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Questions tagged [super-smash-bros-ultimate]

A 2018 fighting game developed by Bandai Namco Studios and Sora Ltd., published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. It is the sixth installment in the Super Smash Bros series.

22 votes
5 answers

How can I quickly unlock all of the fighters?

I'm getting the games set up for our Christmas party next weekend, and, as you will all know, Super Smash Bros Ultimate released today. Super Smash Bros is much more fun with all of the characters ...
Unionhawk's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Is female Wii Fit Trainer's hurtbox still smaller than the male's?

In Smash 4, according to a friend who liked to play them, both female Wii Fit Trainer's model and hurtbox were smaller than her male counterpart's. This made it clearly advantageous to play the female ...
scohe001's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

What determines the amount of lag you receive after air dodging?

After directional air dodging in Smash Ultimate, it seems like I'm sometimes able to act almost immediately afterwards while other times I can fall all the way to the blast zone without being able to ...
Allball103's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Best way to "Button Mash" to escape a bury/grab

Smash Ultimate introduces a lot of moves that bury your character, leaving you open to a strong attack. To name a few, we have Ikling's side special, Rob's down throw, King K. Rool's down throw and ...
scohe001's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Controlling Robin's neutral attack combo: Arcfire or Elwind

In the third strike of Robin's neutral attack, it is either a fire attack that uses up Arcfire charges, or a wind flurry attack that uses Elwind charges. Given that there are sufficient charges of ...
Flaw's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Do multiple hits from the same Simon/Richter boomerang add multiple hits to the staleness queue?

Smash Ultimate continues to have Stale Move Negation. Simon/Richter Side special is a boomerang glorious, radiant holy cross that can hit multiple times. Simon/Richter Down special is a plume of holy ...
StuperUser's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Is King K. Rool's down throw to up-special a true combo?

In Alpharad's "battle royale" King K. Rool Video, I see multiple occurrences (here's one, and here's a better one) of down-throw (burying the opponent), jump, and up-special for some very early kills (...
Brandon_J's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What matchups are counters to Pikachu?

I am going to a tournament and playing as pikachu. I am maining pikachu and have my backup ready. I want to know what characters counter pikachu if both players are at an equal skill level. This way, ...
unicornturtle's user avatar