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Questions tagged [clip]

To limit or reduce the extent of one dataset by the extents or boundary of another.

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Google Earth Engine script for cropping land use Image collection to shp and producing csv aggregate output

I'm new to Google Earth Engine and hoping to get some help. I'm using ee.ImageCollection("GOOGLE/DYNAMICWORLD/V1") to look at land use types (specifically tree cover - band 1) within a ...
Amber's user avatar
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Clip polygon with vector points freehand

I am trying to crop/clip a polygon with overlapping vector data points in QGIS, so that I can extract all points from a certain area. However, I want to clip not based on the polygon but on a freehand ...
Nat's user avatar
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How to Output Singlepart features When Clipping in ArcGIS Pro

I'm trying to clip two different layers together in ArcGIS Pro but I just discovered it seems like all the clip tools I've tried (clip, pairwise clip, clip layer, intersect) will condense the ...
Nahotnoj's user avatar
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How to keep attributes after a clipping operation in PyQGIS?

I'm trying to do a spatial clipping operation between 2 point layers, representing buildings and earthquakes, and a buffer area created by the user. The problem is that after operation, all attributes ...
Salvatore Diolosà's user avatar
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Clip data in GeoPandas to keep everything not in polygons

I have two shapefiles. One is Point Data (Call it Adj). The other is a polygon(s) shape file. I want to clip the data to keep only the points that are not in the polygons. Is there an easy way to do ...
Ekkehardt Rosasee's user avatar
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How to use ogr2ogr -clipdstsql?

This works (A), $ ogrinfo -dialect SQLITE -sql "SELECT ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON ((120.81313 24.18337 ... Layer name: SELECT OGRFeature(SELECT):0 POLYGON ((120.702569638856 24....
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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3d lines cut below and above a surface (ground)

I have dgn and dxf formatted CAD 3D lines which are "cables" below the ground. These cables are sometimes 1m below ground and sometimes 50cm and 10cm etc., below the ground. I have ...
Malla's user avatar
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Check to make sure layers overlap before clipping - Python script

I'm trying to clip the above raster dataset to each of the ecoregions (outlined in black) in this state with a Python script. I have a function in my script that does this without a problem when the ...
Luis's user avatar
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Clipping MODIS HDF file in Python

I am trying to clip MODIS Land Surface Temperature in Python for a defined extent. Even though the files have been clipped, the size (X x Y) of the new file is changed. So when I plot the new data, ...
Ashish Ganesh's user avatar
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How to clip a hole with ogr2ogr? [duplicate]

ogr2ogr has a rich set of clip options, e.g., -clipsrc [<xmin> <ymin> <xmax> <ymax>]| WKT|<datasource>|spat_extent But how can I clip the same sized hole instead?
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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Clipping buffers by Unique ID

I am doing my thesis on worldwide river discharge data availability. I need to know how to cut buffers with their corresponding vector/polygon that have an unique ID. I have stations worldwide with ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Map exported from Google Earth Engine does not get clipped in QGIS

This is the GEE script I used to show a cassification product. The resulting map in GEE is clipped correctly to the border that I ...
Paris's user avatar
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QGIS 3.34 has problems clipping USGS SGMC data

I recently downloaded the entirety of the SGMC dataset from the USGS site. The website for this data is at I selected the shapefile ...
Carl Huxohl's user avatar
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How to clip a raster file using a GeoJSON?

I am trying to clip or crop out the area of interest from a multi-spectral tiff file downloaded from Sentinel-2, using Rasterio and GeoPandas. For reference here are the code snippets - import ...
Anurag-Sharma's user avatar
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Clip raster to specified extent

I want a clip a raster to a specified extent of a shapefile (polygon), I usually use clip raster tool in ArcGIS Pro, my raster cell size is 10 m and when I clip it using the tool the generated raster ...
Omab's user avatar
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Compressing clipped rasters (batch process) in QGIS

I am brand new to QGIS. I need to clip and compress 30 drone rasters. I do not know how to enter the command into the batch process window to compress the images. Right now, the only settings I have ...
Molly's user avatar
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Seeking cookie cutting instructions [duplicate]

I'm used to MapInfo so are there basic QGIS instructions on how to use one shape to cut a shape out of another shape in a vector layer? I realise it's not referred to as cookie-cutting in QGIS. I don'...
Mbh's user avatar
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Croping a layer to match another one in QGIS [closed]

I am running an experiment to compare several layer of the same AOI however some layers are larger than the others. In order for my experiment to work, the layers should show the exact same AOI ...
David Smith's user avatar
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Symbology changes when clipping raster QGIS

I'm using land cover/land use .tif imagery available at the Esri living atlas (
Camila Valdés Cardona's user avatar
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Clip a imagecollection with a feature of the AOI shape

I calculated the NDWI with values greater than 0. On the other hand, I loaded a shape, like AOI, which contain diferents ponds if one with an id. I would like to clip the NDWI imagecollection with the ...
Lua Vita's user avatar
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Raster Clipping not following the output extent

I'm having trouble with clipping raster in ArcGIS. I have a raster file that I want to clip in my study area (shapefile). I use the Clip Raster tool under the Data Management Tools, however the result ...
zxz_341's user avatar
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Save images of raster layer based on polygon - QGIS

i have a background raster layer and a vector layer with different polygons. Is it possible to save "images" from the raster layer that are within each polygon? I have 100 polygons and would ...
Magnus_Garl's user avatar
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Clipping hosted features using ArcGIS Pro

I added two input layers. I did Add Data, then in the file folder I went to the Portal. From there I added one layer from "My Groups", and another layer from "ArcGIS Online". I ...
Henry 's user avatar
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Specify layer when using a geopackage in ogr2ogr

I want to clip a vector-layer by another layer with ogr2ogr as explained here. I always struggle to find out how to refer to a layer in ogr2ogr for input and output. Does anyone have a quick tip?
Lenn's user avatar
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How to clip satellite base map into polygons [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a model to detect trees within the boundary of a country in QGIS 3.34. So far, I'm using the Google Maps Satellite base map from QuickMapServices. I created a vector layer where I ...
Bartek's user avatar
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Deleting all adjacent small road lines perpendicular to buffer using ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.1.2. I clipped all road lines inside a buffer. However, some small adjacent road segments are within the network. Is there a tool or option that can get rid of this small part ...
GIS Noh's user avatar
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Clip function for QGIS plugin is not accurate

I am trying to build a QGIS plugin using QGIS 3.28.14, python 3.9 and in VS code environment. The problem is that when I use Native: Clip function, the resulted file has smaller area than the area I ...
Sudipta Roy's user avatar
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Rectangular Clipped Segments

I am trying to create four separate clipped quadrants to my full .laz file (See Figure 01). I was able to clip one quadrant of (number 03 in figure 01), but am struggling to identify points to clip ...
Hunter Moore's user avatar
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QGIS changes column headers and date time data after export

I have a csv that looks like this: After I convert the csv to a shape file in QGIS, edit it in QGIS (clip), then export it as a csv, the output looks like this: What do I need to do to reduce the ...
Angela Russell's user avatar
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Extracting polygon features touched by a line feature

I have polygon features (like streets or fields) and a line feature over them. I want to have all the polygon features touched by the line in a separate layer. If I run clip or intersect it only ...
QGuy's user avatar
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Error Clip Raster by Mask layer

I just want to clip the raster by vector layer for the specific area, however I get this error after running. How to fix this? QGIS version: 3.28.15-Firenze QGIS code revision: 252ad49ddc Qt version: ...
Kirkwk's user avatar
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Clipping a WebGLTileLayer in OpenLayers

I want to clip a tile layer against a vector geometry (polygon). When using a canvas renderer, there are somewhat well documented solutions to this using prerender and postrender event handlers and ...
Liedman's user avatar
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Issues with Clipping Shape of Sentinel-2 NDVI Image in Google Earth Engine Python API

I'm working on an agricultural analytics application where I need to generate NDVI images from Sentinel-2 data for user-defined polygon areas. The backend is implemented in Python using Flask and the ...
Maha Khan's user avatar
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Raster Clip by Polygon Log Error

When running the "clip raster by mask layer" tool, I come across this error and I am unsure on what to do with it. I have tried researching this problem and found a few solutions that worked ...
CaptainFishboy's user avatar
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Calculating area percentages of another vector file based on vector grid using ArcGIS Pro

I have a grid (vector file) in ArcGIS Pro, and I want to calculate the percentages of the area of different anthrome types in the other vector file (Anthromes 12K DGG Dataverse) for each grid cell. I ...
cloudberry's user avatar
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Cutting a raster based on a grid (vector file) in ArcGIS Pro, do I first have to convert them to the same coordinate system?

I have a raster file (TIFF) in WGS 1984 and a vector grid file (North America Lambert Conformal Conic). I want to average the value of the raster for each grid cell. I supposed I would first have to ...
cloudberry's user avatar
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Clip a GeoJSON layer based on polygon drawing

I want to know if is possible clip a GeoJSON layer based on a feature drawn with drawing tools in OpenLayers. I followed this steps (
Juan Pablo Rosset's user avatar
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What are steps to clip Google Satellite Layer from OpenLayers plugin? [duplicate]

I have imported the Google satellite imagery through the OpenLayers plugin. I want to clip it to a polygon shapefile in Wales. Is it possible to do this and if not what are the closest alternatives? ...
Harry Batchelor's user avatar
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Fixing Error 1 "side location conflict" using clip raster by mask layer

I use QGIS version 3.34.3 and Windows 10. what I did so far: I downloaded the data from COSMOS Europe here:
Jules's user avatar
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Only Clipping part of a vector layer with QGIS

What tool I would use if I just wanted to clip one area in a vector layer? I want to be able to make the red line extent match the green border, without clipping out the rest of the red extent (which ...
Peter McGregor's user avatar
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How to get zonal statistics of a vector map by areas from another vector map in GRASS GIS?

I have a map with areas (polygons) and another map with lines for example. Lines have multiple attributes and I want some of them to be summed and written to new columns of my areas map. Each polygon ...
Nikolay Yasinskiy's user avatar
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Clipping WMS with gdal_translate [closed]

I want to clip this WMS to a specific extent. I have tried what was suggested in these two posts, but they did not work: Trying to use ...
Isa's user avatar
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Rasterio ValueError

I am trying to clip a bunch of Landsat images with vector mask, but the Rasterio keeps hitting me with following error: ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence I have not been able to resolve it....
Catallena's user avatar
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Clipping with added "buffer"

i want to Clip my Point data (Bus Stations) through a Polygon (the City area, highlighted in the picture) but if possible include any Point data which is e.g. 500 meters around the city boundary. So ...
MarkusV's user avatar
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How to represent and manage polygons in the polar region that cross from East Russia to North America?

I'm trying to create a map of the Eastern part of Russia and the northern part of North America and I need to clip the coastline around that area. However, when I am trying to cut the section using sf ...
Carlos Alberto's user avatar
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QGIS: Clipping lat/lon points to raster file based on threshold value

Let's say I have an excel file that has a large number of lat/lon points that can be brought into QGIs such as: I then also have a raster layer that looks like the following: Each color in the above ...
Miss_Orchid's user avatar
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How to use ogr2ogr's spat_extent keyword to clip a layer of a GPKG file?

I am trying to clip geometries within a GPKG file using a bounding box. I write an L-shaped line to a file: import geopandas as gpd import shapely.geometry l = shapely.geometry.LineString([[0,2],[0,-...
zabop's user avatar
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Crop Sentinel-2 raster using a geometry leaves pixels around the edges

I want to crop Sentinel-2 images using a geometry. However, whenever I crop my image, there are some pixels around the border of the raster. For example, the image below is the band 2 of sentinel-2 ...
rrwork___'s user avatar
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Cropping georeferenced map JPEG within QGIS

I have a geology map I georeferenced in QGIS, but I want to crop out the edges/margins/legend because I have other geology maps I want to georeference and stitch next to it, but the unused margins of ...
MapDeath's user avatar
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How to crop digital elevation .tif file by coordinates with GDAL

I am using SASplanet to download satellite imagery. It has coordinates like in the photo. I want to crop larger downloaded DEM .tif file of Austria to that same coordinates, so cropped dem file will ...
Alex J.'s user avatar
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