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Community Guidelines

Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome to the Mozilla Connect Community! 

We are so excited to connect with you, hear your ideas, and work together to build the best products possible. The following Community Guidelines are in place to make sure everyone here has a joyful and productive experience—they are to be observed throughout the community

No bug reports or support requests

Let’s get those to the proper places right away so they can be quickly resolved. If you have any how-to questions or are looking for help with technical or performance related issues, visit our Support site. To report a bug, go to our Bugzilla site.

Bug reports and support request posts will be flagged and the author will be directed to the correct channel to receive more immediate assistance. 

Be kind 

Lead with kindness and help create a welcoming environment where everyone feels comfortable participating. There is no room for personal attacks, hateful language, discriminatory behavior, or bullying ever

Stay respectfully constructive 

This community is for sharing ideas, feedback, and meaningful discussions to improve the Firefox experience. Which means there will be plenty of different viewpoints, experiences, and opinions, and that’s totally fine! Please give and receive constructive feedback with empathy and stay on topic. 

Always search first

Great minds really do think alike! Before submitting an idea or starting a discussion, always search first to see if a similar post already exists. And should one exist, feel free to upvote, reply with your input, and help that topic get the proper attention. 

Protect everyone’s privacy

Including your own. Remember everything you share is public for all to see. Do not post personally identifying or sensitive information like credit card numbers, social security numbers, or unlisted contact information.

English is the official community language

While we are proudly an international company with employees and users around the world, English is the official language of the community. As the community grows, we will explore localization efforts. 

No spam 

Keep that in a musubi. Any unsolicited communications that are promotional, commercial, multiple instances of the same post, or posts with URLs unrelated to the topic are considered spam and take away from the core goals of the community. 

See a post that’s not following the guidelines? 

If you come across anything that goes against the stated guidelines, hit the flag button and/or contact a community leader. Our team will handle it from there and take the necessary actions according to each case. 

We hope to create a community where collaboration can thrive, and we need your help. 

Let’s do this together!

Please Note: 

A failure to comply with the Community Guidelines might result in your post being removed. Severe abuses and/or multiple violations will lead to harsher penalties, such as permanent account suspensions.