I cannot find the Solve Location Allocation tool pane that should be in the Ready to Use Tools.. I have spent 3 hours trying to figure this out and no clues. I have the licensing's for Network Analyst and the ArcGIS Pro 3.1 version.

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


The first thing I saw in your screenshot was this highlighted in red below. Is this what you are searching?

Location allocation tool pane is not a part of ready to use tools in ArcGIS Pro. Also Pro is context driven, so in all cases the tabs depends on the layers added on map + the layers selected in the contents pane.


enter image description here

  • Yes the parameters are entered through location-allocation ribbon. My assigment was showing me that the place where they are inputted was through a solve location-allocation tool inside the ready to use tools. Perhaps in the past it was like that..
    – Pol SH
    Commented Nov 6, 2023 at 0:31

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