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Questions tagged [excel]

Excel is a spreadsheet application from Microsoft with native *.xls and *.xlsx formats.

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Cannot open xls file using Python in ArcGIS Pro 3.1.2

I have the following code: import arcpy arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True coordinates = r"C:\Tiedostot\folder1\coordinates.xls\Sheet1$" print(arcpy.Exists(coordinates)) cursor = arcpy.da....
cloudberry's user avatar
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Absence of Excel number script coordinates

I have written the following script code and it has given me the monthly data of the annual growth of wheat from 2000 to 2023 in the form of graphs and Excel. Then I have added the slope of the ...
Jabar Razie's user avatar
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Exporting MXD file from ArcMap to PDF using ArcPy not retaining embedded Excel tables when converted to PDF

How can I alter my script so that the Excel tables embedded in my MXD are displayed when converting to PDF? import arcpy import os mxd_path = r"D:\CROQUIS_PYTHON\MXD" pdf_path = r"D:\...
Yonander tomaylla yupanqui's user avatar
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Openpyxl module not working QGIS 3.34.7 when data is added. Why?

i tried write excel file using openpyxl module. CODE: log = [['ID', 'LAYER NAME', 'ADA', 'ERROR DESC', 'REMARKS'], ['', 'cable_assignment', '', 'Duplicates Values In CableAssignmet'...
Velugoti Venkateswarlu's user avatar
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Export attribute table to Excel without vertex-points

When exporting an attribute table the amount of vertex points (correct?) sometimes makes multiple rows in Excel. Is there a simple way to stop that?
Åke Eriksson's user avatar
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Drawing routes (on road shapefile) between X,Y coordinates in QGIS

I've got a column with 300 of start points and 300 of end points (X,Y coordinates for each point). I now want each row in the column to connect with each other (e.g. X,Y Coordinate for Start Point, ...
A M's user avatar
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Adding photo in QGIS Attribute table and exporting in Excel

I want to export an attribute table in Excel with photos visible in table but in Excel in QGIS is visible like path-link, but I want to be a photo. Any idea?
Tania D.'s user avatar
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Select features by joining table in QGIS

I have .shp layer with field "FIELD_1" in the attribute table (5000 records). I have also Excel file with field "FIELD_2" in the attribute table (1600 records). I want to select in ...
com's user avatar
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Joining Excel to attribute table

Im working with ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap), trying to create a geodatabase. So I have a bunch of coordinate points to create polygons and an excel full of attribute data about those polygons. What ...
Erin Tesden's user avatar
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Calculating intersection of a line segment with a circle on Earth's surface from latitude and longitude coordinates

I'm working on a problem where I need to determine if a line segment between two geographical points on the Earth's surface, intersects with a circle on the Earth's surface, defined by a central point ...
AM-A's user avatar
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Setting up a dynamic spreadsheet to join with feature layer in ArcMap

I am building a map of about 500 storage units that are being acquired and relocated, each unit is represented as a polygon. Each polygon is coded by Unit Number and will go through about 5 different ...
kkaszas's user avatar
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Creating Streams from endpoints and NHD Stream Layer using ArcGIS Pro with Spatial Analyst

I have a dataset for instream flow water rights that delineates the length of stream based on upstream and downstream endpoints and the miles of stream. I'm trying to create a GIS layer for this ...
Bri's user avatar
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Sorting coordinates as per polygon in QGIS

I have a list of our sales lead locations in Excel with their coordinates. What I wish to do is that I need to sort those coordinates as per the condition if they lie within a certain polygon or not. ...
VVstack43's user avatar
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How to write AGOL data into an Excel sheet using FME

I am using the AGOL feature service reader to read in the data and then writing to an Excel file. In the Excel writer parameters I have set the template file and sheet and set the mode to "update&...
Will97's user avatar
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How to use an Excel file (.xlsx) in QGIS

So I have an Excel file where I want to use built in Excel features such as restrict data type in columns etc. but I want to use QGIS to display the data. I know that I can change it to a CSV file ...
axel_ande's user avatar
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