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QGIS - clip a large amount of rasters - starting from a WMS layer

I would like to make a comparison of mangrove health and cover, between 2008 and 2022, at the scale of a region. For this, I will use a satellite imagery, taken from the plugin : "...
Giene's user avatar
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Clipping with Python gdal warp gives no output

I clipped a TIFF file using gdal warp, but it is not giving out any output clipped raster. I need help in finding why it does this and how to correct this. import gdal ras_in=gdal.Open('C:/Users/Lake....
SVpk's user avatar
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Clip raster where another raster is 1 in ArcGIS Pro

I have two raster layers. One .tiff file with precipitation. And one .tiff layer which is representing my study area. The latter layer is made with value 0 = NOT-study-area, and 1 = study-area. This ...
Menno van der Spank's user avatar
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Clipping raster and keeping only pixels that are 50% inside polygon using QGIS

I have a problem with clipping a raster with a polygon(shapefile). I have a polygon of a small river, and a sentinel 2 tif file. I want to clip the river off the sentinel image, but keep only the ...
GeoObserver's user avatar
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Cropping TIFF in Python using GDAL returns NoneType object

I tried to clip a TIFF in Python, but I always get a NoneType object instead of a gdal.Dataset. The most promising solution I've come about so far is this: t = os.path.join(dir_omk(plot)) # gives path ...
Manuel Popp's user avatar
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No data found in bounds using rioxarray to clip GeoTiff to shapefile

I get the following error when trying to clip a GeoTiff to a shapefile: "No data found in bounds." Steps to reproduce: import rioxarray as riox rain = riox.open_rasterio( "https://...
Serg's user avatar
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Splitting a BigTIFF using tifffile

I am having trouble splitting a BigTIFF. I am orginally using @Ivan code from this question. I had to modify it a bit since I am using a .tif that was larger than 4GB. Pillow does not support BigTIFFs....
Jim Jobe's user avatar
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Retaining Bounding Box after Fishnet Clip

I have a large image that contains around 7000 trees. I created a bounding box around each one of them and then saved it as a .xml file. I would now like to create different fishnet sizes and clip ...
Binx's user avatar
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From several polygons of one layer to several layers/files

I'm new in QGIS and I have a question. I am sampling an onion crop from a geottif: I need to export each single rectangle/polygon into a single tiff file. Is there a plug-in for doing so?
Miguel Carminati Sánchez's user avatar
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Error using GDAL to clip raster to KML (CRS is same for both): Cutline not of polygon type

I have a high-resolution, 4-band (RGBA) geo-tiff (22.26 Gb) with an image of an airport. I have a KML file that has a polygon for a runway. I used Google Earth to construct the KML. Both files use the ...
someguyinafloppyhat's user avatar
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Getting clipped Landsat RGB image to render correctly in ArcMap

I downloaded Landsat 8 tiff bands 1-7 into Arcmap 10.7 and then used the Composite Band tool to create a RGB raster composite image. In order to have the Landsat image render correctly I had to ...
kent 's user avatar
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How to keep the cell size fixed when clipping a NetCDF/Tiff with a shapefile using rioxarray?

I am trying to clip a Tiff raster with a shapefile. I follow the examples provided in rioxarray (here) The link to raster file (here) and shp file (here) import xarray as xr import rioxarray import ...
Ress's user avatar
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QGIS Error : Could not load source layer for INPUT

When I try to clip a layer in QGIS 3.8.1 by using the toolbox clip function, it always returns the error Could not load source layer for INPUT XXX.tif layer not found. When I manually drag and drop ...
Moni's user avatar
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How to crop TIFF image without losing classes in QGIS 3.2?

I am trying to crop a TIFF file in QGIS 3.2. What I am currently doing is going to Raster -> Extraction -> Clip Raster by Extent... . Then I type in my min and max x,y values. The new raster layer is ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Clip raster along grid in ArcGIS?

I have a topographic map of Washington as a TIFF-file from the US Geological Survey. And I'd like to clip the raster to the extent of the outer grid lines (78E/39N, 76E/39N, 76E/40N, 78E/38N). So that ...
BeneGIS's user avatar
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