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High fives all around! In the last month, this community submitted 172 new ideas, started 383 discussions and posted 1412 replies.

Community activity

PDF Viewer bookmarks and zoom

I prefer using the Firefox PDF viewer over the other browsers (Edge wants to spend a minute or more communicating with home base before even displaying the document) and particularly over Adobe's viewer for obvious current reasons. One lack in the Fi...

Focus in download window

When I click in a download link the focus of the program goes to the download popup window. It's annoying if you have to click several download links because yo have to click twice on the page, one in the page itself in order to this get the focus ba...

lab_2024 by New member
  • 1 replies
  • 1 kudos

Voice isolation on macOS

On macOS, when using apps like Google Meet with audio/video conferences, Safari is able to trigger the macOS mic panel to use "voice isolation" which is super handy to decrease background noise. I know there are special apps, headsets to minimize suc...

Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 08.47.32.png
wolruf by Making moves
  • 8 replies
  • 7 kudos

Larger Cards in Thunderbird Vertical view

The current vertical card view feels a bit cramped when trying to identify an email by the sender, even in expanded view. It would be nice if there was a little more padding on top and bottom of the message cards in vertical view. The ability to make...

dspamers by Strollin' around
  • 1 replies
  • 1 kudos

We want the cmd+r back

"In previous versions, selecting all the text and pressing cmd+r would automatically wrap the entire text. However, this feature is now very difficult to use as I need to press cmd+r after every line I write. How is this different from pressing shift...

konnguan by New member
  • 1 replies
  • 1 kudos

Native Tab Grouping / More Customizable Tab bar

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox. I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more ac...

Vinci480 by Strollin' around
  • 676 replies
  • 3461 kudos
Let's get started

Oh hey, it's great seeing you here! We're excited to connect, collaborate, and create great products...together. To help you settle in nicely and get started on your community journey, we've put together a few links.

  • Community Vision
  • Community Guidelines
  • The Idea Journey
  • Mozilla Support
    If you're looking for help with technical or performance-related issues, please visit Mozilla Support. That is the best channel for troubleshooting such issues as well as asking any how-to questions for all Mozilla products.
    Mozilla Connect is now two years old! Thank you all for continuing to share feedback and ideas, participate in meaningful discussions, and work together to help improve our products. We have some exciting plans for this year, including more opportunities to connect (see what we did there?) and collaborate.
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