I want to create a virtual layer with a fixed buffer distance e.g. 1000 m from a buliding layer as input. The building layer contains information about its use in colum X of its attribute table. The resulting buffer shall have a categorized symbology based on the use of the building, e.g. hospital is red, residential houses are green and so on....

Is ist also possible to create a model for that purpose? I was already able to create the buffer, but not classified according to the building use.

  • Questions should always state the exact software in use, and include a tag for that software.
    – Vince
    Commented Jun 2 at 15:32
  • For classified style, simply use Rendering Mode Categorized in Layer Styling and select the attribute. Be sure to include this attribute in the query for the virtual layer.
    – Babel
    Commented Jun 3 at 10:22
  • I know how to change the style via the rendering mode in the Layer Styling panel, but how do I include the categorized attribute in the query for the virtual layer? Commented Jun 3 at 13:53