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chaos's user avatar
chaos's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • Lanesboro, Minnesota
32 votes

MVC (Model-View-Controller) Game Engine Architecture - Yes or No?

27 votes

Save-security with MD5 hash

24 votes

Why is Reinforcement Learning so rarely used in pathfinding?

21 votes

Wall Jump for 2D Platformer

17 votes

What are typical job interview questions related to game development?

14 votes

MUD source code

13 votes

Is Test Driven Development viable in game development?

12 votes

Good books for MMORPG design?

10 votes

What should I wear to a job interview with a game development company?

10 votes

Starting from Scratch - Is it a Mistake if I re-invent the wheel?

8 votes

Game networking topology - dealing with host leaving

7 votes

Loading data for an RPG

6 votes

A* : Partial recalculation when one node *changes*

6 votes

Examples of interesting implementations of character stats?

5 votes

Strategies for monster targeting AI in a turn-based combat system

5 votes

How should I replan A*?

4 votes

What is the purpose of having lives?

4 votes

Receiving user commands in a text based console game

4 votes

What are some programming design patterns that are useful in game development?

4 votes

Data Structures for Logic Games / Deduction Rules / Sufficient Set of Clues?

4 votes

How to implement a component based system for items in a web game

4 votes

Space Invaders-type game: Keeping the enemies aligned with each other as they turn around?

3 votes

What's the best way to keep battle log in a browser based game written in PHP?

3 votes

Styles of games that work at low-resolution

3 votes

Generating grammatically correct MUD-style attack descriptions

3 votes

Build a handshake server for a multiplayer game

3 votes

Communication between objects in games?

2 votes

Using an engine to create content with PHP - but how should it happen?

2 votes

Character Stats and Power

2 votes

How can I tweak this A* search pathfinding algorithm to handle different terrain movement values?