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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

For questions about interactions with siblings. This includes both biological and step-siblings and any adopted siblings.
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For questions regarding race, ethnicity, and origin. This tag is not uniquely applied to racism or discrimination, it applies to any questions with the aforementioned criteria.
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For issues that take place in a restaurant, where the location of a restaurant plays an important part in the question. Can also be questions about interactions in restaurants (such as interacting wit…
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should be used on questions where the main goal of the question is resolving an existing conflict.
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When the question is about someone's personal matters or relationships, and that they want to keep secret.
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Questions about situations that arise while on public transport such as trains, buses, coaches, planes or boats.
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For interpersonal issues related to or involving physical health issues and medical conditions.
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For questions related to polite expression of praise or admiration.
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Questions about interactions surrounding grief and death. The deceased can be an acquaintance, friend, family, or pet.
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Questions about cleanliness, conditions and practices that helps maintaining health and preventing diseases to spread.
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For situations where at least one of the involved parties is eating and/or food is an important factor for the question.
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For questions about people with disabilities, the questioner or someone else. Navigating socially and in public around this subject. Any issues surrounding communicating with someone with a disability…
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Questions about trust with others, whether it has been betrayed, gained, or not given.
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Used in situations where someone's motives, actions or words have either been wrongly interpreted or they haven't been properly conveyed.
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A person who is energized by spending time alone. One who can turn inward or in upon itself. The word "Introvert" can sometimes have negative connotations, because many people are "extroverts".
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For questions regarding interactions where one party is a customer, applicable to questions from either the customer or employee perspective.
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for questions related to teachers and educators of any field
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For question regarding meeting someone in order to form a bound leading to a sexual or romantic relationship with them.
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Housemates are people that you share a house with, but not a room.
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Questions that have a specific focus on people in Southern Europe or their culture.
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For questions pertaining to people who are fellow workers or professional peers.
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For questions requesting answers backed up by academic sources. If your question is about a situation in an academic environment, use the appropriate tag (college, high-school, school).
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Questions that have a specific focus on people in Indonesia or Indonesian culture.
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For situations dealing with information that people may hesitate to talk about casually or that's part of their private life.
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For questions about interacting with your landlord or as a landlord to your tenant.
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Strong emotion about unfair, cruel or unacceptable state or behavior. To be used when question you are asking is dealing with anger of yours (in interpersonal context) or someone/something else.
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A life partner is a romantic companion with whom you intend to stay in a permanent relationship (whether legally married or otherwise). Use the "relationships" tag for dating or more casual relationsh…
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For questions about situations influenced by feelings of jealousy, whether felt by you or someone else.
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To be used for questions where one or more parties are engaging in behaviour considered to be outside of the social norm - or questions about what the acceptable behaviour is in a given situation
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Questions for which the location is a wedding, or a wedding-based setting.
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Questions for where a person lacks the required proficiency in the language to communicate effectively in a situation. For more general questions, please use the [language] tag instead.
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An often recurring behaviour that annoys or upsets someone.
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Questions about using written medium to interact with people. This includes note, text, chat, email, and letter.
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Questions where the interpersonal issues are directly caused by or related to ownership of pets
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For situations that arise while travelling or planning travel. Please include cultural or location tags when the specific locale is relevant.
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