

Fabrication de composants pour l’industrie aéronautique et aérospatiale

Aix-en-Provence, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur 6 809 abonnés


À propos

NHIndustries is the largest rotorcraft Joint Venture in European history and is responsible for the latest generation NH90 military helicopter. The Company takes the best from European Rotorcraft and Defence Industry being owned by Airbus Helicopters, Leonardo Helicopters and Fokker Aerostructures. Each company has a long aerospace pedigree and brings the best of its skills and expertise to the end product. The NH90, designed according to the most demanding NATO standards, meets the needs of a modern military customer. It is a highly versatile medium twin-engine helicopter and thanks to its large full composite airframe, its excellent power to weight ratio and its wide range of role equipment, is the optimal choice for a wide range of tasks including blue water naval operations, maritime support, tactical land missions and medical evacuation. It features a redundant Fly-by-Wire flight control system for reduced Pilot’s workload and enhanced flight characteristics. The NH90 is proposed in two main variants, one dedicated to naval operations, the NH90 NFH (Nato Frigate Helicopter) and one for land based operations, the NH90 TTH (Tactical Transport Helicopter). It is now in service with the armed forces of Australia, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Sweden and The Netherlands. The NH90 has been operationally and successfully deployed in overseas operations with outstanding achievements.

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Fabrication de composants pour l’industrie aéronautique et aérospatiale
Taille de l’entreprise
51-200 employés
Siège social
Aix-en-Provence, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
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Employés chez NHIndustries


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    6 809  abonnés

    Exciting news! 🌍🚁 A Dutch #NH90 maritime combat helicopter has been deployed across the globe for the first time ever! This historic moment is part of the ongoing Pacific Archer 2024 world tour in the Pacific Ocean. Check out the full story in the article below! 👇 ➡ https://lnkd.in/eX4zNBiU #NH90 #NHIndustries #militaryhelicopter

    De wereldreis Pacific Archer begint in maart, als de Tromp voor een half jaar de thuishaven verlaat. Bij vertrek uit Den Helder wachten er twee tactische hobbels: de passage van de Rode Zee en de Zuid-Chinese Zee. In de eerste helpt 'de Tromp' Carrier Strike Group 69 met uitbreiding van het radarbeeld en met early warning-capaciteit. De gevechtsvliegtuigen van vliegkampschip USS Dwight D. Eisenhower die deelnemen aan Operation Prosperity Guardian zijn daarmee geholpen. Deze door Amerika geleide operatie beschermt schepen in vooral de zeestraat Bab-Al-Mandeb, (de twintig kilometer nauwe doorgang aan de zuidkant van de Rode Zee tussen Djibouti en Jemen) tegen aanslagen van Houthi-rebellen. Met Pacific Archer bewijst de marine niet terughoudend te zijn om naar de andere kant van de wereld te varen om er de vrijheid van navigatie te monitoren. Ook niet als het spannend wordt. Om te voorkomen dat landen de bedoelingen van een Nederlands fregat ver van huis niet kennen, gaat Pacific Archer gepaard met een fiks mediaoffensief. Door via interviews, publicaties in kranten, internet en Instagram kernboodschappen te verspreiden, weten landen waaraan het schip een bezoek brengt precies wat het voornemen is. Wij werken op altijd samen. Want samen zijn wij sterk. Met de verschillende krijgsmacht onderdelen en intern. Als DMI zijn wij verantwoordelijk voor het onderhoud en de ondersteuning voor de vloot en de mariniers. Dat doen wij aan de voorkant van de inzet. En dat doen wij tijdens de inzet met operationele ondersteuning. Waar dan ook ter wereld. Lees het volledige artikel ➡ https://lnkd.in/eX4zNBiU

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour NHIndustries, visuel

    6 809  abonnés

    [Defense] NH90: Lifespan extended to 50 years and preparations for Block 2 generation are underway! 📍 Operative since 2006, the #NH90 were initially qualified for 30 years. A recent upgrade extended it’s lifespan by 20 years and discussions are already in progress for developing the next generation. 👉 Read the article of “Mer et Marine” with the interview of NHI’s President Axel Aloccio: https://lnkd.in/eqWHFJNi 📸 Photo credit: Vincent Groizeleau - Marine Nationale #maritime #defence #naval #NH90 #NHindustries #helicopter

    Voir la page d’organisation pour Mer et Marine, visuel

    37 556  abonnés

    🚁 [ Défense ] NH90 : durée de vie prolongée à 50 ans et préparation de la génération Block 2 📍 Livrés en série depuis 2006, les hélicoptères #NH90 avaient été initialement qualifiés pour 30 ans. Une étude a été menée pour prolonger leur durée de vie de 20 années supplémentaires, alors que les réflexions sont en cours pour développer la prochaine génération de cette machine. ➡ Mer et Marine a fait le point sur le programme avec Axel Aloccio, président de NHIndustries et directeur du programme NH90. 👉 Lire l'article : https://lnkd.in/eqWHFJNi 📸 Crédit photo : Vincent Groizeleau - Marine Nationale Airbus Helicopters - Fokker Services Group - Leonardo - NAHEMA - NATO HELICOPTER MANAGEMENT AGENCY - NATO #maritime #defense #naval

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour NHIndustries, visuel

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    🚁 The Belgian #NH90 helicopters are always ready for challenging search and rescue missions and emergency assistance! 🌟 🔥 Recently, an #NH90 helicopter heroically rescued 10 people from the Kennedy Tower in Liège on June 25, 2024. 🙌 ⏰ When an emergency strikes, prompt action is key! 🛡️ 👏 Kudos to the Belgian Defence Forces for their remarkable rescue efforts! 🇧🇪 📖 Read more about this incredible mission: Link 📰 https://lnkd.in/duNMCh9g #NH90 #NFH #NHI #searchandrescuemissions

    Un hélicoptère NH90 de la Défense sauve 10 personnes de la tour Kennedy à Liège

    Un hélicoptère NH90 de la Défense sauve 10 personnes de la tour Kennedy à Liège


  • Voir la page d’organisation pour NHIndustries, visuel

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    🚁 NHIndustries’ partner company, Airbus Helicopters, has kicked off the flight test campaign for the NH90 Standard 2 prototype. Designed specifically for the French Army Aviation and special forces ops, the French Ministry of Armed Forces has ordered 18 of these cutting-edge helicopters. Testing will continue through the year, in line with the schedule agreed with the French Armament General Directorate (DGA). #Aviation #Nhindustries #NH90 #AirbusHelicopters #MilitaryTech #SpecialForces

    Voir la page d’organisation pour Airbus Helicopters, visuel

    452 375  abonnés

    Airbus Helicopters has launched the flight test campaign for the prototype of the NH90 Standard 2. This standard is one of the latest NH90 configurations and is being developed specifically for the French Army Aviation to support special forces operations. The French Ministry for Armed Forces has ordered a total of 18 NH90s in the Standard 2 configuration. Flight testing will continue until the end of the year in accordance with the schedule agreed with the French Armament General Directorate (DGA - Direction générale de l'armement). Read the press release: https://lnkd.in/ePjHhSd7 #AirbusHelicopters #NH90 #MakingMissionsPossible 

    French Army’s NH90 for Special Forces has started flight testing

    French Army’s NH90 for Special Forces has started flight testing


  • Voir la page d’organisation pour NHIndustries, visuel

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    📢 Big announcement! 🚁✨ During the Community Steering Committee on June 13th, 2024, NAHEMA’s General Manager, Michael KOHLHAAS, NHIndustries’s President Axel Aloccio and Managing Director Cristian Naso, revealed a significant contract: “Software Release 3 - Development and Qualification.” 📝. With this agreement #NHI is boosting the capabilities of the #NH90 maritime version for the fleets in Germany, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands.🌐 For full details, check the press release in our website and to the Link below 📰👇 https://bit.ly/3VPRKpH #NAHEMA #NHI #NH90 #SWR3

    Software Release 3 On June 13th 2024, during the Community Steering Committee, the General Manager of NAHEMA, Michael KOHLHAAS, and the President of NH Industries, Axel ALOCCIO, announced the signing of a major contract titled, the “Software Release 3 - Development and Qualification”. This contract involves a software and hardware upgrade of the Belgian, Dutch, German and Italian NH90 fleets. Tactical Transport Helicopters (NH90 TTH) and NATO Frigate Helicopters (NH90 NFH) will receive numerous technical modifications such as up to date IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) functions and modern communication equipment, including satellite communication. New electro-optical systems will improve reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities. Furthermore Data Link 22 will be introduced in the NFH fleet to exchange tactical data with other units in real-time. A modernization of submarine detection and naval warfare weapon systems will further enhance the operational capabilities of the NH90 NFH. Taking into account the number of technical modifications and the financial commitment, the Software Release 3 project can be considered the most important joint evolution of the NH90 to date, and prepares the most advanced military helicopter in service for the coming decades.  

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    “Best wishes from #NHIndustries to the Italian Navy for its 163rd anniversary! 🎂 #NHIndustries is proud to support the Italian Navy every day to guarantee the safety of its personnel and the security of the Italian citizens and its worldwide operations” #NH90 #nhindustries #militaryhelicopters

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour NHIndustries, visuel

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    🚁 The NH90 CLEO mock-up, generated significant attention at ILA Berlin last week! The NH90 mock-up took a lot of interest at ILA Berlin last week, captivating both the visiting delegations and the public at the #Airbus booth! The enthusiasm and interest were incredibly inspiring for Nnhindustries and its partners Airbus, Leonardo and GKN Fokker. Stay tuned for more exciting future updates and events, featuring the #NH90! 🌟 #NH90 #ILABerlin #Aviation #Innovation #ExcitingEvents #nhindustries #NH90 #specialforcesoperations

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour NHIndustries, visuel

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    Dutch #NH90 Helicopters: A Crucial Role in NATO Operations! On Tuesday, May 28th, the Commander of the Royal Netherlands Air Force’s Defense Helicopter Command, visited GKN Fokker in Papendrecht. This meeting highlighted the strong ties between the Dutch defense industry and military operational capabilities. During his visit, the commander, along with his squadron commander, expressed their satisfaction with the performance and availability of the #NH90 helicopters. These technologically advanced helicopters have positioned the Netherlands as a leading nation within NATO in detecting hostile submarines, both in exercises and real-life missions. The commander extended his gratitude to everyone in the industry and the defense forces who make these critical operations possible, with special emphasis on the role of the #NH90: "Wherever there is a conflict in the world, we first send a ship, and it cannot depart without the #NH90." In recognition of these efforts, the air force organized a national flyby tour with all the #NH90s currently in the Netherlands and not on a mission. This fleet flew over the involved bases and over the Royal Palace in The Hague, where the king watched and saluted the formation. This event underscores the crucial role of the #NH90 in Dutch and international defense and celebrates our country's indispensable contribution to global security. #GKNFokker #nhindustries #NH90 #globalsecurity #militaryhelicopters #RNAF In the picture below: Ad Laurijssen, DHC support staff, Ltz Maurice van Mourik, Squadron commander, Air Commodore Pier Schipmulder, Commander Defence Helicopter Command From GKN Fokker: Erik Scheeren, Michel Karel , Eric Cuppen and Dennis Luyt  

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    This Multi-Role Frigate Helicopter (#MRFH) has just completed a crucial eight-week test campaign on its journey to enter in to service in 2025 within German Navy. Designed for anti-submarine #ASW and anti-surface warfare #ASuW it will be, from June to mid-August, at the Nordholz base, showcasing its full operational capabilities. This marks the last major qualification step before 2025 deliveries. The tests, including sonar activities and simulated torpedo and missile firings have never before been carried out on a helicopter and will demonstrate the integration of the various on-board equipment within a comprehensive mission scenario. Learn more also on: https://lnkd.in/eQQTp9TS #ILABerlin #Aerospace #NH90SeaTiger #GermanNavy #Innovation #Helicopter #nh90 #nhindustries

    Voir la page d’organisation pour Airbus Helicopters, visuel

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    Ahead of ILA Berlin - Pioneering Aerospace that starts next week, we're spotlighting the NH90 Sea Tiger on order by the German Navy. The MRFH (Multi-Role Frigate Helicopter) Sea Tiger was developed specifically to meet the needs of the German Navy with a mission system focused on anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare.  On the path to entry into service in 2025, an important step has just been taken with a successful eight-week test campaign that took place from February to April 2024. All eyes are now on Nordholz. From June to mid-August, a Sea Tiger will be deployed from the Nordholz base in a full demonstration of its operational capabilities, - the last major qualification step before deliveries begin in 2025. The aircraft, still operated by Airbus Helicopters, will follow an operational flight profile from A to Z, with sonar activity and simulated torpedo and missile firings. This type of test has never before been carried out on a helicopter. Learn more: https://lnkd.in/eQQTp9TS #AirbusHelicopters #MakingMissionsPossible #MilitaryAviation #NH90 #ILA24

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