I am very new to home brewing. I have finished making my first batch of DME beer. Although during bottle conditioning I could see enough CO2 bubbles getting generated, upon opening the bottles after about a week, it didn't generate the foamy head. However, if I agitate the bottle, I manage to get some foam. If I refridgerate the bottles after conditioning, the beer becomes completely flat.

Am I doing anything wrong? How can I ensure a decent foamy head and carbonation?


  • Barley DME
  • Magnum hops
  • Ale yeast
  • Priming sugar

  • ~10 days of primary fermentation
  • ~ 4-5 days of bottle conditioning

1 Answer 1


It's only been one week? Wait another week before trying another bottle. It often takes 2 weeks to carbonate in my experience. If that doesn't work, maybe you didn't use enough priming sugar. You need about 2 tablespoons priming sugar per gallon for good carbonation.

  • Thanks. I have used 7 grams of priming sugar per litre. It translates to the same amount that you have mentioned. I will wait for another week for the remaining bottle and check. Commented Aug 16, 2020 at 6:15
  • Note weeks in the fridge don't count.. needs to be warm fermentation temp.
    – ajfabbri
    Commented Aug 26, 2020 at 7:59

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