When I create a circular buffer around a point feature in QGIS 3.36.3-Maidenhead in EPSG:25832 of a 10 km radius with 1000 segments I get 313961275.193 m² as a result. I calculate the area by typing $area into the field calculator. But when I calculate it by using

Pi * r^2 = A

i get 314159265.359 m² as the area.

The buffer prompt: enter image description here

Where does the difference come from?

  • 7
    I suppose you didn't set your measurements to planimetric, or didn't use area($geometry), hence your measurements take the ellipsoid into account.
    – Erik
    Commented Jun 27 at 12:02
  • 1
    You need to specify exactly how did you calculate the polygon area in QGIS. Commented Jun 27 at 17:49
  • I used area($geometry), but that does not give me analytical result either (as every thing else is just 1, its basically the numbers of Pi and only the position of the punkt changes. I added a screenshot of the buffer prompt so you can tell how i calculated the buffer.
    – m4D_guY
    Commented Jul 1 at 12:03


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