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I accidentally told someone there my idol a year ago on message but I didn't mean it as in worship I meant it as in I want to be like him. What to do?

A year ago, I messaged someone I knew and told them "your not gonna see this but your my idol. I wanna say thanks for making me smile." I didn't mean it as in worship, I mean it in someone I ...
aqib's user avatar
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Is arrogance greater crime than Shirk? [duplicate]

Anyone with atom's weight of arrogance will not enter paradise. But Allah forgives minor shirk if repented. Is arrogance more dangerous than shirk?
shakib's user avatar
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If I have to raise my leg above the drawer containing Islamic books to get into bed, am I doing kufr?

Assalamualaikum Anybody kindly read my question thoroughly and answer it is kufr or not One day I was going for sleep. There was a low laying cupboard near the leg position of the bed. It was closed ...
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Will Allah forgive me if i repent

I want to know that is a person asks for forgiveness from All sins major or minor even from shirk if he repents then can he be forgiven if the person commits even the bigest sin of all but seeks ...
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Major Shirk,Minor Shirk

Salam my name is Bilal and i am 12 years old and i have been swearing on my family members like my sisters and my parents and sometimes on allah too like people say i swear but i just learned minor ...
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Worried I've commited shirk!

I'm 13 years old, and a girl. Ever since I had persisted in a small sin, I started to realised that I may have committed a major sin! I became so worried, I started to cry, I panicked and I ...
AllahsWorryingServant123's user avatar
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Shirk thoughts doubts that I act upon them

I watched a video where I wanted to feel better of ocd shirk thought and the person said who are these whispers from and he said Shaitan I nodded my head yes and I was afraid that I just acted upon it ...
Youssef Benrifi's user avatar