I have the following block of text from my discharge notes from an Austrian hospital:


Blande OP-Wunde, liegende Hautklammern, periphere Durchblutung, Sensibilität, Motorik o.B., Patient mit Stützkrücken entlasten mobil.

Which I have translated to English as follows:

Dismissal State

Mild presentation of the surgical wound, skin stables, peripheral circulation, sensitivity, motor skills [o.B.], patient with crutches enabling mobility.

I would like to understand possible translations of the abbreviation "o.B." in Standard German possibly specific to Austrian German or medical lexigraphy.

I have used numerous online dictionaries to find an idiomatic translation however it has stumped both me and my medical translator who translated it as "Whether" which doesn't seem to scan.

  • 2
    – user9551
    Commented Jan 27, 2019 at 17:13
  • So... "motor skills without results" - I'm not sure I understand that. On the basis that I cannot use my knee at the moment, could that mean "Absent of motor skills" in the joint, or some motor skills. Commented Jan 27, 2019 at 17:33
  • 1
    Actually I think this probably explains it: flexikon.doccheck.com/de/Ohne_Befund Commented Jan 27, 2019 at 17:35
  • FWIW: flexikon.doccheck.com/de/Ohne_Befund . You can find all the other terms there too (but in plain German, not in English). Commented Jan 27, 2019 at 23:19
  • One could perhaps also translate it with: "no pathology", or "no pathological results". Commented Jan 27, 2019 at 23:22

4 Answers 4


o.B. is a medical abbreviation for "ohne Befund" which translates to "without (medical) findings" so

Motorik o.B

translates to motorically without findings


"ohne Befund" means: no abnormality was found for your ability to move the body part in question (from a medical and the doctors (limited) point of view). it means: no indication


o.B. ist zwar kurz für "ohne Befund", bedeutet aber hierzulande "ohne krankhaften Befund", weil man ja immer irgendeinen Befund hat.

Im Englischen wird das allerdings etwas anders gehandhabt. Da schreibt man oft einfach "negative" (wobei die Kategorien oder die Fragen dann dementsprechend angepasst sind), wenn man nichts Krankhaftes gefunden hat.

Ich würde also schreiben: "motor skill issues: negative".

Das in anderen Antworten benutzte "no findings" klingt falsch, und wäre auch nicht richtig: wie gesagt, man hat immer einen Befund, nur nicht immer einen krankhaften.


Ohne die Fragen oder Kategorien zu ändern, könnte man auch schreiben: "no pathology" oder "no pathological results".


I would just like to say, be careful: Use medical dictionaries, not just regular ones, and look for medical definitions, because often, seemingly-innocuous words have special technical meanings for physicians. Example: "bland" would seem to mean something like "uninteresting" but this definition tagged medical says it means, specifically, "without inflammation".

"Motorik" is motor control or mobility, "ohne Befund" means without further findings, i.e., nominal or normal. (I see you found that one already, great!)

"Entlastend" you left out, it means unloaded (i.e., when using the crutches to take the load off of the knee).

Gute besserung! (Have a good recovery!)

  • Thanks, completely agree with the use of a medical dictionary it has been invaluable. I have added quite a few comments to define ‘blande’ = ‘mild wound conditions without inflammation ‘. Commented Jan 28, 2019 at 7:41

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