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Questions tagged [arcgis-10.5]

Use this tag when ArcGIS 10.5 is the version you are using from the ArcGIS platform.

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Creating polygons of Esri World Imagery Basemap that shows collection date

I'm working with the Esri World Imagery Basemap, and I need to determine the imagery collection date for every portion of my area of interest. I'm aware that the identify tool displays the collection ...
Juan Osorio's user avatar
1 vote
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Add Feature Based on Selection from a Reference Layer

I have a reference grid with 11,525 features that references a repository of the same number of lidar rasters. Repository is currently a separate drive, but the location can be wherever I need it to ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Intersection solution in Rasters

I have two rasters: one is building footprint (BF) having 3 classes, another raster is landslide hazard zones (LHZ), also having 3 classes. I have prepared matrix where the intersection of each of the ...
tpa's user avatar
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Select by Location > Assign value from a different layer

Is it possible to identify, for example, a data point that is within ‘X’ distance of a Well, and then “create a field” that would assign the Well ID Value to that data point? Ideally, this would need ...
Anna's user avatar
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Transformation of coordinate systems

I have two layers - the first is in 5514 (S-JTSK_Krovak_East_North; sr_0.shp) and the second in 2180 (ETRS_1989_Poland_CS92; pl.shp). I think the coordinate system of both layers is correct. I need to ...
zuzka's user avatar
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Can't read a shapefile in geopandas due to encoding

I'm working with ArGIS Desktop 10.5 and python 2.7, and just installed geopandas to try it out. However, when I tried to read a shapefile, I received an encoding error: import arcpy import geopandas ...
Karol Duarte's user avatar
-4 votes
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Arcgis 10.5 have got problem [closed]

Arcgis. Clip. Data managment. Error
rauf Memmedli's user avatar
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Unable to replace data source from a layer in an ArcGIS MapDocument

I'm trying to write a code for automating changing the source for some layers of a mxd document. I have three layers that should point to the same shapefile, they are only displayed with different ...
Karol Duarte's user avatar
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Modifying existing text element with ArcPy [duplicate]

I have a text element in the top right corner of my template project file that has some text, then the current date. Then some more text follows and then the next date appears which is 10 years later ...
Carl Lind's user avatar
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Rescaling raster to match another precision of coordinates using ArcMap

I am working with 2 DEMs using ArcMap 10.5. Both have a resolution of 0.5 m but the first one has coordinates such as X=243600.5 m and the second one X=243600.3m. I need to make sure they both have ...
IsabelleCo's user avatar
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ArcGIS Java Configuration Tool (JCT) Error: could not creat a registry key

I am trying to select debugging options in the Java Configuration Tool, ArcGIS Desktop 10.5. I have done this before, many times, in 10.4. But now, in 10.5 on a new computer, I am getting this message:...
lep's user avatar
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Clipping in the desired shape

I am trying to use the clip tool in order to clip a bigger polygon with a smaller one. The thing is that the clip tool gives as an output a small area from the intersection of the two mentioned. I ...
StavGian's user avatar
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Make ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Developer Console Window Appear?

Long ago, on an older machine, with an older form of ArcGIS Desktop (10.4), I was able to make the console window appear upon startup for all local ArcGIS Desktop applications (ArcMap, Catalog, etc). ...
lep's user avatar
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Getting runtime error from AddFields using ArcPy

I'm add fields via arcpy code as follows; import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\Users\sheartz\Documents\NBspray_1952.shp" arcpy.AddField_management( 'NBspray_1952', [['area_ac', '...
Shane Heartz's user avatar
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Extracting road data from shapefile using ArcMap [duplicate]

I have a road network shapefile of a city. I want to extract those roads which have 80ft or more than that width. Is there any tool in ArcMap to extract the data?
Muazzam Khan's user avatar
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Converting multiple CSVs into shapefile using Python for loops

I have hundreds of CSV files with the naming convention similar to: prcp_025_01_01.csv prcp_025_05_01.csv prcp_025_08_01.csv prcp_050_01_01.csv prcp_050_05_01.csv prcp_050_08_01.csv prcp_025_01_15.csv ...
ncwxpanther's user avatar
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Shading point shapefile in ArcMap

How can I design a point such as in this image below ? How can I compose the color in RGB or hex or so on to get this point?
user60268's user avatar
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Assigning z values to polygon feature vertices in ArcMap

I am trying to assign z values to vertices of rectangular polygon features in ArcGIS 10.5 by using a DEM raster. I do not want to assign min, max, or mean z values to the polygons themselves, but I am ...
Sam Acker's user avatar
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Construct Sight Lines 999998 : Unexpected Error

My problem occurs when I want to produce Construct Sight Lines. When the process is completed I get an 999998 : Unexpected Error. I see the feature class in my geodatabase. But I can't see the Sight ...
user111776's user avatar
5 votes
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Implementing custom OAuth2 login for ArcGIS Web AppBuilder developer?

I have a web mapping application on ArcGIS Web AppBuilder developer edition. I downloaded the app and published on IIS. I want to validate users using OAuth2 like IdentityServer, Google or Facebook. ...
barteloma's user avatar
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Add the distance along the route for intersection points of polylines

I have two sets of polylines, illustrated in the screenshot (roads in purple and bridges in blue). I want to find the distance along the route for intersection point of each bridges from the starting ...
M--'s user avatar
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5 votes
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Get feature class names inside ESRI File Geodatabase

I have a project folder with many many folders within that. Some of these child folders contain an ESRI File Geodatabase(s). I want to list all the feature classes that are inside the GDBs that have ...
MapsEveryWhere's user avatar
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How to add data in ArcGIS enterprise geodatabase many to many table?

I have 3 tables in my PostgreSQL geodatabase. I am using ArcGIS 10.5 parcel owner parcel_to_owner parcel_to_owner is many to many table that created using ArcGIS. parcel_to_owner table has 3 columns ...
barteloma's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Creating random points with "CreateRandomPoints_management()" function of ArcPy, with minimum distance

I've been trying to create random points to sample some locations based, at first, on a field which contains the number of samples I want. But when I tried at first, in almost every feature it was ...
caio.valente14's user avatar
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AssertionError: Invalid MXD filename

I am trying to publish a draft service definition using arcpy.mapping.CreateMapSDDraft and am getting the referenced Assertion Error. I've tried the responses to users with similar questions with no ...
r2dave2's user avatar
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Extracting values of some columns with ArcPy

I've been trying to run some code to extract the values from a column and random sample some of them. The problem is when I try to append values from the cursor to a list. When I append values to the ...
caio.valente14's user avatar
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Cannot use "CalculateGeometryAttributes_management()" tool to calculate the centroids of features with Arcpy

I've been trying to run some code in Python with ArcPy library. Everything is working fine, but in the end of the code there is a part that I want to calculate the centroids, x and y, with ...
caio.valente14's user avatar
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Cannot run "Create Fishnet" tool in ArcPy

I've been trying to run an ArcPy code which creates a fishnet for sampling. Everything in the code works fine, but when it gets to arcpy.CreateFishnet_management(), it stops running. I've already ...
caio.valente14's user avatar
1 vote
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Vertex marker in Edit Vertices not appearing on half screen

I'm using ArcMap on ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 and when I enter the Edit Vertices context, the vertex markers on the left side of the screen are hidden. You can click on them, but the marker does not appear. ...
stanleykubrick's user avatar
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Loop to Apply Multiple Symbology to Multiple Layers

I am trying to apply multiple symbology to multiply layers that I have created from multi-tasking custom tool. The tool applies buffer, clip tool to multiple feature classes and then all the feature ...
DjarumX's user avatar
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Is Data Driven Pages same as Map Books?

Is there a difference between Data Driven Pages and Map Books in ArcMap 10.5 and, if so, did one replace the other? Esri's web site is not clear about that which is confusing me.
doronwen's user avatar
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What does it mean by NULL geometry of a shapefile in ArcGIS?

I was trying to work on a line shapefile and while trying to call the firstpoint of the shapefile, it was throwing me an error saying the shapefile has nothing called firstpoint. Then I repaired the ...
Minhazul Islam's user avatar
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ArcGIS 5km buffer output is very small and square?

This is part of a task for an intro to ArcGIS class, and I'm super stuck. I need to create buffers of 5, 10, 15, 20km from a centrepoint, to investigate vegetation changes over different years. In ...
Tamsin's user avatar
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Comparing field of a table to calculate another field using ArcPy cursor?

How can I compare one field of a table to calculate another field? I have a table containing 'SL', 'Name' and 'Value' fields. I need to calculate the total value each name have. Example is shown in ...
Shuvo's user avatar
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Geoprocessor cannot find input data, but only for some users

I am developing a stand alone application that at some point needs to run Dissolve on a subset of data in a feature class. This code works for me without issue, regardless of workstation. When another ...
danielm's user avatar
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Expanding existing point grid to cover larger area in ArcGIS Desktop

I am looking to expand the already existing point grid system to encompass the entire polygon pictured below without changing the existing point locations or label features. Is there a tool in ...
Ian Fife's user avatar
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Change nameString using arcpy?

Is it possible to change the describe nameString of a .lyr file using arcpy? The name of the .lyr file is correct, but when the .lyr is brought into an .mxd the display name (nameString) is different, ...
Pdavis327's user avatar
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Seeking PLSS Quarter of Quarter Sections in Oregon

I'm looking for a quarter of a quarter of a section (PLSS) which is 40 acres in size for the state of Oregon. I looked at several government and Oregon state web site and could not find it. The only ...
doronwen's user avatar
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Create .lyr file from open .mxd layer without removing layer

I have a tool that is meant to clip and reproject every layer in an open .mxd, and then create a new feature class and .lyr file with original symbology from the result, not adding either to the .mxd. ...
Pdavis327's user avatar
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Exporting High Quality TIFF Files on ArcMap

I am currently working in ArcMap 10.5.1 and am wanting to export a Map as a TIFF file with increased resolution. If I were to increase the quality of the image to anything above 96 DPI then the image ...
theMoreYouNgo's user avatar
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Converting a Raster to Polygon and Dissolving Issues using ArcMap 10.5

I have a large forest habitat raster dataset (several watersheds in state of Oregon) that I need to convert into a shapefile. The raster has 70 different categories of habitat types. Steps: I've ...
doronwen's user avatar
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Locking Graphic Elements in ArcMap

I am using ArcMap 10.5. I'm trying to lock graphic elements (rectangle in my case) to prevent it from being selected and moved when I'm working in layout mode. I looked up ESRI help and got this ...
doronwen's user avatar
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8 votes
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Deleting old schema locks from ArcGIS Desktop

I am going through old data on our GIS System (hoping to improve our file storage), and discovered that we have multiple schema locks on files that date back to 2017, 2018, and 2019. A little bit of ...
JuliaRogers's user avatar
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Clipping layer with every feature in another layer using ModelBuilder

Currently working with ArcMap 10.5, from a gdb, and using ModelBuilder. My python knowledge is null. I have a road layer (line), and then a city limits layer (polygon) with various feauters (up to 30)...
adriasf's user avatar
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Getting max value from field in Field Calculator of ArcMap

I'm working from a geodatabase in ArcMap 10.5, and using Model Builder. I currently have a field with values that range from 0 to 30 and I want to convert that to a 0-10 scale. The idea was to use a ...
adriasf's user avatar
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Publishing image service with JSON in ArcGIS Server creates inaccessible service

I used the following JSON to publish but it created inaccessible layer that I could not modify or delete. { "serviceName":"Suitability_1574658353.68_proj", "type":"ImageServer", "...
wondim's user avatar
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Join fields from multiple shapefile in a folder to one shapefile

I have 39 shapefiles in a folder with each shp having 368 attributes. Every shapefile has the same attribute name (FID, pointid, grid code and 365/366 others; depending on them being leap year). I ...
Ray's user avatar
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Numerical fields decimals limited by default

I'm using ArcMap 10.5.1 and working from a geodatabase. I just want to limit the number of decimal numbers shown to 1. Currently 6 decimals are shown, and I know I can reduce them manually by opening ...
adriasf's user avatar
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Creating Tree Height Data from Bare Earth and Highest-Hit rasters

I have two rasters I've downloaded: one is Bare Earth and the other is Highest Hit. Both contain elevation data. I'm trying to calculate the difference between pixels which will give me the tree ...
doronwen's user avatar
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Saving output in a gdb Feature dataset in ArcMap Modelbuilder

I'm using ArcMap 10.5. I've got a model with a bunch of processes related to different topics such as ROADS, URBAN SQUARES, PARKINGS, etc. I'm currently working from a geodatabase that stores all the ...
adriasf's user avatar
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