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Google Earth Engine script for cropping land use Image collection to shp and producing csv aggregate output

I'm new to Google Earth Engine and hoping to get some help. I'm using ee.ImageCollection("GOOGLE/DYNAMICWORLD/V1") to look at land use types (specifically tree cover - band 1) within a ...
Amber's user avatar
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Map exported from Google Earth Engine does not get clipped in QGIS

This is the GEE script I used to show a cassification product. The resulting map in GEE is clipped correctly to the border that I ...
Paris's user avatar
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Clip a imagecollection with a feature of the AOI shape

I calculated the NDWI with values greater than 0. On the other hand, I loaded a shape, like AOI, which contain diferents ponds if one with an id. I would like to clip the NDWI imagecollection with the ...
Lua Vita's user avatar
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Issues with Clipping Shape of Sentinel-2 NDVI Image in Google Earth Engine Python API

I'm working on an agricultural analytics application where I need to generate NDVI images from Sentinel-2 data for user-defined polygon areas. The backend is implemented in Python using Flask and the ...
Maha Khan's user avatar
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Getting imagery in Google Earth Engine

Is it OK to flatten several features into a single one before obtaining the raster data? I have several AOIs in the form of GeoJSON files. I open them using AOI01 = geemap.geojson_to_ee('path/to/AOI01....
terauser's user avatar
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GEE - Is there a way to divide an image to a set number of rows and columns, then export those smaller images?

I have a square over the area of interest. What I want to do is split the image that I've clipped from the square into 64 smaller squares, or maybe less like 16 smaller squares. After which I will ...
Ace Orolfo's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine [closed]

I tried to visualize the imagery but it told me there were no bands to visualize, what might be the problem?
Levice's user avatar
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Small parts of a pixel not showing WITHIN the boundaries of the shapefile, when a clip function is applied to an image collection in GEE

I am trying to clip a sea-surface temperature (SST) dataset to the coastal waters surrounding the Australian coastline. I have done this fairly successfully, but in a few small areas the SST pixel is ...
Jcd's user avatar
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Unable to transform edge error when clipping ImageCollection in Google Earth Engine

I am attempting to clip an ImageCollection in GEE, but I keep getting the error "Unable to transform edge (43200.000000, 1.476288 to 43200.000000, 1.477361) from SR-ORG:6974 PLANAR [926....
KAR's user avatar
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Problem with s2cloudless and median. Image with only 1 pixel!

I found a problem when using s2cloudless mask, trying to make the composite and then clip it with a polygon. I've found this thread explaining how to use s2cloudless: Displaying the cloud free ...
Fabio DR's user avatar
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GEE clip image with another image generates new shape

Edit: I have changed the clip to updateMask function. when I print the image dimensions it seems to be ok with size, but when I export image GCS and then open again, it adds empty row /column to the ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine - Pure pixels within farm boundaries

I would like to clip a MODIS image (coarse pixel) with a farm´s limits, but only for the pixels that are fully inside the limits. Looks like when using the "clip" function, it includes a ...
Alfonso de Lara's user avatar
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Extract data for aoi from preprocessed Landsat CCDC ImageCollection using GEE Python API

I try to extract for a collection of 1 ha square polygons the bands coefficients from a preprocessed Landsat CCDC Google Earth Engine Asset ee.ImageCollection('projects/CCDC/v3'). My plan is the ...
TmtStss's user avatar
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Can't encode object: function(){var d=Fa.apply(0,arguments).map(function(e){return c.cs(e)});d=t0a(c,a,d);return c.vj(d)} [closed]

I'm having some trouble clipping images in google earth engine. The images have been clipped once before with a function laid out the exact same way but with different geography. I'm now getting ...
Kori Kurtzeborn's user avatar
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Filtering imageCollection to get only images that fully cover a specified geometry

I would like to perform a supervised classification only on the images of the collection that cover the entire geometry Domain. I used ee.Filter.contains but I get an error message in the console: ...
DreyCodjia's user avatar

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