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Questions tagged [csv]

A comma-separated values (CSV) file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain-text form.

79 votes
3 answers

Converting Pandas DataFrame to GeoDataFrame

This seems like a simple enough question, but I can't figure out how to convert a Pandas DataFrame to a GeoDataFrame for a spatial join? Here is an example of what my data looks like using df.head(): ...
atkat12's user avatar
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50 votes
4 answers

Joining non-spatial CSV file to spatial data (shapefile) using QGIS

I have a CSV file which has postcode data in a field, but it is non-spatial e.g. no Easting and Northing. I have a shapefile with postcode in a field and some additional data. I want to join the ...
gisuser's user avatar
  • 545
48 votes
8 answers

Exporting attribute table to Excel from QGIS

I have seen all the questions for how to export an attribute table to Excel from QGIS, and I try all the answers like copy paste, CSV (in fact this I do not know where to find), but none seems to be ...
Po Po's user avatar
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36 votes
7 answers

Changing CSV layer attribute value from text to number in QGIS?

I read in a CSV file for linking to a .shp file. All the variables that are just numbers came in as text. How do I change the text variables to numeric in QGIS?
HealthMaps's user avatar
24 votes
4 answers

Creating buffer in meters

Objective Given a list of coordinates in longitude/latitude, stored as a .csv file, I want to create a buffer with distance of x km around those coordinates. (In case this is relevant, these ...
Herr K.'s user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

Converting shapefile to CSV including attributes and geometry

I have a shapefile with 60k+ entries, all of which are polygons with corresponding attributes (acreage totals, landowner names, tax ID #s, etc.). What I ultimately need is a CSV file with all of ...
Rikk's user avatar
  • 231
20 votes
1 answer

Performing QGIS modeler multiple raster calculations with data from external CSV?

I need to perform multiple calculations on a set of rasters based on values in a CSV metadata file. I'm using the QGIS graphical modeler and can call a specific field in a CSV with the Table and ...
HDunn's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

How to export Polygons to CSV with coordinates?

I am very new to QGIS, so please bear with me. I have a ".shp" file, which is contains a set of boundaries for suburbs of Australia. I opened it to QGIS and I would like to export it into a CSV file ...
ericbae's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Converting line shapefile into CSV with nodes and links

Is there a way to convert a linear shapefile into a CSV file of the following format: Node_1 Node_2 attribute_1 .... attribute_x 1 2 "hello" .... 567845.334 I have looked at GDAL/OGR2OGR ...
dassouki's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Importing polylines and polygons into QGIS from CSV

I want to import a large number of polylines and/ or polygons into one one or more QGIS layers in order to plot the data. Each will only have simple attributes (e.g. name). I need to know: The ...
Tim Fowler's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Accessing existing instance of QGIS in stand-alone Python script

For my own data analysis pipeline, I am running a split screen setup with IPython notebooks on one side, generating variables from source data, pushing them to a CSV file which QGIS then reads/joins ...
ako's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Join CSV file to shapefile using gdal/ogr

I have a shapefile with several attributes, for example "YEAR", "COUNTY", and "AREA". I also have a CSV file with more fields that I want in the shapefile, such as "...
Lincoln Mullen's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

Preparing CSV files for use in ArcGIS Desktop?

How do I prepare CSV files for use in ArcGIS Desktop. I ask because I have some troubles using CSV files because ArcGIS attributes wrong field types to my columns and also misinterprets special ...
Dspanes's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Creating CSV with geometry as WKT in QGIS (with choosing field delimiter)

Is there a way to choose the field delimiter when exporting a CSV with geometry as wkt in QGIS? I have a shapefile with donut holes and I'd like to export it as a CSV. It's for a partner whose DB ...
fgcarto's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Exporting point layer from QGIS to CSV file

I have saved waypoints from my Garmin as gpx and have successfully imported them into QGIS. Is there a way to now export the layers into a csv file with coordinates? I've tried the export to csv but ...
Peter Cornelissen's user avatar

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