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The Idea Journey

Community Manager
Community Manager

You may have questions about how the Ideas section operates here in the Mozilla Connect community, so we’ve put together a few helpful articles:

Ideas Guidelines

How to Create a Great Post in Five Easy Steps 

The Idea Journey ⬇️

For this one, let’s take a closer look at The Idea Journey—or how an idea reaches the internal teams here at Mozilla. 

First, a visual representation:

Idea journey 05.31.2022(1).jpg

Now let's break down each of the idea statuses and their definitions.



New idea

This idea is open to the community for voting and discussion. Every new idea that meets the community requirements is given this status. 


This idea doesn’t meet the community requirements. For a refresher on those requirements, click here

Trending idea

This idea has received a great deal of support (a combination of votes and comments) in a short period of time. 

Needs more

This idea needs more votes before being brought to the team at Mozilla. Consider this a nudge. 

In review

The Mozilla team is reviewing this idea for potential adoption. Stay tuned for updates. 

In development

This idea has been approved by the Mozilla team and added to the current roadmap. 

Exploring more

This idea has been reviewed by the product team, and we want to explore it further (more research and data collection) before deciding next steps.

Not right now

This idea is not a fit for us right now, but we will review it again down the road and update the status if accepted. 


Great job all around! This idea has now been delivered. 

But wait, is this the only way my idea will reach the right people? Great question, you! And the answer is, of course not. Mozilla employees will regularly review ideas/feedback based on specific labels & keywords (hint, hint, don’t forget to use those when submitting your ideas)

We hope this clears things up a bit and look forward to hearing more from you 😃 

-The Community Team