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Questions tagged [hajj]

A pilgrimage to Mecca that occurs annually from the 8th to the 12th of the Dhul Hijjah month. It is a religious duty which must be carried out by every able-bodied Muslim who has the means.

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Placement/Installation of Huge Umbrellas in Arafaat ground , permissible or not?

This questions is to those respectable scholars who are specialized in fiqh especially Hajj related matters I know that staying in Arafaat is manadatory part of Hajj but what about shari ruling ...
DSP_CS's user avatar
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If 7 people can give a cow for Udhiyah, can my family and I contribute one portion of it?

If 7 people can give a cow for Udhiyah, can my family and I contribute one portion of it, meaning our joint contribution will count as one share and we will be considered one of the seven contributors?...
Proud Muslim's user avatar
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Shaving or cutting hair if performing HAJJ-E-TAMATTU’

Usually when we keep neeyath to offer qurban as men we don't shave or cut our hair from the 1st of dul haj till the qurban is offered, does the same apply when we perform haj ? The confusion was as ...
Mafazil's user avatar
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Mahram of Married Slave In case of Hajj & Umrah

Who is the Mahram of Married Slave Women when it comes to her performing Hajj or Umrah as per Fuqaha? Can A Married Slave women perform Hajj and Umrah along with her Master and can the Master become ...
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I have some loan and borrow so can I pay for my parents to perform hajj now

I have some interest based loan and borrow so can I pay for my parents to perform hajj now ?
Mohammad khan's user avatar
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if the black stone don't give benefits or harm then how come it whoever kiss get their sins forgived

In this hadith it says It is a stone that can neither bring about benefit nor cause harm, as ‘Umar Al-Farooq may Allah be pleased with him said, and it was proven in the two Saheehs [Al-Bukhari ...
moh moh's user avatar
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Do I have to perform Hajj if I have done it at the age of 17?

I have performed Hajj at the age of 17 along with my parents. My father paid for the expense. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Allah blessed me with the opportunity to perform Umrah many times after that. ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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Is the hadith of Aisha RA that she used to veil her face while in ihram sahih?

As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa baraktuhu, ‘Aishah narrated (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “The riders used to pass by us when we were with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of ...
IbnErshad's user avatar
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Day of Arafah based on country

I am based in India and after searching online it says the Day of Arafah here starts Tuesday 27th Jun 2023- Wednesday 28th Jun 2023. Is this day followed on the same day worldwide or is it country-...
glitch's user avatar
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is this act of worship actually Rewarded?

a Man from my country justa a couple of days ago, he began his 218 day journey to Makkah from India (kerala) BY FOOT, without using any mode of transportation. He thinks by doing so , he'll get ...
asmaHuda's user avatar
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Will i be denied from Jannah due to my son's sin

Assalamualaikkum, My son has done "Civil Marriage" with a idol worshiping girl against without our consultation. Now me and husband are very worried that Allah will punish. We have below ...
LostSoul's user avatar
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Damm during Hajj

Just a quick question. What happens to the Damm which is the animal sacrifice performed to atone for violations of certain restrictions during Hajj? Will it be eaten by the person and distributed to ...
Afiq's user avatar
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is a teenager living in jeddah obliged to perform Hajj?

i am 17 year old girl still studying in school. I do not earn my own money. but since I live in jeddah with my parents, and the fact that I'm physically , practically comepeletely capable of ...
asmaHuda's user avatar
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Is there anything in the Quran or Hadith in that making supplications during Hajj or Umrah have a higher chance of getting accepted?

Alhamdulillah, I will be going to Umrah in a couple weeks InshAllah. Before putting my deposit down and making the decision to go on Umrah, I was in a very bad state with depression and crippling ...
ih123's user avatar
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Does hajj erase missed fasting and prayers?

If someone had missed many days of fasting in Ramadan and had some missed prayers. This person went and did Hajj successfully. Will this person's past missed days of fasting and prayer be erased?
Have Patience's user avatar

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