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Questions tagged [null-geometry]

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2 votes
2 answers

Adding coordinates to point feature with missing location

I have received some data from a third party that includes some point and line features that have no location information. I have the coordinates which I would like to use to provide that location ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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1 answer

Importing CSV results in NULL values for decimal column in QGIS

I am importing a .csv file and one of the "integer" columns ("ZVH Density") is all NULL values when imported as a Delimited Text file. Whole numbers import (known through trial and ...
Dia's user avatar
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Difference tool retains records of deleted point features (without geometry)

I was using the Difference tool in QGIS version 3.22 on a points layer with a polygon overlay. This failed. I read this problem is commonly reported in 3.22 and upgraded to 3.30.3, as advised. Now, on ...
hmnoidk's user avatar
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ArcPy to include None geometries features

I'm using ArcPy’s JSON To Features function and saving the output featureclass within a gdb. Some of the records in the input GeoJSON file don't have geometries but I want to keep them in the output. ...
Ofir's user avatar
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2 answers

ST_Intersection fills up LIMIT with empty geometry points

I have managed to get the intersection between a circle around a point and objects in a geometry using this PostGIS query: SELECT ST_Intersection(sea_level.geom, ST_Buffer(ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(...
hajons's user avatar
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Features with geomety issues or unexpected CRS in Geopackage tables

In my project I've been asked to make some data validations to GeoPackage tables previous to start processing the data. I'm doing this with FME Dekstop. Among other properties I should validate that ...
DMS02's user avatar
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What does it mean by NULL geometry of a shapefile in ArcGIS?

I was trying to work on a line shapefile and while trying to call the firstpoint of the shapefile, it was throwing me an error saying the shapefile has nothing called firstpoint. Then I repaired the ...
Minhazul Islam's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Solving ‘Null geometry…’ error during distance matrix operation?

I have a tab delimited file with data about earthquakes epicenters and their intensities (signif.txt). I also have a shape file with point data representing populated places of the world (...
datakeen's user avatar
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1 answer

How to record an unknown geometry in QGIS?

In the QGIS Python API it states that "a null geometry will always return true for isEmpty()." For a geometry, a relational database null refers to an unknown geometry. For example, if I had a ...
Philip Whitten's user avatar
44 votes
3 answers

Ignoring invalid input features with Intersection tool in QGIS?

In QGIS 2.18, when I used the Vector > Geoprocessing Tools > Intersection tool, I was able to check an option which said "Ignore NULL geometries [optional]". Now I've downloaded QGIS 3.2 and that ...
Felipe D.'s user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Creating feature with empty geometry using PyQGIS

I would like to create a model point dataset in QGIS 3.0.3 with Python in the QGIS Python Console to do some testing. Specifically, I want to create a point dataset that has a feature with an empty ...
Philip Whitten's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Intersect outputs shapefile with null values

I have a model that iterates through a folder of field boundaries (polygons) and produces an intersect against a shapefile of points. The output is then a point shapefile for each boundary. Note: ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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Can polyline shapefile hold geometries with 0 vertices?

I have a polyline shapefile and a few geometries (5 out of 2000+) have no vertices at all. I am a bit surprised and was wondering whether my shapefile is broken (so I have a bug when creating the ...
Antoine's user avatar
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CreateFeatureclass_management Not Displaying in Map - Null Geometry

I have two feature classes that share a common ID field. I wrote a script to create a new feature class that contains the records in the first FC that are not in the second FC. It works, in that it ...
Jeff Disbrow's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

ArcGIS 10.2 Custom Geocoder outputs results with no geometry

I have a custom general single field geocoder that reads a meter number field attached to premise points. This meter number field is the only link between our premise points and corrosion data tables ...
Nicholas's user avatar

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