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Buffer Error when using xarray

When I tried to using python package "xarray" to read grib files, I got an error. It's quite weird, because I had did it successfully yesterday. This is my code: import xarray as xr import ...
qingsong's user avatar
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Looking up whole time-series for specific point from 45 GB file

I want to look-up 8760 times for a single lat/lon combo in less than a second from 43.82 GB file of wind data containing: 8760 times (every hour in a year) 721 latitudes (every 0.25° from -90.0° to ...
user212905's user avatar
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Why do rioxarray reprojection and pyproj transform give different values when selecting a pixel by point coordinates?

I'm opening this grib file using rioxarray and reprojecting to WGS84 in the following manner with the goal of grabbing pixel values by coordinates. import rioxarray url = 'https://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds....
JWB's user avatar
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Reading grib file without extension using Xarray

Is it possible to read a file without an extension from Xarray and let Xarray infer the correct datatype? Context: I downloaded files with .Z compression from An example ...
PPR's user avatar
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Unable to read GRIB datas with XArray

I used this code to read grib data import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import xarray as xr path = "gfsanl_4_2019101000.g2" os.chdir(path) ds = xr.open_dataset('...
Berke Şentürk's user avatar