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Make Service Area is creating these feature datasets

I'm running the Make Service Area tool in ArcPy and every time it creates a feature dataset in my gdb named "ServiceAreaSolver1xxxxxx." I've ignored them but they are taking up space and are ...
Nick Welch's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro - Route Solver Multiprocessing in Standalone Script

I am using ArcGIS Pro 2.9 with an advanced single use license and a local network dataset. I am attempting to write a standalone script that takes as its input an arbitrary set of origin-destination ...
DSG4's user avatar
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ArcPy Select Layer by Attribute for Date and Time

I have a list of trips with a field, "Trip Start Timestamp" thats type is date where it appears on the attribute table as M/D/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM I need group all trips with the same trip start ...
Lena B.'s user avatar
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I don't want to use the time_of_day parameter in MakeServiceAreaAnalysisLayer, what do I put to miss it?

I'm modelling accessibility, so am using network analyst However, I don't want to enter anything for the time_of_day parameter. How do I write my Python ...
JGe's user avatar
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Creating network dataset from template using ArcGIS Pro [closed]

I am using a script based on Esri's one, to create a network dataset from a template. I am using ArcGIS Pro 1.3. The problem is that the network dataset is not not created and I get no errors, so can'...
lida's user avatar
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