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PDP - Introduction of New Generic Top-Level Domains

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The new gTLD program, from the 2012 Application Round, was approved by the GNSO Council on 6 September 2007 and approved for accepting applications by the ICANN Board at the Singapore meeting June 2011. Prior to June 2011, the program migrated from policy development within the community to the ICANN staff for implementation. The information provide below lists some of the key developments within the GNSO where the policy development process took place and led to the eventual implementation of the 2012 new gTLD Program. For current status information regarding the new gTLD program, please visit the ICANN New gTLD dedicated site.

**Note: The status image below is for illustration purposes only. This particular effort followed an older PDP rather than what is currently outlined in the ICANN Bylaws.


Implementation Status

Web Presence:

Responsible Staff Member:

  • GNSO Policy Team

GNSO Council Resolution for an Issue Report on the Introduction of gTLDs:

Adopted on: 22 September 2005

Request the staff to produce an Issues Report on the topic of new TLD s that covers the four areas:

  • whether to continue to introduce new gTLDs
  • the criteria for approving applications for new gTLDs
  • the allocation method
  • the current restrictions

that will document the status quo in the four areas and in documenting that, it will identify any of the requests that ICANN has received to date.

Issue Report:

Submitted on: 05 December 2005

GNSO Council Resolution on the Initiation of the PDP:

Adopted on: 28 November 2005

Whereas, the GNSO Council recognises that the review of the GNSO Council held in 2004 recommended that the PDP timelines be reviewed.
The GNSO votes to initiate the PDP on new gTLDs. The GNSO will develop a work program in consultation with the ICANN staff and ICANN board that sets out a timeframe for work

GNSO Council Resolution on the Terms of Reference for New gTLDs:

Adopted on: 02 December 2005

  1. Should new generic top level domain names be introduced?
    • Given the information provided here and any other relevant information available to the GNSO, the GNSO should assess whether there is sufficient support within the Internet community to enable the introduction of new top level domains. If this is the case the following additional terms of reference are applicable.
  2. Selection Criteria for New Top Level Domains
    • Taking into account the existing selection criteria from previous top level domain application processes and relevant criteria in registry services re-allocations, develop modified or new criteria which specifically address ICANN's goals of expanding the use and usability of the Internet. In particular, examine ways in which the allocation of new top level domains can meet demands for broader use of the Internet in developing countries.
    • Examine whether preferential selection criteria (e.g. sponsored) could be developed which would encourage new and innovative ways of addressing the needs of Internet users.
    • Examine whether additional criteria need to be developed which address ICANN's goals of ensuring the security and stability of the Internet.
  3. Allocation Methods for New Top Level Domains
    • Using the experience gained in previous rounds, develop allocation methods for selecting new top level domain names.
    • Examine the full range of allocation methods including auctions, ballots, first-come first-served and comparative evaluation to determine the methods of allocation that best enhance user choice while not compromising predictability and stability.
    • Examine how allocation methods could be used to achieve ICANN's goals of fostering competition in domain name registration services and encouraging a diverse range of registry services providers.
  4. Policy to Guide Contractual Conditions for New Top Level Domains
    • Using the experience of previous rounds of top level domain name application processes and the recent amendments to registry services agreements, develop policies to guide the contractual criteria which are publicly available prior to any application rounds.
    • Determine what policies are necessary to provide security and stability of registry services.
    • Determine appropriate policies to guide a contractual compliance programme for registry services

Working Group Draft Initial Report:

Submitted on: 19 February 2006

Working Group Draft Initial Report:

Submitted on: 15 March 2006

Working Group Draft Initial Report:

Submitted on: 15 June 2006

Working Group Initial Report:

Submitted on: 28 July 2006

Draft GNSO Recommendation Summary – Introduction of New Generic Top-Level Domains:

Submitted on: 14 September 2006

Working Group Proposed Final Report:

Submitted on: 15 February 2007

Working Group Proposed Final Report:

Submitted on: 16 March 2007

Working Group Final Report:

Submitted on: 18 June 2007

GNSO Adoption of the Final Report:

Adopted on: 06 September 2007

The GNSO Council supports the 20 recommendations, as a whole, as set out in the Final Report of the ICANN Generic Names Supporting Organization on the Introduction of New Generic Top-Level Domains going forward to the ICANN Board. [see link for details]

Summary of Working Group Final Report for Los Angeles Workshop:

Submitted on: 29 October 2007

Public Comment Prior to ICANN Board Consideration:

Submitted on: 31 October 2007

GNSO Council Report to the ICANN Board:

Submitted on: 02 November 2007

ICANN Board Resolution Text Approving the GNSO Recommendations:

Adopted on: 26 June 2008

Summary: Resolved (2008.06.26.02), based on both the support of the community for New gTLDs and the advice of staff that the introduction of new gTLDs is capable of implementation, the Board adopts the GNSO policy recommendations for the introduction of new gTLDs [see link for details]

ICANN Board Resolution Text to Implement the New gTLD Program:

Adopted on: 20 June 2011

Summary: Resolved (2011.06.20.01), the Board authorizes the President and CEO to implement the new gTLD program which includes the following elements [see link for details]

Implementation Details:

Additional Information: