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Questions tagged [first-time]

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2 answers

Can adding too much yeast to my sugar wash mess up fermentation?

I am starting my own vodka with a 4 gallon sugar wash. I added 10 lb of sugar and a whole pack of turbo yeast (for a 5.5 gallon wash). I read a little bit that adding too much might make the ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Wild Ginger Bug Smells Like Buttered Popcorn. Keep or Toss?

This is a two week old Ginger bug developed from organic store-bought ginger (not a SCOBY). I've kept it in a warm cabinet, not my fridge while it got established. I'm new to fermentation and brewing, ...
Lisa B's user avatar
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Ale Popped the Bung

This is my first brew, so I kinda look at it as a rite of passage, but I had 5 gallons of brown ale fermenting in a 6.5g carboy. The airlock was super active for the first 16-18 hours. Soon after that ...
BusinessFawn's user avatar
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Fermentation first time

I need help. First time brewing in my life and I made some mistakes as expected. This was a 1 gallon brew kit. First indication something was wrong was after pouring the wort into the 1 gallon ...
Joey's user avatar
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4 answers

Yeast stored at 30℃

About to brew for the first time. Making an IPA and bought Nottingham yeast which I just discovered says to keep at between 5-10℃ on the package. It's unopened but been at between 20-32℃ (those are ...
flak37's user avatar
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My OG is 1.030 and I'm only at 4 gallons?

I topped off at 4 gallons rather than 5. Am I wrong for thinking this is low despite not adding more water? I'm now a day after fermentation began. I plan to do a secondary fermentation. How much ...
Ryan Whelan's user avatar
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What are the simple things i should be careful about (like bleach) for my first time brewing?

I'm planning to make my first batch within the next couple of days and was checking what all thing i should not OVERDO (like bleach sanitation). Should i be careful before i cap my bottle (i don't ...
Joseph's user avatar
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2 answers

How to salvage bottled beer that failed to carbonate

I brewed my first batch of kit beer that required a kind of "secondary fermentation". That is after it was done fermenting I transferred it to another carboy and added the bourbon barrel wood chips. ...
thornrg's user avatar
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2 answers

First homebrew batch very sweet

I recently made my first home brew batch using an off the shelf starter kit (English brown ale). The beer is much sweeter than I was expecting and the alcohol content is ~3-3.5% (should be 4.5%). Am ...
Gary's user avatar
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First brewing experience, First kit. need advice [closed]

Okay, so I got a homebrew starter kit for xmas about 5 years ago. it contained 23 litres of prepared wort, a primary pail, a secondary glass carboy and nearly all the tools needed. I still had to ...
Kevin Sadowy's user avatar
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First time without a kit

Ok, so I'm a relatively new brewer. I've done probably 10 brews, however I've always done it out of a kit and have kegged it afterwards. Brewing from a kit is super easy, it's basically boil it, ...
Rick's user avatar
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How long must an ale be conditioned in bottles outside of the fridgerator?

I bottled my first batch of beer 72 hours ago. I am under the impression that bottled beer should not immediately be placed in the refrigerator, as this would prevent the remaining yeast from ...
Matthew Moisen's user avatar
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Fruit Flies in Airlock. How can I Test if Mead is Okay?

In short After approximately 5.5 month my airlock full of vodka has lost 60% of its volume and now has trapped a couple dozen of fruit flies. Should I be concerned for my batch of Mead? What methods ...
Jonnybojangles's user avatar
7 votes
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First batch. Tons of bubbling first day and half, little to none now

I can update this later with my specific notes/ingredients, but for now, just the basics...5 gallon brew of an irish stout. The morning after I put it in the fermenting bucket, I woke up to a mess. ...
nak's user avatar
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2 answers

Measure water before or after adding Malt Extract?

I just started doing a trial run of my first batch and I had a question. I have a kettle that holds about 6 gallons. If my batch size is to be 5 gallons and we assume 1 gallon will boil off, then ...
Carson's user avatar
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