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Location Allocation - ArcGIS Pro - The next best location

I have recently performed a location allocation analysis in ArcGIS Pro. The result gave me one single best location, but I also want to know which location is the second and third best location. Is ...
Stian's user avatar
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Source feature class is missing while creating Network Dataset from Feature dataset in ArcGIS Pro

I followed the following procedure to create Network dataset. Create a feature dataset "Road" with a feature class "Roads" Create Network Dataset from "Road" Feature ...
Thant's user avatar
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Use TomTom Data as Network Dataset to Calculate OD Cost Matrix Distance and Time

I am stuck in with configuring a network dataset using TomTom data. I used to rely on the Routing_ND network dataset provided by ESRI Business Analyst to perform OD Cost Matrix analysis. Now I am ...
Gengkui Liu's user avatar
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Junction Points in Network Dataset don't work if not located on a centerline vertex

I'm building a network dataset (Network Analyst) for routing purposes. I need to connect Driveways, which I can edit, and Centerlines, which I cannot edit (see below for explanation...) I want to ...
Jason Miller's user avatar
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Finding drive time between two points based on matching value

I am using ArcGIS Pro. I'm trying to find drive times between two points with Network Analyst. I'm trying to find the time between the origin and the destination based on a value in the origin. So if ...
user18173's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro - routing, remove short network elements and reconnect edges

I am setting up an ArcGIS Pro network for use in Network Analyst. So far things work pretty well, depart from some 1600 errors due to this kind of problem: " SourceName: linknetz, ObjectID: ...
robert tuw's user avatar
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How to create ND.nd folder with .nds files

I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.2.1. When using Network Analysis, I have to import Network Data Source which in _ND.nd format(i.e. XXXX_road_ND.nd). There are six files within the .nd folder with .nds file ...
Panda CHENG's user avatar
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The network dataset has no edge elements. It may be unbuilt. issue when trying to make a Service Area

Using ArcGIS Pro 3.0.0 I am currently attempting to create a Service Area of several stores and the road network although the error of "The network dataset has no edge elements. It may be unbuilt....
ProfGunper's user avatar
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Network analysis compare travel time between a fire truck and a helicopter [closed]

I am working with ArcGIS Pro and supposed to create a map that shows the different travel time between a fire truck and a helicopter. I'm supposed to show where the fire truck is faster than the ...
Ellen 's user avatar
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Network analysis (service area) using ArcGIS Pro

Through network analysis/service area analysis ex) While walking a certain distance through a pedestrian path, I would like to find the service coverage area of pedestrian A and pedestrian B with ...
JAY's user avatar
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Converting digitized shapefile into network in ArcGIS Pro - Standalone user-defined junction is detected

I am new to ArcGIS. I will briefly present my use case. I have an historical map of a railroad network in Italy. I have georeferenced the map and digitized it accordingly. I have now 2 shapefiles, one ...
Matteo's user avatar
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Tools for network analysis in ArcGIS Pro

I would like to do some cluster analysis. I created a clusters based on the distribution of points. Now I want to perform the next step, but I can't find the tool in ArcGIS Pro (name of the tool). I ...
Marol's user avatar
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Solve Location Allocation tool missing

I cannot find the Solve Location Allocation tool pane that should be in the Ready to Use Tools.. I have spent 3 hours trying to figure this out and no clues. I have the licensing's for Network Analyst ...
Pol SH's user avatar
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Configure OSM Data for ArcGIS Pro Network Analysis

I want to create a Network Dataset in ArcGIS Pro using OSM data downloaded and prepared using osmnx and python. My code is quite crude, but works so far. However, I am now transitioning to using it ...
RavenS's user avatar
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How to make a travel distribution map on ArcGIS Pro

I have been using GIS to make travel distribution maps using UK census data using the mid super output layers and have managed to use the network analysis tool to find the driving route from the ...
Toby Papworth's user avatar
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Find walkable routes from polygons to points

I have a dataset that contains specific census tract polygons and schools, hospitals and police stations point data. The goal is to generate walkable distance routes from the polygons to the point ...
Arthur_Morgan's user avatar
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Automated way of connecting line features with dangles in ArcGIS Pro

I have a line layer with around 9000 features. There is disconnectivity throughout the dataset Is there an automated to connect these? Attached are examples.
BenM's user avatar
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Turn point data into line while keeping order in ArcGIS Pro

I have a point dataset (ArcGIS Pro) with around 700 points (Some points are in the same place), and I need to do a route that starts at any point and goes thru all the points, without going back to ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Tracing a specified distance along a network using ArcGIS Pro

Using ArcGIS Pro 3.1. I have some starting points snapped to a network of river lines (purple in image). I would like to trace exactly 500m away from these points in either direction as below (red), ...
ffinnm's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro 3.0.4 Network Analyst service area error

I am constantly getting ERROR 030024: Solve returned a failure, in ArcGIS Pro, trying to solve service area away from the point using 56 km as a driving distance with ArcGIS Online data. Unable to ...
Roman Pilip's user avatar
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Creating OD Cost (Time) Matrix for Points and Line Shape of Road using ArcGIS Pro and Network Analyst

I am using the OD cost matrix analysis layer by referring here ( I first import 70 points (shape file)...
Kohei's user avatar
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Make Service Area is creating these feature datasets

I'm running the Make Service Area tool in ArcPy and every time it creates a feature dataset in my gdb named "ServiceAreaSolver1xxxxxx." I've ignored them but they are taking up space and are ...
Nick Welch's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro - Route Solver Multiprocessing in Standalone Script

I am using ArcGIS Pro 2.9 with an advanced single use license and a local network dataset. I am attempting to write a standalone script that takes as its input an arbitrary set of origin-destination ...
DSG4's user avatar
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How do I fix connectivity issues in Ordnance Survey Mastermap Highways Network

I have created a network dataset in ArcGIS Pro using Ordnance Survey Mastermap Highways Network (Roads and Paths) but I am unable to get the connectivity to exist between the roads and paths. This ...
Harry's user avatar
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Change network data source for single layer from local network dataset to ArcGIS Online

I'm working on a project in ArcGIS Pro using the Service Area feature of the Network Analyst extension. Initially, I created a service area layer with a local network data set, StreetMap Premium, but ...
RyanSnead's user avatar
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ModelBuilder for Route Network Analysis not finding Add Locations' Input Data

I'm building a model to measure distances (miles) and drive time (minutes) accumulated between predetermined origin and destination points. I already have this workflow down manually, but want to turn ...
rachel.passer's user avatar
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Build Network performance using ArcGIS Pro

I'm using ArcGIS Pro 2.8 and have access to the Network Analyst extension. I'm new to the Network Analyst tools and I have been following the Create A Network Dataset tutorial using my own data. I ...
user209014's user avatar
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Is there a specific function within Network Analysis - OD Cost Matrix that solves for connectivity issues?

I am calculating the distance between points along a network dataset of roads. However, I am running into issues as some of the points do not align along the road network. I have attached an example ...
BenM's user avatar
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Seeking ArcGIS Pro tool that calculates distance from different points to another feature class with multiple distance along road network

Is there a specific tool that calculates the distance from points feature class to another points feature class? I have a data set containing forest compartments (point), customer destination (point), ...
scumbagsurfer's user avatar
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How to find specific distance along routes using ArcGIS Pro?

I have road layers (normal line ones as well as a network dataset) and a building point layer (consisting of one building). I'd like to know where I end up if I travel a certain distance (say 1000 ...
ThatArchaeologist's user avatar
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Lines connecting at vertices not included in ArcGIS Pro Network Analyst service area

Situation: I'm attempting to generate drivetime areas for a pedestrian walking network using Network Analyst in ArcGIS Pro 2.9. The walking network feature dataset has many lines from one feature ...
cajuna's user avatar
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Equivalent of Turn Restrictions in Arc GIS Pro

In ArcMap when I open a Network Dataset I see In ArcGIS Pro I see I had a look at the documentation and can't find anything about this change. How do I add turn restrictions in ArcGIS Pro?
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Creating a summary report for multiple layers intersecting a buffer

I tried to use the Closest Facility tool in Network Analyst to find locations that were within a 10 minute walk to a number of my offices, however that job failed after 4 hours with a generic error. ...
Chris Lope's user avatar
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Calculating shortest path with barriers using ArcGIS Pro

I have two layers of points (bus stops and facilities) within a city. I need to calculate which facility belongs to the closest bus stop. It can be done by near feature in ArcGIS Pro, but it doesn't ...
adamekcerv's user avatar
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Database layer/network for routing and closest facility option using ArcGIS Network Analyst

I am new to the use of ArcGIS Pro Network Analyst and trying to see if there is a way I can use the route option to calculate the walking or/and driving time between sets of points. Specifically, I ...
Alexvtrix's user avatar
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Finding halfway point along route using ArcGIS Pro

I'm looking for a way to find the midpoint of a route. Instead of the geometric midpoint, I want to use travel time. The ultimate goal here is to find the travel time midpoint for a series of ...
mgallotta's user avatar
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Finding shortest routes between multiple origins and destinations?

For example, I have 100 origin points and 100 destination points. All points are connected to each other. I want to know the route between each origin and each destination. How do I do it all at once?
GeekSpidey's user avatar
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Network dataset not being built (greyed out) using ArcGIS Pro

I am trying to build a network dataset on ArcGIS Pro using a shapefile that contains polylines for different functional classification roads. I have added "length" of the polylines and "...
GeekSpidey's user avatar
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Splitting service area polygons in ArcGIS Pro

I am doing a project in which I am looking at the areas accessible within varying distances of open subway entrances. When I created the Service Area layer for open subway entrances, I noticed some ...
UnionTpke's user avatar
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Creating O-D cost matrix using ArcGIS Pro with routes from network data and not just straight lines

I want to create a O-D cost matrix which will relate the origins and destinations by a transportation network layer and will not just connect by a straight line. Can you give me any insight on this?
GeekSpidey's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro Network Analyst service area not calculating distance correctly

Using ArcGIS Pro version 2.7* updated from 2.6.0 (which did not solve this issue) I built my own network based on street center-lines data. I'm not concerned with looking at vehicular speeds or ...
Therow's user avatar
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Coverage Turn Table to Turn Feature Class in ArcGIS Pro

I have data about streets in coverage format (arc, node and turntable). I would like to transform that data to ArcGIS Pro and use Network Analyst for calculating navigation. Steps, that I used: I ...
Ana's user avatar
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Calculate Quickest Route Between All Features

I am looking for a way to create a line feature class that is the quickest path (as the bird flies) between all features in a feature class. I feel like there has to be an ArcGIS Tool that can do this,...
Cody Brown's user avatar
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How would you do specific origins to specific destinations using network analyst in ArcGIS Pro?

I'm working in ArcGIS Pro 2.5 and I have an Advanced license. There will be 2 datasets: about 400 points for origins (ZIP centroids) about 40 points for destinations (healthcare facilities) I ...
rachel.passer's user avatar
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Deleting rows that have the same attribute value

I need to delete one of the two rows that have the same DestinationID and bigger value in Total_TravelTime.
Brooklyn_95's user avatar
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Unable to add Time Attribute to Network Dataset in ArcGIS Pro

I'm using ArcGIS Pro 2. I want to setup service areas but I'm unable to use the time attribute. I want to use the cutoff in minutes to create service areas but the units for time say it's unavailable....
Vaijayanti's user avatar
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Service Area Polygons Differ When Running in Desktop Vs Pro

I generated some service area polygons using Desktop 10.2.1 (long story why) a couple years back using nothing but the default parameters, and then tried recreating them in Pro yesterday using (as far ...
user5905246's user avatar
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Collecting and merging Service Analysis Line features using ArcGIS Pro ModelBuilder

I try to collect and merge Service Analysis Line features after iteration. I name my analysis layers with the iteration values, but it doesn't help. The output feature datasets of the analysis named ...
RenAra's user avatar
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ArcPy Select Layer by Attribute for Date and Time

I have a list of trips with a field, "Trip Start Timestamp" thats type is date where it appears on the attribute table as M/D/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM I need group all trips with the same trip start ...
Lena B.'s user avatar
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Changing direction units to km in Navigator for ArcGIS

I created a road network using ArcMap 10.6 in Projected Coordinate System (PDO_1993_UTM_Zone_40N - meters). I have one travel mode in this network(car). there is no restriction attribute in my road ...
user4906240's user avatar
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