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Questions tagged [precision]

The number of significant digits used to store numbers, particularly coordinate values.

2 votes
4 answers

Reducing decimal places of coordinates in vector data using QGIS

I have polygon vector data, some of the polygons are imported from another 3D program (Agisoft Metashape). The imported polygons have up to 12 decimal places in the displayed coordinates (attribute ...
chrissi's user avatar
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Navigating to a point with cm accuracy

I am due to install some monitoring points for a field experiment. I have a GNSS receiver (Arrow 100) and so can record the location of my monitoring points with a high degree of accuracy. I am ...
lauralizzy's user avatar
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DCELL cell type is set automatically for raster after r.resamp.interp

After interpolation with r.resamp.interp with bilinear method DCELL cell type is set for raster. When I export it with r.out.gdal I get a precision loss error, as I export it as Float32 (PCRaster ...
Nikolay Yasinskiy's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Dropping nearly-identical point locations with GeoPandas

I have a GeoDataFrame (gdf) of several thousand point locations. I want to drop duplicate records from the gdf - that is, records with the same attribute information and the same location. However, ...
neirbom9's user avatar
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ST_ReducePrecision function does not work properly

I am trying to use ST_ReducePrecision to reduce the number of characters, because of the character limit in power bi cells. ST_AsText(ST_ReducePrecision(ST_Transform(geom, 4326), 0.000001)) The result ...
Matheus Clarkson's user avatar
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Changing number to bigger than 999 in QGIS

In QGIS 3.28 on Windows, there is a shapefile originally created in QGIS that was imported and worked on in ArcGIS. Now, when I reopen the file in QGIS, the real numbers have a width of 18 instead of ...
i.i.k.'s user avatar
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Does ArcGIS Pro have a tool like PostGIS ST_ReducePrecision?

Is there a tool in ArcGIS Pro to reduce the precision of a geometry in a dataset, similar to I want to use it on a file geodatabase dataset ...
joosthoek's user avatar
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1 answer

QGIS input coordinate precision

I imported a point geometry layer into QGIS using a delimited text file (CSV) that contained the latitude and longitude values projected in CRS WGS84-EPSG:4326 with 6 decimal places (e.g. 38.145695). ...
guls's user avatar
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2 answers

Tell GeoPandas the number of significant figures to use when writing GeoJSON geometries

I have a GeoDataFrame gdf. I write its contents to a GeoJSON: gdf.to_file("example.geojson") which works. However, each geometry is specified to 16 significant figures, which is an overkill ...
zabop's user avatar
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How to store a featureclass's Domain, Resolution and Tolerance when migrating to PostGIS?

I'd like to copy a featureclass from an Esri Geodatabase into PostGIS and have it retain the Domain, XY Resolution and XY Tolerance values associated with it. I don't see a table in PostGIS (or in the ...
Kirk Kuykendall's user avatar
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Precision of latitude / longitude in history

I am looking to assign a likely precision value for a point based on the decade when the measurement was made. Lets say that in the 1910's the precision widely available would be to two decimal places....
D.W. Murray's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does casting geometry to box2d give different precision from 2 databases

I have a postgresql 9.0 DB with postgis extension that I have migrated to another server running postgresql 11.13. Visual inspection of the tables shows matching data in raw form. E.g.: When ...
Sean's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Tool for exporting vector layer in QGIS

I am looking for a tool in the toolbox which gives me exactly the options that "Export Layer" is giving me (see screenshot) because I want to use it in a model. For example, I want to cut ...
Enzo Baldini's user avatar
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Uncertainty in estimating a polygon area in GEE

I have 2 methods to compute the area of a polygon: Using the dedicated method: ee.Feature.area() Summing the area of each pixels of an image reduced to the polygon using ee.Image.reduceRegion() ...
tmth's user avatar
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2 answers

Change in coordinate precision with ogr2ogr moving from GDAL 2 to 3

I'm migrating some old code from GDAL 2 to GDAL 3. I use ogr2ogr to import a shapefile into PostGIS like this: ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL -nln mwe PG:"host=localhost user=myuser" mwe.shp -...
Charlie Lefrak's user avatar

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