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is German becoming more informal?

Just returned from spending several days in Germany (Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg) ... I noticed some use of the informal Du in situations where I wouldn't have expected it. Was it just my ...
Ðаn's user avatar
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Formal / Informal "you" when referring to God

I'm still struggling to understand when to use du / Sie. I was trying to read the Luther Bible and I noticed in 2 Samuel 24:14 David sprach zu Gad: Es ist mir sehr angst; aber laß uns in die Hand des ...
HanMah's user avatar
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Ist es schlechter Stil einen Satz mit "deshalb" zu beginnen?

Ein Freund von mir ist der festen Überzeugung, dass deshalb nicht am Satzanfang stehen sollte. Meiner Meinung nach ist das in Ordnung, wenn es sich auf den vorhergehen Satz bezieht. Kontext ist das ...
NashVio's user avatar
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Why the switch from “ihr” to “Sie” in the following speech from Band of Brothers?

Near the end of the TV mini-series Band of Brothers about World War II, a short speech is given by a German general to his subordinates. In the speech, he uses ihr (and related pronouns euch and euer)....
DPenner1's user avatar
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Is ‘hallöchen’ appropriate between a professor and a student?

Can a teacher greet his students with hallöchen? May I use this word to say hello to my German boss when he comes to our office? I see it’s informal but I would like to ask about the communicative ...
Maya's user avatar
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Formal "attaching to the e-mail" in German

On I've found a very good translation for attach: ..., die Sie an E-Mail-Nachrichten anhängen möchten. So, anhängen is the translation for attach. In real life we usually type to ...
Alex Herman's user avatar
8 votes
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When to use 'Entschuldigen Sie'

I know that when asking a favor from an adult that I am unfamiliar with, such as asking for directions, I should start with "Entschuldigen Sie..." but should I use the formal form when I am, for ...
Eichhörnchen's user avatar
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Liturgical or church German

In a church setting, Is there a liturgical form of German for a pastor or priest to use during the service? Is it more appropriate to use formal or poetic forms of speech for everyone, anyone, or no ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Is it acceptable to add a "mal" after all verbs in imperative form?

I've heard the structure verb + mal a lot, like: Sag mal, schau mal, warte mal Is it a good style? does it sound more friendly? What's the difference between "warte" and "warte mal"? Is it ...
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