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Questions tagged [relation]

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5 votes
1 answer

Automatically fill in attributes of parent feature in QGIS

I have a data table that holds different information about buildings in a GeoPackage. Different elements of the buildings can be entered, e.g. sometimes I only have the building as a whole, sometimes ...
C.-F. Vintar's user avatar
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Merging queries to return ways/nodes that are within relations matching criteria using Overpass API

Motivation - I am currently processing a number of relations matching criteria and then doing an additional query to get all the ways/nodes within those relations. . Goal - I'm trying to simplify this ...
RyPope's user avatar
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Show selection of point in relation of a vector field?

I have two files, vector "streets" a series of point "civic numers" or "address" I want to select a random street and have the field selection of the relative civic ...
Pietro Batoni's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

QGIS Setup n:m relation to enable cross-layer search

In QGIS I want to set up a n:m relation between two tables "parcels" (polygons) and "owners" (no geometry). Both share a field index1 (containing of numbers and letters) by which ...
sn1ks's user avatar
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Expression-based table relation in QGIS, avoiding joins and relates

In QGIS 3.18. I have two tables, one as a part of a .shp and the other a tab-delimited .txt with no geometry: my .shp attribute table contains a list of sites, and my .txt table contains a list of ...
pete's user avatar
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Opening one corresponding related table in attribute form for selected feature in multipolygon in QGIS

I have MultiPolygon A with 9 features, each feature should be described by one non-spatial attribute table with 10 - 500 features. I tried to create 9 relations like A-to-Table1, A-to_Table2 ...A-to-...
Olha Marinich's user avatar
1 vote
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N:M relation in QGIS with custom form in Qt Designer

The manual: describes how to create a N:M relation and how to use it with ...
user104475's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Counting the number of relations

In QGIS I created a one-to-many relation between a polygon layer and a non-geometry table, so it has multiple lines for each feature in the polygon layer. My question now is how can I count how many ...
Felippe M.'s user avatar
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How to list relationed objects on QGIS expression for HTML tips

I have two layers with an 1-N relationship The parent layer, "RADAR" is a point layer, while the child layer, "FAIXA_RADAR" is a tabular without geometry layer. To make feature ...
Rafael Leite's user avatar
1 vote
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QGIS best way for capturing features without geometry and child features

I have two (PostGIS) layers in my QGIS (3.18) project and I defined a relation between them. The first layer PARENT has no geometry. The second layer CHILD is the child layer and has a geometry. In ...
Peter's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Handling multiple selections result in "Value Relation Widget" in QGIS

Using the "Allow multiple selections" in the "Value Relation Widget" results in {value1,value2,...}. But arrays in QGIS are written like ['value1','value2',...]. How do I handle ...
MartinMap's user avatar
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0 votes
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Where are QuickOSM relations?

When I use quickOSM in QGIS to download OSM data, I check the "relations" option, but then? My need is the following : Download OSM data for a specific area In the table for the "point&...
Ailurus24's user avatar
2 votes
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QGIS Hidden attributes not hidden in Relations

I have a PostGIS view, which a referencing layer for another layer for many to one relation in QGIS. I have hidden the following fields id, table_name, oid of the postgis view so that the user would ...
Nil's user avatar
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QGIS Atlas attributes

So I have two layers. First one is line layer (columns: id, length, address_id) and atlas is connected to it so when I change objects, map is zooming to next line. Secound is point layer (columns: ...
asham's user avatar
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6 votes
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QGIS N:M relations - possibility to edit multiple features?

I have a working QGIS project with multiple relations and all is well until I try the Toggle multi edit mode for N:M relations. I'm working with QGIS 3.10+ (3.14.16) and Windows and PostGIS. Is it ...
Sanna Jokela's user avatar

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