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Questions tagged [acquaintances]

Questions about people you know but who aren't close enough to be called friends.

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How to turn down all future invitations without sounding rude?

Situation: I am invited to various functions by someone I see regularly (peers, coworkers, friends of friends). When I reject their invitations they will continue to invite me to things even if I ...
Maximilian Ballard's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

How do I politely refuse/cut-off a person who needs me only when they want something?

Context: I'm currently doing my bachelor's at a very small local uni. I'm usually known as one of the knowledgeable folks who's open to helping others (many people pretend to know nothing here just to ...
Mayonnaise's user avatar
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2 answers

Repel flattery used to start conversations

I get annoyed with this. People start conversations with flattery like: you have got this, you have got that you cover 360 degrees. which I know is flattery with ulterior motives. I get irritated ...
Sashidhar Pegallapati's user avatar
5 votes
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How to politely address the rude accusations being thrown your way?

I don't know if the title of this post is explanatory and descriptive or not, but I shall be giving a detailed insight of my problem below. Situation: There is this committee in our college who ...
Dhanishtha Ghosh's user avatar
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How can I ask for recommendations from an acquaintance?

I used to live in city X, and I have an acquaintance Y back then that I have not contacted since I left X. I recently moved back to X (after 6 years) and have some problems at home where I will need ...
Isa's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

How do I turn an acquaintance into a friend?

This is probably the most embarrassing and stupid sounding question I’ve ever asked in my life; but it’s unfortunately one without whose answer I’m stuck. Before I start with my story, I’d just like ...
Amp's user avatar
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9 answers

How to explain my complicated family background to people that I don't know very well?

In 2016 I moved 8,000 km from Canada to Ireland with my Irish husband and daughter. It's coming up to Christmas and some people have asked me (including some newly found cousins) some seemingly ...
user1261710's user avatar
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How do I start a conversation with a friend I had a crush on in junior high?

Backstory: I met the person when I went to tuitions during my high school junior year. We didn't explicitly talk to each other as I was really shy but had some small talk here and there. As I didn't ...
Varun's user avatar
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How to contact and spend more time with the friends of my best friend?

Around a year back I met who I'd now definitely consider to be my best friend. She's always there and looks out for me. We are both busy but we see each other a few times a month and always have a ...
Suimon's user avatar
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How can I effectively use social media to become closer friends with people I don't see often? [closed]

There are some people who I want to get to know better, mainly childhood friends I've grown apart from, former co-workers and children of my parents' friends. I'm connected to them on Facebook but don'...
Danny's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Asking people to meet outside of work/gym/etc

Lately I feel like all the people I meet only get and stay acquaintances to mine. I don't have a huge friend group and would enjoy forming new friendships, going out more with people, etc. If often ...
Suimon's user avatar
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8 votes
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How do you maintain relations after you've received help from an acquaintance?

I'm not talking about workplaces. I'm talking about friends outside the workplace. Maybe you have a friend and got introduced to his friend (X) sometime. Then after a couple of years you needed help ...
Mugen's user avatar
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4 votes
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Making an acquaintance of a bank manager

I'm currently reading "Get a Financial Life" by Beth Kobliner after hearing it praised so much over on Money.SE. In the section on Banking, Kobliner says: Why it pays to know your bank ...
scohe001's user avatar
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How can I pursue a friendship by sending a reply to a mass email without having my intentions misinterpreted? [closed]

I recently got a very general “Happy Holidays” mass email from an acquaintance’s work email -- imagine a mail merge with “Dear MERGIE, Happy Holidays from everyone here at Acme Widget Co.” I am ...
Mergie's user avatar
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How can I ask an acquaintance to make no offers on an apartment we are both interested in?

TL;DR An acquaintance of mine wants to buy the same apartment as me, and neither of us is willing to back down. Background In short, we discovered before going to the showing that were both very ...
Nathan's user avatar
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