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Questions tagged [super-smash-bros-ultimate]

A 2018 fighting game developed by Bandai Namco Studios and Sora Ltd., published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. It is the sixth installment in the Super Smash Bros series.

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0 answers

I've dismissed all spirits in adventure, is this a soft-lock?

So, I dismissed all spirits in adventure. Now I'm realising the mistake since there are map obstacles that I could once traverse (like the big rocks) but I've now released the spirits that could get ...
Cjmarkham's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Why does Little Mac's coach say "Just like old times, eh?" at his victory screen in Smash Ultimate?

When you win a game as Little Mac in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, at the victory screen afterwards there is a black man with a towel draped over his neck standing behind Mac who says "Just like ...
temporary_user_name's user avatar
1 vote
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How do Dragoon and Daybreak pieces work in Team Battles?

In normal matches, the Dragoon and Daybreak items in Smash Ultimate require a player to collect all three pieces before they can be used. How do these items work in team battles? If player A picks up ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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In online matches, what rules are used if all players have "Preferred Rules" off?

When playing online in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, there's a Preferred Rules option to prefer matches that match a specific ruleset. (Time/Stock/Stamina, Match Length, Items On/Off). What happens when ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
7 votes
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Is it possible to turn off move staling in smash ultimate?

I was playing smash on someone else's switch and someone there said they thought that move staling had been turned off since the people playing there often didn't know much about smash and often would ...
Millard's user avatar
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Why isn't Kazuya's Dair used in competitive play?

I've watched quite a few high level tournaments with Kazuya, and something I noticed is that his Dair is never used. It sort of seems like it would be useful for punishing aerials, or getting back to ...
Millard's user avatar
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How do I punish Incenaroar's "Alolan Whip" (side-special)?

Incineroar's side special always throws me off my game. With ranged moves like that, I'm used to shielding and punishing, which obviously doesn't work with this move because it's a command grab. I ...
Millard's user avatar
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5 votes
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What is the advantage of short hop aerials?

I've been reading up on short hops a bit, and I've noticed that in high level play it's quite normal for a short hop to be followed by an aerial in a situation when average players would just use ...
Millard's user avatar
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Fastest way to unlock all the characters in Smash Bros Ultimate? [duplicate]

I want to have the full character roster as quickly as possible. What is the fastest way to accomplish this?
Millard's user avatar
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Having issue when playing Smash Ultimate in dock

I would be playing Super Smash Bros Ultimate on the dock and during gameplay the TV screen goes like a greyish black color like it disconnected BUT the music is still playing and going to the home ...
UntitledUser's user avatar
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Is kirby worth it [closed]

I am more of a ness main but I am really good at using kirby but I keep seeing kirby go to the very bottom of every tier list, I wanna know if using kirby is still worth it
AidanGamin's user avatar
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How can I pick up items?

How do you pick up an object in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on a Nintendo Switch?
Mandi Odom's user avatar
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If I buy a DLC for SSB Ultimate that my child has bought on my Switch will it mess anything up?

My brother has a child account on his Switch Lite that is connected to my account on my Switch Lite, and that account is considered to be a parent account. He bought a Super Smash Bros Ultimate DLC ...
STAR_WARS_NERD15's user avatar
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Most similar character between Brawl and Ultimate [closed]

I'd like to get some practice on Super Smash Bros. Brawl on the Wii version so the next time I play Ultimate I should hopefully do better. What characters are the most similar in Ultimate to their ...
Millard's user avatar
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How do I change the controls (controller layout) for the CPU players in training mode?

Super Smash Bros, perhaps more than the average game, allows fairly freeform customisation of the controls and attracts a variety of opinions on what is the best or most efficient setup. In training ...
M_M's user avatar
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22 votes
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How can I deal with Mythra's Photon Edge?

Pyra and Mythra were just released and Mythra's side-special has all the makings of an annoying move: it's fast to pull out, covers a crazy amount of area, and puts you into disadvantage state if it ...
scohe001's user avatar
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If you buy a dlc amiibo in super smash bros (nintendo switch) will the amiibo purchase the dlc character

This confuses me a lot because I'm planning to buy and amiibo, but I'm wondering if that would give me the character also. Do I have to buy the dlc to use the amiibo character or does buying the ...
Smsh Bros Fan's user avatar
4 votes
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Is Min Min's Final Smash Pre-rendered?

If you slow down and look at Min Min's Final Smash (video) frame by frame, it's easy to spot that all the other ARMS characters are just 2D sprites. No doubt here. However, in the final part of the ...
Prid's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to create a custom Mii fighter character for Smash Bros Ultimate? [closed]

I want to create a custom Mii fighter character for my boyfriends birthday coming up. I've done some research and it seems there are a couple ways to do this - however I am looking to get advice ...
Kaleigh MacKay's user avatar
5 votes
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Do the Passive Shields of the Hero Alts have different hitboxes?

I can't find any place to visually see the hitboxes/hurtboxes of the passive shields of Link (and his variations), and Hero and their alternate costumes. What I'm wondering is whether the different ...
Prid's user avatar
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Do Olimar and Alph have the same hurtboxes?

Take a look at the picture below, showing how different the sizes and shapes of Olimar and Alph's heads are: I've read in this answer that it's not possible to have different hurtboxes for a single ...
Prid's user avatar
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How can I guarantee that I will beat the Duck Hunt challenge (grants Mew spirit) in World of Light?

There are spoilers for the story mode of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate here, mainly regarding one of the challenges in World of Light and the final boss. You've been warned! Just in case, all spoiler-...
pocketrice's user avatar
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3 answers

Do the different animations in the alternate costumes affect hurtboxes?

Some of the alternate costumes use different animations, like Inkling for example or, more recently, Byleth. Inkling's idle animation is different depending on if it's a female or male Inkling for ...
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16 votes
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How is a game I haven’t purchased on my home screen?

My kids just got very excited by the appearance of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on the home screen of the Switch, thinking I’d bought it for them while they were at school. I’m not that cool of a dad, ...
Darren's user avatar
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SSBU versus SSB on the Wii - Stamina mode and the final KO

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Nintendo switch has been amazing so far, but the one thing I enjoyed more with Super Smash Bros. Brawl is the stamina mode! I loved the fact that after the player ...
Connor's user avatar
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Do critical hit spirits also stack with Hero's passive of having a chance to crit on f. smash?

Just curious if critical hit spirits (eg. Blade Lord Lyn, Mythra) stack additively/multiplicatively with Hero's passive chance to perform a critical hit on an F.Smash?
childe's user avatar
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What's it mean when a figure player is marked as "Light" or "Cool"

I decided to try feeding an amiibo some spirits and noticed there's a trait I'm unsure about next to the type. The only values I can seem to make it are Light and Cool, depending on which spirit I ...
Batophobia's user avatar
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8 votes
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Can the trajectory of Banjo & Kazooie's Grenade Egg be altered?

Similar to how Snake can alter the way he chucks his grenades, is it possible to change the trajectory of the grenade egg? It feels slow to use, requires me to face opposite the opponent, and the egg ...
childe's user avatar
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How do you get the "bad" ending in World of Light?

I have reached the final area of the World of Light, and I think I have cleared out every fighter from the light side of the map. From what I've read, I should be able to now go to and fight Galeem to ...
GendoIkari's user avatar
23 votes
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What exactly does "Stick Sensitivity" do in Smash Ultimate custom controls?

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch allows players to customize their controls. Under "Other Settings" there is an option for Stick Sensitivity: Stick Sensitivity: Low | Normal | ...
pk_melee's user avatar
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Posting Smash Ultimate replay videos directly to YouTube

Is it possible to upload Smash Ultimate replay videos directly to YouTube? The default Switch workflow seems to involve saving replay videos to an SD Card and using a computer to manually upload the ...
pk_melee's user avatar
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How is starting GSP determined?

In Smash Ultimate, my highest GSP is 2,602,353 (not very impressive, I know). Characters I haven’t played as have a GSP of 2,499,349, which is quite close but still about 100,000 lower. How is this ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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Do Ω form/Battlefield stages have different dimensions?

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, there are Battlefield and Ω form stages. Some of these look very different from each other at the bottom; compare Halberd and Flat Zone. While they look different, do ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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I accidentally updated, but my replays are still there - why?

I have a ton of replays saved, which I wanted to convert to video before the update hits, as the new update comes with balance changes, which I would expect would make the replays from older versions ...
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18 votes
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Does Peach's float negate shorthop knockback multipliers?

Someone told me that Peach's float allows her to quickly perform full-strength aerials close to the ground in a short hop-like situation. Is this actually the case?
Brandon_J's user avatar
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Is there a reward for completing all challenges in SSBU?

I know there are additional rewards for completing a "page"/"section" of the challenges, but are there any additional rewards for completing ALL of them?
Andrew Drake's user avatar
18 votes
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Are there any Final Fantasy Spirits in Super Smash Bros Ultimate?

At some point the game informed me that you get a small boost by matching your character with spirits of the same game series. I mostly play as Cloud but have never obtained a single Final Fantasy ...
kenjara's user avatar
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How do I draw perfectly straight lines in stage builder?

As the title says -- I'm having issues drawing completely straight lines using my fingers in the stage builder. I'm trying to draw a hexagon, but obviously it's pretty difficult to make any shape that ...
childe's user avatar
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15 votes
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How to unlock “Classic Mode — Final Results” music?

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, there is a song that plays on the “Final Results” screen when you beat Classic Mode. It is a solo piano arrangement of Lifelight that is over two minutes and forty five ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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Are there any spirits that equips either a Hammer or Golden Hammer?

Just got a 3-star mario spirit that's special ability is "increases duration of hammer/golden hammer usage". That said, I have yet to see a single spirit offer such a powerful item for free. I've ...
childe's user avatar
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10 votes
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How do I deal with Dark Pit players as Samus/D. Samus?

The following is an inquiry about the Samus vs D. Pit match up specifically. The problems I face in this match up specifically are: The speed of Pit's arrows makes them better for spamming than my ...
Robotex's user avatar
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World of Light current completion percentage?

How do I see my current completion percentage in World of Light in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate?
Liron Yahdav's user avatar
14 votes
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What are the differences between Peach and Daisy?

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate introduces the concept of Echo Fighters, or characters that are near clones with minor differences. While in some cases, like with Roy and Chrom, the differences are very ...
scohe001's user avatar
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What moves can follow King K Rool's Down Throw as true combos and at what percentages?

It is known that King K Rool can score combos after using Down Throw, but this is dependent on the opponent's damage percentage and mashing ability. There is a list of kill confirms from Down Throw + ...
BGamer's user avatar
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Is King K. Rool's down throw to up-special a true combo?

In Alpharad's "battle royale" King K. Rool Video, I see multiple occurrences (here's one, and here's a better one) of down-throw (burying the opponent), jump, and up-special for some very early kills (...
Brandon_J's user avatar
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14 votes
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How to recover against Snake as a heavyweight character?

Context: My GSP ranking in elite matches is currently around 4.000.000, which I think is pretty good at the time I posted this, although it's hard to tell where you are ranked with this weird inverse ...
user avatar
9 votes
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Is there a way to change rules ad-hoc in Smash Ultimate?

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, players can create custom rulesets and save them for further use. Is there a way to temporarily change the rules for one match (e.g. turn all items off), without ...
MechMK1's user avatar
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Ice Climbers "desynch" in Ultimate

Since Melee, it's been possible to "desynch" the Ice Climbers so that you can control each of them individually. Apparently this technique is more difficult in Ultimate, but it's absolutely still ...
scohe001's user avatar
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28 votes
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How many different ways can Wii Fit Trainer's soccer ball be aimed?

Wii Fit Trainer's side-special, Header, spawns a soccer ball that she hits. I know you can shoot it at different angles by pressing special a second time sooner or later, but are there any other ...
scohe001's user avatar
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What exactly does Wii Fit Trainer's Deep Breathing down special do?

So I know that it seems to in general buff most normal attacks, but what I'm curious is exactly what is the buff boosting, and by how much is it boosting it by? Am I missing any other attacks that it ...
childe's user avatar
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