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Questions tagged [ahlul-kitab]

Ahlul-kitab (People of the Book) are known as those that are of the faiths which have a revealed book/scripture. The people of the book are the Jews and Christians and there is disagreement on the Sabians and Magians.

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Is it Haram to Marry a Mandaean/Sabian woman?k

They are mentioned in the Quran as Ahlul Kitab in Quran 5:69. Some say they aren’t because they don’t have a book but they do claim to have a book. Quran 19:12 talks about John having a book. They ...
IbnAqil's user avatar
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Are Muslims themselves "people of the book"?

I know that Muslims call Jews and Christians "people of the book" because Jews believe in the Tanakh and Christians believe in both the Tanakh and the New Testament. If Muslims recognize ...
Alex Henrie's user avatar
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Are Christians who question the authenticity of modern day bible(s) or the notion of Trinity considered "Ahlul Kitab"?

I know someone who was raised Christian and continues to believe in God, but questions the modern day bible and believes it to have been altered, he also questions the notion of the Trinity, and ...
Bog's user avatar
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Who are the Sabians? [duplicate]

I've seen several groups "identified" with them from the Mandeans to the Hermeticist but as mentioned above I'm distrustful of Wikipedia and the Internet at large.
Daniel's user avatar
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Did the earlier nations had obligatory hijab? Why/Why not?

Did earlier nations (Jews, Christians, etc.) had the obligatory Hijab? If possible, I am also looking for some evidences in their earlier books. Nowadays, I have never seen any normal Jew or Christian ...
An_Elephant's user avatar
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Do Islamic pre-modern scholars think the trinity is polytheism or not?

So my question is, is it right for a sunni to deem of christians who believe in the trinity as polytheists? what scholars agree with this? is there a consensus?
Yehfurk's user avatar
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Has Allah Ordained Holidays For People of The Book?

As we know, Allah has given Muslims Eid al Adha, Eid al Fitr and Ramadan. As far as I’m concerned, I know that Allah has assigned fasting for the Jews and Christians because He says so in the Quran. ...
AcidicProgrammer's user avatar
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Meaning of Chapter 10 Verse 94

I have done a lot of research on this verse, on the internet, but still haven't found a pleasurable response. The verse states: "So if you are in doubt as to what We have revealed unto you, then ask ...
EPIC Tube HD's user avatar
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Are Zoroastrians considered the People of the Book?

Are the Zoroastrians\Majus\Parsis from the People of the Book?? Can we eat their food and marry their women as we are allowed to do with Ahl Kitab? Zoroastrians:
user28534's user avatar
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How should we respond to the Jewish expression "Shabbat Shalom"?

What should we answer to a Jew, when he tells us: "שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם (Shabbat Shalom)"?
renanlinux's user avatar
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Does giving food to my christian maid please Allah or not?

I have a maid who is christian by faith. She is poor. I often give her food for her children and family, so that it provides her a little ease financially, and she doesn't have to cook after getting ...
JBel's user avatar
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I'd like to know some more details on the table sent down to prophet 'Isa?

I've lately heard a lesson or lecture on the tafseer of the verses telling the story of the table which was sent down to prophet 'Isa () which is quoted in 5:112-115. The wording of the qur'an ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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Why do the sabeans have so much in common with Islam? [duplicate]

People are saying that Islam is a copy of sabeans and that prophet Muhammad (saw) copied from them. The sabeans is used to perform hajj, pray 5 times, wash themselves after intercourse just like ...
Fahim Henry's user avatar
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If I marry an Ahl-al-Kitab woman and she doesn't convert to Islam, does she go to hell?

Say I wanted to marry an ahl al Kitab woman (A Jew or a Christian), we married, lived together forever, died, and she never converted to Islam. Would she go to hell? Would i act as an intercessor ...
Unorthodox's user avatar
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Are Zoroastrians among the People of the Book? [duplicate]

Are the Zoroastrians\Majus\Parsis from the People of the Book?? Can we eat their food and marry their women as we are allowed to do with Ahl Kitab? Zoroastrians:
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