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Questions tagged [buffer]

A region enclosing a point, line, or polygon at a specified distance.

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QGIS 3.34.7 Single sided buffer changes - creating unexpected result

On QGIS 3.34.7 LTR, if you try to "Single sided buffer" a self closing line/full encircle (yellow line), with a value let's say 2 meters it will create a polygon inside and the edge where ...
Marin Marian's user avatar
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Buffer without overlaps in Python

I have a set of points with respective lat/long coordinates and each point has a given value associated with it (basically a field measurement). I would like to draw buffers of a given radius around ...
André Lourenço's user avatar
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Difference of circle buffer area to calculated area in QGIS

When I create a circular buffer around a point feature in QGIS 3.36.3-Maidenhead in EPSG:25832 of a 10 km radius with 1000 segments I get 313961275.193 m² as a result. I calculate the area by typing $...
m4D_guY's user avatar
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How to create one buffer around all the points using ogr2ogr?

I know how to make a buffer around each point, $ ogr2ogr oom.csv a1.houses.csv -lco GEOMETRY=AS_WKT -dialect SQLITE -sql \ "SELECT ST_Buffer(GEOMETRY,.01,1) AS WKT FROM 'a1.houses'" $ cat ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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How to use ogr2ogr -clipdstsql?

This works (A), $ ogrinfo -dialect SQLITE -sql "SELECT ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON ((120.81313 24.18337 ... Layer name: SELECT OGRFeature(SELECT):0 POLYGON ((120.702569638856 24....
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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Incorrect distances when measuring on QGIS, leading to buffers and density maps being much larger

I have created a boat traffic map on QGIS 3.36.2. Here, I have a vector layer containing different points connected to show the boat routes in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in India. To ensure that ...
Amisha Nakhwa's user avatar
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Create 3D Cylinder in ArcGIS Pro

Is it possible to create a hollow 3D line feature in ArcGIS Pro? Something like a CAD "SOLIDEDIT" operation (I know next to nothing about CAD). I have a 3D Model of a large-diameter water ...
Keggering's user avatar
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Create distance buffer for virtual layer with categorized symbology QGIS 3.34

I want to create a virtual layer with a fixed buffer distance e.g. 1000 m from a buliding layer as input. The building layer contains information about its use in colum X of its attribute table. The ...
Kevin_S2021's user avatar
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"Buffering" raster category of raster layer in QGIS

In this raster with 300m resolution, I would like to increase the size of one category (1), creating an (approximately) 1km buffer increase. In other words: I would like to expand the borders of ...
Ana Clara's user avatar
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I have a line vector file in qgis in which I run the multi-ring buffer command to divide the area into 200m zones from the river because I want to make a flood hazard map. So I have a multi ring ...
Rafaela Zylali's user avatar
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Buffering Streams based on adjacent slope using ArcGIS Pro

Elements: Working with ArcGIS Pro 3.2.2 Line feature Class; NHD Stream Network 30mx30m raster; Slope calculated from DEM I have a stream network that needs a variable buffer. The buffer width ...
Jim Richalds's user avatar
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QGIS - SQLite trigger to create buffer but with a non-overlaping clause

I'm using an SQLite trigger to add a buffer around another "POINT" layer based on entered values. The buffers are being correctly added, but I'm encountering difficulty in preventing them ...
Giene's user avatar
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Buffering with a barrier in ArcGIS Pro?

Not sure if this is possible but I'm looking to buffer streets (black lines) and I want the buffer to stop at the edge of these parcels (pink). Is this possible?
gisgirl578's user avatar
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Making buffer around crossing point on lines intersection in QGIS

I have two line layers A and B. I need to create a point at the intersection of these layers (which is not a science using "Line intersection"). Is there a possibility to draw a new one on ...
sttipa's user avatar
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Variable buffer at defined z slope to DEM in QGIS

I am trying to introduce some basic grading tools to my QGIS workflow that would otherwise have to be done in Civil3D by another person. The basic idea is to take a polygon and buffer its vertices at ...
Ivan Heitmann's user avatar
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Creating rings with buffer as polygon in QGIS [duplicate]

I need to draw circles with a buffer in one view. It will be an area around cities. I think it can be solved with a buffer or a cutout from the circle. How can I do this?
Marek Drličiak's user avatar
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QGIS buffer concave at the front and rounded at the back

I have point layer, where points are grouped into groups - every feature has point_id and group_id. I want to generate around group of point buffer (for example 1500 meters) where front of points ...
Rii Pii's user avatar
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Seeing how far you can travel by road using QGIS [duplicate]

I have 2 layers, one with roads of an area, and other with shops of the area. What I want to do is to produce a map which could show the roads that are 100m within the shops. Note that what I want is ...
Denis Rusis's user avatar
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Buffer around outer edge of polygon

I'm working in QGIS. I have a multipolygon layer and I want to create a 1.5 mile buffer around the outer edge of each polygon. The output of the Buffer tool (set to 1.5 miles) doesn't quite reach 1.5 ...
csft306's user avatar
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Deleting all adjacent small road lines perpendicular to buffer using ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.1.2. I clipped all road lines inside a buffer. However, some small adjacent road segments are within the network. Is there a tool or option that can get rid of this small part ...
GIS Noh's user avatar
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How to infer the cordinate system dynamically from a wkt point, for create buffers?

What about if you have a multiple point of the world? How can infer the cordinate system dynamically from a place in Python, for example Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Canada, etc.? The goal is to create a ...
Cristián Vargas Acevedo's user avatar
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Pairwse Buffer using table of values

I'm trying to use a list of items that reference a distance to then use in a buffer. I'm having a hard time getting the table to work. I'm trying to create a drop down so they'd select Item1 and it ...
Davec433's user avatar
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Feature disappears when setting a buffer to a drawn feature with turf.js in OpenLayers

As shown in the code posted below, I am using turf.js to buffer a geometry. The code below shows the steps I took to do the geometry buffering. In the following step: const asOLGeom = ...
Amr's user avatar
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How to buffer a selected point in PyQGIS

I have a few random points that I generated within a polygon. I randomly selected one of the points and would like to buffer that point. In the case below, buffering will be applied to all points and ...
seak23's user avatar
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Surfer Grid Contour - Inserting a buffer (river) to contours?

Using Surfer, I am making contours using a grid. I have a river running through my extent, that I need the contours to not cross over. How can I create this buffer? I can add a shapefile of the river ...
Maggie Perry's user avatar
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Creating a one sided buffer in QGIS

I want a 3km buffer from a coastline but only on the seaward side. How would I accomplish this? I tried using difference but it didn't work I initially got a geometry error which I fixed and still no ...
Lane Simkin's user avatar
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Generating polygons with a target area from points using st_buffer

I have some point geometries which I want to turn into polygons using st_buffer. For each point I have a target area that the resulting polygon should have. Here's an example using R: library(sf) # ...
karpfen's user avatar
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Area of intersection between two polygons: TopologyException: Input geom 0 is invalid

I am trying to compute the area of the intersection of two polygons as follows: inter = geomap_ilot.sjoin(df_final_quartiers_arrond) def f(frame): """A function to calculate ...
bravopapa's user avatar
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Fixing Error 1 "side location conflict" using clip raster by mask layer

I use QGIS version 3.34.3 and Windows 10. what I did so far: I downloaded the data from COSMOS Europe here:
Jules's user avatar
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Generating centerline of a polygon feature, extending line feature - ArcGIS Pro

I am attempting to generate centerlines of polygon features using Polygon to Centerline in ArcGIS Pro. My goal in this effort is to create a straight line directly through the center of the feature. I ...
anthro_01's user avatar
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Get rid of points that are over 500m from previous time point

I have gps data from animals over time. The collars recorded the location of the animal every 15 minutes, but there are some funky points that are obviously an error as the animal could not have moved ...
Alex 's user avatar
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Why the buffer geometry column in the GeoDataFrame is in point form although it's actually in polygon form?

I wanted to create a 1.5km buffer for each geocoded point. Here's the screenshot of the geocoded points dataframe. So I overwrote the geometry column using the code below: shopping_centres['geom'] = ...
mfirdaus_96's user avatar
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PyQGIS layer action: Add buffer from clicked-on feature as temporary layer using materialize

In the workshop material "QGIS Automation using Actions", the first example "1.1 Extract a Feature from a Layer" demonstrates how one can extract any country polygon by clicking on ...
ebcs's user avatar
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Choosing projection for buffering polygons

I'm working with an application that needs to manages (lat lon) polygons all over the globe. For some reasons i need sometimes to do some operations like buffering, for more convenience, I would like ...
Magic Mushroom's user avatar
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QGIS Single sided buffer value of specific area and line length on 90 degrees lines

I need to Single Sided Buffer a specific surface based on a line length, on QGIS. Example: line length: 60.367 meters. area needed from single sided buffer: 452.4 square meters. theoretic Single ...
Marin Marian's user avatar
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Buffer set of lines in meters that span the entire USA [duplicate]

I imported a shapefile with lines that span the USA. The CRS comes in as EPSG:4326-WGS84. I want to buffer all the lines by 600 meters. The Buffer tool suggests reprojecting since only degree unit ...
user2776946's user avatar
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Calculating percentage of landuse type within buffer using Python [closed]

I have two polygon shapefiles: buffers and landuse types. I want to calculate the percentage of each landuse type within the respective buffer. The problem is that the landuse type polygons are bigger ...
Lina's user avatar
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Python toolbox in ArcGIS Pro for buffer distance

I am currently to make a Python toolbox in ArcGIS Pro to search and count for tourist attraction/activities that I can decide at some distance to at least two infrastructure facilities, and also using ...
Mathias's user avatar
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Fixing holes in the buffered polygon using PyQGIS

My script uses a buffer and dissolves to create polygons around my points. However, there are holes in between the points. I do not want to increase the distance because then it will also cover the ...
charliey's user avatar
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live ellipses around points in QGIS with orginal point still there?

First of all I have found these: Is there a way to have a 'live' buffer in QGIS and How to add a buffer in QGIS that updates itself for creating a buffer which is updating itself when I move ...
BAE_23's user avatar
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Buffering line segments that intersect another segment using a specific field value

I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.2 with an Advanced level license. I have a field (Fish) that scribes whether a stream has fish (dark blue - 100 ft buffer) or no fish(light blue- 35 ft buffer for 500ft ...
ZephyrZ's user avatar
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Buffer/expand point contained inside another polygon

I have a point at one corner of a square. I want to buffer that point with a specified size, but I don't want the buffer to extend beyond the boundary of the polygon behind it. The buffer should ...
Lars Anders Myklebust's user avatar
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How to merge sample points that are within a certain distance of each other and calculate mean attributes values for merged points in QGIS?

I have a data set like the following in .csv: sample latitude longitude variable1 variable2 variable3 A 37.18 -115.85 1 0 0 B 37.18 -115.85 1 0 0 C 37.18 -115.85 1 0 0 D 39.44 -117.66 0 1 0 E 39....
goshawk's user avatar
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Change wedge buffers from arcs to slices

I recently updated QGIS to 3.34.0 from 3.22.5 and noticed the program renders wedge buffers differently from what I'm used to. They appear as arcs around a point such as Instead of as slices of a pie ...
Nadka's user avatar
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Labeling count points within dissolved buffers in QGIS

I am using the following expression to visualize with a buffer, the nearest neighbors at a given distance: case when distance( $geometry, array_get( overlay_nearest( layer:=@layer, ...
Ingrid Ingravida's user avatar
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Buffer: shape_Area=0

I used the GPX to feature tool to add data points to my map. I draw buffers with a different radius around each point >10 m (some of them overlap). However, the column shape_Area is 0 for all the ...
Daniela's user avatar
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Trouble with Buffers using EPSG:5070 QGIS

I've been trying to create a buffer layer around point sources in QGIS. I'm using the EPSG:5070 co-ordinate system, everything I input is in this system, including the base project. I've tried ...
Reuben Dixon's user avatar
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Creating buffers to closest distances with two categories in QGIS

I would like to develop an expression that does the following nearest-neighbour analysis: From a layer of points 'point_layer', I would like to calculate for each point the distance to the nearest ...
Ingrid Ingravida's user avatar
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Create a buffer on a single LAS file using lidR

I want to create a buffer for a single LAS file in order to test different algorithims for DTM creation on a small scale before scaling up to all my files using LAScatalog. I know LAScatalog creates a ...
Walshe_d's user avatar
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RuntimeError: Illegal values for buffer size?

Does anyone know what this "RuntimeError: Illegal values for buffer size" error is? I am running on a geoTIFF. Below is the message in my terminal. I don't know if the buffer ...
lizo1122's user avatar

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