What is the difference between "umgezogen" and "verzogen"? Or is it just the same? Especially "umgezogen nach" and "verzogen nach" seem to be exactly the same. Just the combination with "unbekannt" seems to be exclusively used with "verzogen".

  • 4
    I first misread ungezogen instead of umgezogen, which interestingly would also make for a valid question.
    – Wrzlprmft
    Commented Sep 24, 2014 at 9:19
  • A French translation of verzogen on Google Translate is "perverted" in English, which has nothing to do with umgezogen :D
    – baptx
    Commented Sep 7, 2021 at 18:14

4 Answers 4


With regard to moving, there's no difference at all. Both verbs convey the idea of changing your address.
Verziehen, however, is rarely used; only occurs in the form verzogen sein or unbekannt verzogen.

You're always on the safe side using umziehen (or wegziehen, fortziehen, meaning to move away).

Both verbs have more meanings, but there's no further overlap.


1 Wir sind nach München umgezogen - meaning we have moved house and live now in Munich.

2 If a letter is turned back to the post office with the remark "verzogen" this means the addessee has moved house, but his new address is unknown.

3 ein verzogenes Kind has no manners because the parents don't know anything about child-raising.


In German ziehen (to pull) is used as a stem for a variety of verbs relatied to moving house. Of course the meaning ziehen is not restricted to moving alone, sometimes the same prefix is used with an entirely different meaning:

umziehen: to move (house) also to change clothes
wegziehen: to move away also to draw away
ausziehen: to move out also to take of clothes
einziehen: to move in also to feed in, to infiltrate, to contract
zuziehen: to move to also to pull tight
verziehen: only used in the past with participle ist/war verzogen: moved away also spoiled, spoilt, skewed
umherziehen: to tramp, to rove around
nachziehen: to partly move later (e.g. family) also to (re)tighten, to limp ("ein Bein nachziehen")
beziehen: to move into also to obtain, to draw, to drap ...


herziehen, fortziehen, zusammenziehen, ... and likely many more - also see other answers

  • 1
    "beziehen" as a synonym for "einziehen" could be added to the list - or is this a different stem? And then there are still amazingly many variants of "ziehen" that have no meaning related to "moving house": hinein-, heraus-, hoch-, herunter-, hinunter-, an-, ab-, mit-, entgegen-, über-, durch-, rein-, groß- and erziehen (and even "einbeziehen").
    – Matthias
    Commented Sep 24, 2014 at 10:33
  • ah, and of course "fortziehen" (see Em1's answer)
    – Matthias
    Commented Sep 24, 2014 at 10:42
  • Nice collection. I doubt that any questions about ziehen are left over. Some further, just for reference: herziehen, zusammenziehen. Different: vorziehen.
    – Em1
    Commented Sep 24, 2014 at 12:36
  • Thanks for all these suggestions... edited that in an made it CW for anybody who wants to further add some.
    – Takkat
    Commented Sep 24, 2014 at 13:00

I would use "umgezogen" if i knew where exactly they have have moved. otherwise, i would use "verzogen". If i know the city or region, i might say "verzogen nach [region/city]".

I think "verzogen" therefore can also express that you are not willing to tell (the person who asked) their new adress.

On the other hand, when my answer is simply "Sie sind umgezogen", you can suggest that i also know where they moved, and ask me for the adress in your next question.

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