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When i save my xarray DataAarray the coordinates are wrong

I have three 3x3 arrays that are downsampled data from NOAA's Global Hydro Estimator (smaller to make it quicker for testing). One array is lats, one is lons, and one is rainfall. Here's a sample lons:...
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Xarray computing of a new variable on the basis of the existing one

I have netcdf file with calculated average temperature (°F). My goal is to create new data variable within the same file with cooling / heating degree days using that average. This format is totally ...
nomad_gis's user avatar
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NetCDF stretched along Y (latitude) axis

I'm working with NOAA temperature NetCDF files and trying limit area of interest to the US area only using bounding box. In Jupyter Notebook I wrote few lines to do it and on the plot everything looks ...
nomad_gis's user avatar
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Unable to read GRIB datas with XArray

I used this code to read grib data import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import xarray as xr path = "gfsanl_4_2019101000.g2" os.chdir(path) ds = xr.open_dataset('...
Berke Şentürk's user avatar
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Converting NOAA's World Ocean Database NetCDF files to tabular data using Python

I'm trying to convert variables from NetCDF files to tabular data, but can't understand how to group observations by some index or key variable. For example, when loading data from WOD queries using ...
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