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PDP – Policies for Contractual Conditions for Existing gTLDs

Last Updated:


In December 2005, the GNSO Council initiated a policy development process to develop policy about whether to introduce new generic top level domains and, subsequently, to determine the selection criteria, allocation methods and policies for contractual conditions for any new top level domains. Also during 2005, ICANN commenced a process of revising the .net and .com agreements. As a result of discussions, the GNSO Council recognized that there may have been a broader set of policy issues around contractual conditions for existing gTLDs. It was thought that it may be more appropriate to have policies that apply to gTLDs generally on some of the matters raised by GNSO members, rather than be treated as matters to negotiate on a contract by contract basis. The following outline is a result of the PDP.

**Note: The status image below is for illustration purposes only. This particular effort followed an older PDP model rather than what is currently outlined in the ICANN Bylaws (circa 2014).


Implementation Status

Web Presence:

Responsible Staff Member:

  • GNSO Policy Team

GNSO Council Resolution on Terms of Reference for New gTLDs:

Adopted on: 02 December 2005

The following is an extract from the GNSO Council meeting minutes:

  1. Policy to Guide Contractual Conditions for New Top Level Domains
    1. Using the experience of previous rounds of top level domain name application processes and the recent amendments to registry services agreements, develop policies to guide the contractual criteria which are publicly available prior to any application rounds.
    2. Determine what policies are necessary to provide security and stability of registry services.
    3. Determine appropriate policies to guide a contractual compliance programme for registry services

GNSO Council Resolution for Issue Report on Proposed .COM Registry Agreement:

Adopted on: 17 January 2006

The following is an extract from the GNSO Council meeting minutes:
That the Council solicit an Issues Report related to the dot COM proposed agreement in relation to the various views that have been expressed by the constituencies

Issue Report on Proposed .COM Registry Agreement:

Submitted on: 02 February 2006

GNSO Council Resolution on the Initiation of the PDP:

Adopted on: 06 February 2006

The following is an extract from the GNSO Council meeting minutes:
Council resolves to initiate a Policy Development Process in line with it's 17 January 2006 request for an issues report the intent of which was to address the broader policy issues raised.

GNSO Council Resolution on the Initiation of the PDP:

Adopted on: 02 March 2006

The following is an extract from the GNSO Council meeting minutes:
That Council approves the Terms of Reference for the policy development process on GNSO policies for contractual conditions for existing gTLDs (PDP-Feb06) as drafted with the insertion of the words "and core values" in the paragraph on "Goal" namely;
"The overall goal of this PDP therefore is to determine what policies are appropriate, for the long term future of gTLDs within the context of ICANN's mission "and core values," that relate to the issues identified in the specific terms of reference below.

Call for Papers for PDP on Policies for Contractual Conditions: Existing Registries:

Submitted on: 11 April 2006

Working Group Draft Initial Report:

Submitted on: 16 June 2006

GNSO Initial Report Introduction of New Generic Top-Level Domains:

Submitted on: 28 July 2006

Working Group Initial Report:

Submitted on: 03 August 2006

Working Group Draft Final Report:

Submitted on: 18 February 2007

Working Group Final Report:

Submitted on: 20 April 2007

GNSO Adoption of the Final Report:

Adopted on: 09 August 2007

The following is an extract from the GNSO Council meeting minutes:
The GNSO Council supports by a supermajority vote the recommendations, as a whole, as set out in the Final Report of the Policies for Contractual Conditions Existing Registries, PDP Feb 06 going forward to the ICANN Board.

Public Comment Prior to ICANN Board Consideration:

Submitted on: 10 August 2007

GNSO Council Report to the ICANN Board:

Submitted on: 04 October 2007

ICANN Board Resolution Text Approving the GNSO Recommendations:

Adopted on: 26 June 2008

The following is an extract from the ICANN Board meeting minutes:
Summary: Resolved (2008.06.26.02), based on both the support of the community for New gTLDs and the advice of staff that the introduction of new gTLDs is capable of implementation, the Board adopts the GNSO policy recommendations for the introduction of new gTLDs [see link for details]

ICANN Board Resolution Text to Implement the New gTLD Program:

Adopted on: 20 June 2011

The following is an extract from the ICANN Board meeting minutes:
Summary: Resolved (2011.06.20.01), the Board authorizes the President and CEO to implement the new gTLD program which includes the following elements [see link for details]

Implementation Details:

  • Please refer to the New gTLD Program Site
  • Any changes to an agreement with existing gTLDs were concluded via contract renegotiations upon contract expiration.