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Questions tagged [xarray]

xarray is a Python module for working with N-dimensional arrays

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Earth Engine client library not initialized when using a dask cluster and xarray?

I'm trying to test running a simple math operation client-side using xee, an xarray extension for the Google Earth Engine API. When I set up the Dask client and run the compute() method I keep getting ...
Adriano Matos's user avatar
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xee: Total request size (56623104 bytes) must be less than or equal to 50331648 bytes

I am using xee, an extension of xarray to work with data from Google Earth Engine. I am trying to test computing NDVI through an xarray of Landsat imagery, but I keep getting this error. EEException: ...
Adriano Matos's user avatar
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Create .nc file from multiple tif files : metadata time

I'm trying to create a single .nc file with 3 dimensions : x,y and time. In order to do so I have multiple tif files named by their date : 2013-04-24_Turb.tif for the 24-04-2013. I would like to do ...
Aurélien Lengrand's user avatar
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All-NaN slice encountered when apply xr_phenology function?

I want calculate vegetation phenology from ndvi netcdf dataset, I follow yours tutorials (DEA Australia and DEA Africa) to apply xr_phenology function , defined here. To avoid killed kernel of my ...
tazrart's user avatar
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Invert latitude of NetCDF in Python / xarray

I thought it would be straight up, but I don't find a question like this one here. I created a NetCDF out of a GeoTIFF, but it did not have coordinates or CRS. I added it doing this: coords = { 'time' ...
ImanolUr's user avatar
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rioxarray.open_rasterio() won't close a file when using it with a context manager

I am writing some unit tests to test reading in raster data into an xr.Dataset data structure via the rioxarray.open_rasterio() method. The code creates a test raster to read into rioxarray....
Adriano Matos's user avatar
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Performance difference between xarray open_mfdataset and open_dataset

I'm dealing with CMIP6 Scenariomip data, I have eight ESMs precipitation grid that each one is composed by multiple netcdf files. There is one ESMs's netcdf files are seperately reserved every decade, ...
孟泽楷's user avatar
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Low performance when writing a large xarray.DataArray with dask

I'm preprocessing HMASR data, the data contains multiple data files with format of netcdf, and each tile (1X1 degree) is a nc file. So I read it through xarray open_mfdataset() to mosaic it spatially ...
孟泽楷's user avatar
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While exporting the rasters using rioxarray, nodata value is undefined after the mask

I have used xarray to open the netcdf file, and using rioxarray exported the raster as a .tif file. However, the exported raster doesn't have definition for nodata value, and hence, the GIS software ...
hillsonghimire's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'Dataset' object has no attribute 'rio' when using a LocalCluster from dask.distributed

I am trying to parallelize a function that uses a zarr datacube read from an s3 bucket to perform some calculations. However, when using a LocalCluster from dask.distributed, I lose the .rio accessor ...
LaserGlaciers's user avatar
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xarray : no such file directory

I'm trying to transform a .nc file in .tiff using this code : import xarray as xr import rioxarray as rio nc_file = xr.open_dataset("C:/Users/aurel/OneDrive/Documents/Mémoire/Datasets/CCI_lake/...
Aurélien Lengrand's user avatar
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How can I extract the array indices from a operation?

I have a line of code that clips a Dataset from a larger xarray.core.dataset.Dataset. clipped =[user_polygon], crs=4326, all_touched=True) I need to process many of these large datasets (...
John's user avatar
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Buffer Error when using xarray

When I tried to using python package "xarray" to read grib files, I got an error. It's quite weird, because I had did it successfully yesterday. This is my code: import xarray as xr import ...
qingsong's user avatar
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Gridworkflow intersection with other spatial objects such as a geodataframe

I am working with a large GridWorkFlow object; I am not able to load all the tiles due to in-memory compute resources (24.00 GB mem 8 CPU) and do not need to either. I am interested in intersecting ...
rnnnn200333's user avatar
3 votes
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How to write CRS info to NetCDF in a way QGIS can read? (Python/Xarray)

I have a NetCDF file I have subset by geometry and time, and now I need to save it as a new NetCDF file. The original file does not have the CRS set, thus I am setting it in this one. The problem is ...
MKF's user avatar
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QGIS crashes with "bad_alloc" when processing NetCDF file using xarray

I need to merge multiple NetCDF files in a QGIS plugin I am developing. I'm using xarray to do so, however, QGIS crashes with the error "Critical: Caught unhandled std::exception: std::bad_alloc&...
Francis Lapointe's user avatar
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Change dtype of coordinates NetCDF

I was wondering how to change the dtype from float32 to float64 of coordinates. I can run the following code in the terminal ncap2 -s 'lat=double(lat); lon=double(lon)' How ever ...
sss's user avatar
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Transform ee.ImageCollection to xr.Dataset in Python (via Colab)

I am trying to transform an ee.ImageCollection (Landsat) for a Region of Interest into an xr.Dataset so I can further process the data and ultimately export as a .csv. I have tried using the library ...
richard.turner's user avatar
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Extract nearest values from NetCDF file in Python

I have a NetCDF database (link to file) obtained from Copernicus Climate Data of ~43k unevenly spaced values around the world. Instead of being indexed using (lat, lon) it uses a sequence of 'stations'...
terauser's user avatar
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How to open NetCDF4-CF files from SMAP in xarray

I've downloaded a list of netCDF4-CF files from SMAP (Following this guide in jupyter notebook) to get daily soil moisture data over 2020 in South Sudan. The result is a series of .nc files that I ...
Nick Slanec's user avatar
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Landsat from Planetary Computer unexpectedly turns up all no data in some regions

Using some code that gathers Landsat 8 collections from Microsoft Planetary Computer into Open Data Cube xarray using a stac search works fine in some regions but in others returns all nan values. ...
jeremyg19's user avatar
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Loading geospatial datasets with rioxarray

I'm using xarray to open and reproject some .grib files. The files have x, y, and time dimensions and contain several data variables. However, I have some issues with loading the data. Loading them ...
Felix's user avatar
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Extending raster after rasterizing geodataframe using geocube

I have created rasterized a geodataframe using geocube make_geocube. The resulting xr.Dataset now has the extent of the underlying geodataframe vector data. Say, the bounding box would be covering ...
ChipChap's user avatar
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GeoTIFF from Dataset is very weight and with three bands instead of one

I need to compute the NDVI from an xarray Dataset created using this solution. I've used a for loop to read all the GeoTIFFs in my folder and the result is this: <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: ...
MaxDragonheart's user avatar
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Memory filled with Xarray concat function

I'm facing in trouble related to the limit of my RAM. On my PC I have 32GB of RAM that is totaly filled from the concat of some DataArray. I've create e simple function below to read a single band of ...
MaxDragonheart's user avatar
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Using Python (in Colab), how to convert a multiband ee.Image into an ee.ImageCollection?

I ultimately want to convert an ee.Image to an xarray object so I can further process the data. I know the library wxee can do that with ee.ImageCollection.wx.to_xarray(). However, it requires an ee....
Camila's user avatar
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Saving extracted array into new NetCDF file

I have a NetCDF file which looks like this: <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (time: 180, d2: 2, lat: 180, lon: 360) Coordinates: * time (time) object 2000-01-15 12:00:00 ... 2014-12-15 12:...
gis_grad_student's user avatar
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Using rioxarray clip_box function does not return anything

I am trying to clip an xarray dataarray (or dataset, either one) to a bounding box using the rioxarray clip_box() function. My dataarray is 24 hours of temperature data for the continental US. My ...
yeet_man's user avatar
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Interpolate irregularly sampled data to a regular grid

I'm using .nc files with spatially referenced timeseries data in xarray, i.e. inherently 3-dimensional data (lat, lon, time). My issue is, that the dataset's coordinates lat and lon are merged to a ...
Jonny32418's user avatar
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Saving plot from .nc file without showing the plot

I am trying to save the sequence of plots of 24 hours of ERA5 data from .nc file without plotting them. I am using xarray for reading .nc data. Here is my code: import xarray as xr import matplotlib....
pwnkit's user avatar
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