I am interested in distilling whiskey and vodka. Im not sure of what the legal ramifications are but I want to one) do it legally and two) do it economically. Is this possible and what are the average start up cost for license .

  • At the very least, you are going to have to tell us where you are based. I also very much doubt anyone on this site is going to know enough to answer this, and if they do, they probably usually charge for those answers!
    – Ryno
    Commented Feb 6, 2014 at 19:22

3 Answers 3


You need a legal expert but here are just a few of the things you will need to worry about 1. federal and state liscencing 2. trademarking 3. land rights and water rights Are you talking about buying a distillery or building one? because each has its own slew of problems.


If you're in the US, the very first thing you should do is engage a lawyer who specializes in this.

  • Agreed: brewing beer or wine is legal, distilling is not. Commented Feb 7, 2014 at 3:56

Get an agent and talk to the folks at TLC

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