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Capitalization of SURNAMES

When I started using the complimentary Legacy software (v10) today, I came across the comment by Geoff Rasmussen that the convention of putting a surname in all caps is a thing of the past. I am ...
book_diva's user avatar
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Why can't I find any records of my Great x2 Grandfathers travelling to New Zealand or Australia?

Background I am going to provide a little bit of background in this one question, in case it is relevant. My Great x2 Grandfather (George Scammell) was born in 1856 in Semley, Dorset.Birth ...
Andrew Truckle's user avatar
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How should I record unknown parents?

I use FamilyTreeMaker and Ancestry. I’ve read Tamura Jones’ articles (and others) and accept that if you don’t know a name you should leave the field blank. So I’m quite happy to show no father, just ...
Richard Mathews's user avatar
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Transcribing text on Death Record

I am interested with the second entry. I know the date is November 1st 1931. And I know he died in Murrayville, Victoria, Australia. But I am trying to make out the rest. I know it mentions county.
Andrew Truckle's user avatar
4 votes
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Add info (like occupation) to a family tree in Gramps

In Gramps, when I create a Family Lines Graph, for each person, it shows specific info: name, dates of birth / death, places of birth death. Can I add other info to this graph? I'd like to add ...
Jessica's user avatar
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Locating Birth Certificate City in Oviedo

I am trying to locate the Birth Certificate or Fe de Bautismo for my grandfather. I have his full name and place of birth said Oviedo, Asturias. I have his DOB although the date and month might be ...
TLA212's user avatar
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Where can I find records of a French female citizen who immigrated to either Uruguay or Argentina bt 1903 and 1912?

I am doing my family genealogic research and I am trying to find records of the entry of one female French citizen, either through Montevideo or through Buenos Aires. There are records of her marriage ...
Bea Comte's user avatar
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Finding Romanian birth certificate from 1957

Just a shot in the dark: I am trying to find my mother's birth certificate from Bucharest. I don't know much about her, just her name, birthday and possibly her last name. She didn't have a middle ...
elle 1982's user avatar
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Deciphering a birthplace in an 1850 marriage record in Hungary

Does anyone by any chance recognize this placename? It's from an 1850 marriage in Pest, where it is recorded as the birthplace of a 27-year-old groom (third entry on page:
JPmiaou's user avatar
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I'm confused about my Ancestry DNA test

On my DNA results page, initially there is woman who matches as Close family - first cousin so I assumed she could be the daughter of my great uncle (my father's uncle). Then a recent update occured ...
Flower Girl's user avatar
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Why Wegene and Gedmatch (raw data uploaded from wegene) gives me similar results in everything except on the European part?

The first is wegene, the second is Gedmatch with raw data uploaded from wegene and the EUtest V2 K15. In everything both websites seems to coincide. However, what I cannot understand is how could ...
sujeto1's user avatar
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What did a colour mixer do in 1830 in Manchester?

My great great grandfather lived in Salford, Manchester. In 1833 his marriage certificate indicated his profession as colour mixer. I believe this involved work in textile- finishing/ printing but ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
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Does 25% Spanish mean grandparent was born in Spain?

I took a DNA test through Ancestry; it shows I'm 44% Indigenous America's Mexico and 25% Spanish. These are the main percentages, there are many others! I'm wondering about the Spanish component. Does ...
Elda Lopez's user avatar
-1 votes
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Brother or cousin or both?

My DNA matches with an adopted brother 45-51% DNA and 3504cm across 50 segments. My ‘brother’ has my aunts name on his birth certificate. We have the same father but working out if we have the same ...
Jay's user avatar
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How close is someone with 751cM

I am 75 years old. A guy on Ancestry is in his mid/late 80s. We live on opposite sides of the Atlantic (UK/Canada) but his grandparents came from the same town as my maternal grandmother and was a ...
Derek Burgess's user avatar
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Numbers above marital status on ship's manifest

I found a copy of the ship's manifest record from when my great-grandfather came over from Italy. His name is Giovanni DiDomenico. To my surprise, he was listed as a widower, which I was not aware of. ...
Giovanni Ferro's user avatar
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Translating Spanish birth record into English

Can anybody translate or point me in the direction of where I can translate my great-grandfather’s Spanish birth record? He was born in 1909 and I was sent over three photocopied pages of his birth ...
Ashley's user avatar
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Lady of the house?

In the 1861 census ,my ancestors in rusholme Manchester are listed as James Cook as head then sophia as what looks like lady of the house ,it's not easy to read .was this term used at all ?
Wayne's user avatar
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Finding Polish 1921 census records of town called Wola Raniżowska

Where can I find the Polish 1921 census records of a town called Wola Raniżowska? My grandmother immigrated to the USA from there.
Chaim Kantor's user avatar
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Does Chinese gravestone belong to James Hudson Taylor?

My wife has an ancestor who died and was buried in China. Their grave was desecrated and no longer exists, but apparently, this gravestone was found hidden under a church crawlspace, and was placed ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Genetic Distance, Different Surnames

I see that in talking about genetic distance between two Y-DNA STR test results frequently uses the phrase "having the same surname", or some similar phrase. Why? "Iligitimate" ...
Charles Taunton's user avatar
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Using Y-DNA and mtDNA from an ancestry file DNA results for me and my wife apparently contain Y-chromosome data and mitochondrial data.  How can we use that to find patrilineal and matrilineal matches on sites like FTDNA and ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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Seeking soviet records of Aram Hmayak Kalfyan who died in Siberia in 1943

My maternal grandfather died in Siberia in 1943 Aram Hmayak Kalfyan. I believe he was arrested probably 1927-1930. I believe he was imprisoned, being a Trotskyte, arrested probably 1927-1930. He had ...
Greg Hamppikian's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can you determine if your grandmother was a child of incest with your DNA?

Is it possible to find out if your grandmother was a child of incest only having access to your DNA test?
Anita Rocha's user avatar
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Person has no house number on Census, but two different house numbers on Electoral Rolls (19th Century UK)

On the 1849-50 Register of Voters, Charles Ashmore in Manchester, UK was listed at 331 Rochdale Road. On the 1850-51 Register of Voters, he was listed at 329 Rochdale Road. And on the 1851 Census, ...
platyfish800's user avatar
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How do I find the service record of my grandfather in the German army in WW1? [duplicate]

My grandfather was from Hamburg and was around 24 or 25 years old when he was inducted in the German do I find his military records of service?
Renner 's user avatar
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How do you vet DNA cousin "matches" that reach out to you?

I did the DNA test thing back in January. One of the things I was hoping to get out of it was to make contact with other (distant) cousins. What I didn't think about was putting myself out there for ...
SomeDoug's user avatar
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Is there a way to declutter Endogamy in DNA comparisons?

I've recently taken an Acestry DNA test to try and confirm my paternal line's great grandfather. After getting the results, I thought I identified the correct one. One of the nearest matched ...
SomeDoug's user avatar
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Family research in Aden Colony

I am researching my paternal side's family history. They lived in Aden Colony during the British Colonisation in 1839-1967 (128 years) and left Aden in 1967. They used to own property in Aden during ...
Umk's user avatar
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Why different results myheritage and ancestry dna give vastly different results when uploaded to gedmatch or illustrative

Eg. V2 k15 Myheritage vs ancestry East med: 39.48 vs 42.99 West asian 19.08 vs 18.73 West Med 16.94 vs 13.79 Red Sea 7.8 vs 8.3 This causes quite an a shift. Eg I go from being cypriot + 13% south ...
Pooman19's user avatar
-1 votes
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Passenger Records Research for Pakistan

I am looking for passenger records for an ancestor who is rumoured to have run because he murdered someone in his homeland. I am trying to research him. I have asked my family members who are ...
Umk's user avatar
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Passenger Records Research for India

I am researching my family tree. I am looking for an ancestor who came by ship while working for the British. I am not aware of the ship name he came on. He was approximately born in 1835 +/- 40 years ...
Umk's user avatar
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US Outbound Passenger List information

Is there a listing of outbound ship passengers leaving New York City ports during the early 1900s to Europe (Italy)? My mother, born in the Bronx, New York City in 1907 was taken to Italy to live by ...
Joe Capobianco's user avatar
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"indef add" as cause of detention?

What is the meaning of "indef add" as cause of detention on 1904 ship's record of detained passengers from Italy to US? Occurred in New York, presumably Ellis Island, though unconfirmed.
mfy's user avatar
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When does a brick wall become a dead end? [closed]

This may be more of a philosophical question than a genealogical research one, but I am wondering if, and/or at what point, does a brick wall become a dead end? For example: I have an early American ...
user5836's user avatar
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Distributing family tree as image - security?

I just created a huge family tree using mind-mapping tools, not common geneology tools. I'd like to distribute this to relatives as a PNG. I'm concerned about security. What should not be in a tree ...
TonyG's user avatar
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Trying to understand family tree

I’m a college student that came across this family tree diagram and am trying to interpret it. My current interpretation puts almost every individual in the diagram to having either incest, an affair, ...
null 3147's user avatar
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Transcribing a baptism from 1704 in Heinebach

I'm trying to read a baptism entry from 1704 in Heinebach. The priest's handwriting is pretty terrible, however. I could use assistance in finishing this transcription. den 23 xembr ist Wilhelm ...
BrianFreud's user avatar
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Adopted first cousin - is her parent my aunt or my uncle?

I have a first cousin who was adopted at birth. My mom had two brothers and a sister. The adoption records are sealed and cannot be viewed due to Florida state law (1969). Is it possible to determine ...
Brian's user avatar
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Where is the UK death index publicly available beyond 1998?

I am a big fan of FreeBMD because there is a wealth of information indexed and I am able to see scans of the records and double check the details myself. Beyond 1998 Ancestry comes up with an index ...
Barnaby's user avatar
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Scottish Mortality Register (Montrose 1787)

Before the introduction of the Statutory Registers there was no systematic record of deaths in Scotland. What there are are often financial in nature, recording the hire of the parish mort cloth or ...
erstwhile editor's user avatar
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Aden Colony records for Native Yemenis

Where can I find birth, death, and marriage records, as well as the register of persons for Aden Colony for Native Yemenis? As far as I know, the people that I am researching are all Muslims by ...
Umk's user avatar
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The Munkittrick family in England

A branch of the Munkittrick family came from Ardee in County Louth in Ireland. One member of the family left Ardee and took up residence in Lancashire (Manchester area) in the early 1800s (certainly ...
Howard Malleson's user avatar
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British India records for Native Indians and Pakistanis

Where can I find birth, death, and marriage records, as well as the register of persons for British India for Native Indians and Pakistanis? As far as I know, the people that I am researching are all ...
Umk's user avatar
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How can I transfer old Roots V databse files to new family software?

Years ago, (and several later computers and widows versions) I used Roots V, I still have all the database files and would like to find a good genealogy program to use them in.BTW, my renewed interest ...
K.M. Armstrong's user avatar
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I need help to read and understand the record

I was using the Findmypast genealogy website and found an interesting record that could possibly mention one of my ancestors. The name of the person that I am researching is Ahmed Alla Khan. I need ...
Umk's user avatar
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Finding vital records from Alaska for Native people

I'm searching for birth records from 1904 in Golovin, Alaska for my Native maternal GF and, approx 1880 in Point Hope, Alaska for my maternal great GF. I have my grandfather's death cert, as well as ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Confirming my real (genetic) grandfather from 23andMe results

I recently found a photo of my maternal grandparent’s wedding party. I’ll refer to my maternal grandparents as GM (grandmother) and GF (grandfather). I was surprised to see that one of the people in ...
MrAnon1900's user avatar
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Identifying maternal grandfather using DNA

I have recently started the process of grouping my DNA matches on my mother’s side. It's starting to look like the man I thought was my grandfather may not be. I don't have my mother’s DNA but I have ...
Vernpaw Bachman's user avatar
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Bishops Prior to Reformation?

In perusing a relative's notes on ancestors prior to the reformation, the direct line becomes broken, where there are the following notes: Henery Sterne (of Stow Cum Quy): Born 1471. Sold Sterne's ...
Laurie Stearn's user avatar

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