabarakatuhu My question is, whenever two people are praying and someone come to the mosque and wanted to join the prayer, how should move forward between the imam and ...
Muhammad's user avatar
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Which should be preferable. To obey the father or to fast?

I am asking this question on the bahalf of a muslim sister. She is 26 years old unmarried girl and fast regularly on Monday and Thrusday. But her father wants to limit it to one day only. If she go ...
Mah noor's user avatar
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Is Niqab and Burqa obligatory for women? [duplicate]

There are some shuyookh who say that niqab and burqa are obligatory because women are altogether 'awrah and they refer to the verse “And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking ...
Salmush's user avatar
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Is hijrah from daar al-kufr ( the land of disbelief ) obligatory?

I live and was born in a non-muslim country, i was also born in a religious family, however, my parents and grandparent came here in order to flee and escape war and the dreadful situations of their ...
Salmush's user avatar
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Where should i put my hands when praying [closed]

When praying, there are alot of views as to where you should put your hands in prayer, please calrify, ps. No fights!just clear answer
Salmush's user avatar
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How long do we have to obey the parents?

Do we have to obey the parents in every condition or they say or put on us, what if it is something that is continuos forever until you die, such as: always offer the sunnah prayers for every prayer, ...
Salmush's user avatar
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