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9 votes
10 answers

An adjective for something peaceful but sad?

I need an adjective for that please, is about the energy of the room feeling both sad but quiet and peaceful. There was a ____ atmosphere in the room.
Lara A.L. Martins's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

In need of the word or phrase describing studying or educating in a non-formal way or as a hobby

So when I was 14 years old I started an interest in psychology. I've been studying it (legitimate medical research articles, textbooks, clinical guides, etc vs googling) for almost 13 years at this ...
Maddie Kiley's user avatar
8 votes
8 answers

A word for something that is, "Bizarre" but, "Beautiful"

Is there a word that describes something that is weird, strange, odd, bizarre, etc. but also beautiful, wonderful, amazing, fantastic, etc.? Example: a word to describe a place that is strangely ...
Cashier-Man's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

If ‘provincial’ is the adjective for provinces what is the adjective form of ‘dominions’?

I have two category of territories: Provinces and Dominions. Adjective for everything from provinces is provincial. Like Provincial Government, Provincial Roads, Provincial Courts etc. What is a ...
EMS's user avatar
  • 339
6 votes
11 answers

Ways to Say "Forcibly Inducted"

As a combatant, your family's safety is threatened by your captors. "Return to your platoon as a spy for us, and your family's lives will be spared." You accept the terms with steadfast ...
Vepuei's user avatar
  • 77
0 votes
2 answers

What is an adjective for a person who is attractive but doesn't like taking care of their appearance?

Like an attractive person but who doesn't wear make up, doesn't comb, and doesn't try to combine his clothes. Attractive in an edgy way, not caring about their look but still looking good. Being ...
Claire Perez's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What do you call an elementary, middle and high schools sharing the same space?

I used to go to a school where the primary (elementary) and secondary (middle+high) schools both share the same area. So basically as a secondary schooler, I could walk to the primary side without ...
Amerul Atiq's user avatar
7 votes
10 answers

Adjective meaning "once, and eventually to be again"

I am currently on a leave of absence from my PhD. I would like to describe myself as an "[adjective] grad student", where [adjective] means something like "once, and destined to be ...
Max's user avatar
  • 171
0 votes
1 answer

What is a single word that describes a person who has a small amount of authority and exercises it heavy handedly with great self importance? [duplicate]

For example, a supermarket cashier who strictly regulates customers’ compliance with their rules for proper check-out protocol, such as use of the order divider bar.
user495163's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

What words describe the feeling of proving someone wrong?

I am looking for words to describe the feeling of when you prove someone wrong. For example Person A says person B can't do something. Out of spite Person B does said thing. Person B then feels____. ...
FarAwayCookie's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is there an elegant way of refering to this scenario?

I simulated cometary activity in three different scenarios: local (confined to a certain region on the nucleus), global (encompassing the entire nucleus), and global except local. While it is simple ...
mapf's user avatar
  • 119
1 vote
1 answer

Adjective for "being added an ellipsis"

This is a related question to Adjective for "containing an ellipsis" with a distinction for the act of becoming, instead of the state of being. The provided answer suggests elliptic: ...
Konrad Viltersten's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Is there an adjective for intensity/force ending in "-al"?

Is there an adjective of intensity (or similar term related to force) that ends in "-al"? like: space > spatial, time > temporal, etc. Intensity is meant as the physical attribute/...
Oliver Amundsen's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Single word for "ignoring the fine details to only consider the big picture" as a counterpoint to "pedantic"?

Is there a single word to describe someone who disregards the fine details of something and only focuses on what they believe is the bigger picture? I'm looking for a pejorative connotation similar to ...
SketchMan3's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

The counterpart of "facial" for head

We have the adjective "facial" for the noun "face", and I am wondering what the counterpart for the noun "head" is. I could not find it on Google, and ChatGPT told me &...
Vezen BU's user avatar
  • 209
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a single word meaning 'a person who loves to represent their city'? [duplicate]

A person who is especially proud to be from a particular city, and puts down others from opposing cities. They rep their city as if it's a sports team. This is especially true in the US. Could you ...
Jennifer S's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

What is the single word for "suppression of one's right by using muscle power" or "not letting one exercise one's power by using force" [closed]

Is there any single word for "suppression of one's right by using muscle power" or "not letting one exercise one's power by using force"?
Dinesh Kumar Garg's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Adjective for a thing/place well-known by a minority of people

What would you call a place or thing that's well-known or renowned but only among a locality, family, or small group? I've looked into it and have failed to find anything that fits.
user489753's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Word to describe someone who is skilled at inspecting the inner qualities or state of another [duplicate]

Description Hi, I'm looking for an adjective that can be used to describe someone who is skilled at easily identifying the thoughts, abilities, and perspectives of another. The first sample sentence ...
Keter's user avatar
  • 41
-1 votes
1 answer

What is a word for someone who does things to forget about painful things?

For example, if someone lost a family member and decides that instead of crying they're gonna rub off their pain by playing basketball for 8 hours of their day.
jocelyn's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

A word that means "given to frequent censorship"?

I always assumed that the word censorious meant someone or something that is given to censorship. Like if you say that a community, an organization, or a person is overly-censorious, that means they ...
peacetype's user avatar
  • 103
-1 votes
1 answer

Adjective that explains a variable (e.g. curve in a diagram) is growing slightly exponential

I am writing some sentences describing the diagram below. From my perspective, the GDP resembles a bit like a curve (exponentially growing) rather than roughly a straight line. Is there a particular ...
Redsbefall's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

Is there a term that describes reducing a person's identity to certain characteristics?

Is there a term that describes reducing a person's identity to certain characteristics, behaviours or traits that are not physical? The term should have a negative connotation. I've heard the ...
Maria CW's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Adjective for the name 'Grothendieck'

Grothendieck was a major mathematician in the 20th century. I would like to know how one can use his name to talk about the content of a study. For example in French we would say Hi all, Études ...
Jonathan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What's the adjective for "register" in the linguistic sense?

What's the adjective for register in the linguistic sense (formal, informal, frozen, etc.)? There is a ___________ difference between "how do you do" and "howdy". I thought up ...
Vun-Hugh Vaw's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

What's a good word to describe someone who is prone to sudden changes of mood? [closed]

I'm looking for an adjective, preferably a kind of "fancy" one that I can use to describe a character who has frequent changes of mood, often in a very sudden or extreme way. It also causes ...
Sandy's user avatar
  • 123
-3 votes
1 answer

How do I express the quality of being alien as a noun? [duplicate]

Alien can be a noun and an adjective. In this case, I am using it as an adjective. I am wondering how to express the quality of being alien as a noun (for example, happy expressed as a noun is ...
The Empty String Photographer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there an adjective to describe an action that's done to fake being carefree?

I've thought about using nonchalant, insouciant, carefree, blithe, and so on, but they don't really communicate that the character does actually care about what they're doing, they're just pretending ...
Rosy's user avatar
  • 106
26 votes
21 answers

What's a word that means "once rich but now poor"?

I'm looking for a one-to-two word adjective that describes a person that was once rich, but after several unfortunate events has much less money. However, the person is not suffering, but the person ...
Anon's user avatar
  • 277
0 votes
0 answers

Is there an adjective for a word that contains multiple connotations as implied by its contextual usage? [duplicate]

I recognized in the process of writing this clause, Resulting in the discretion of death as we know it That the “discretion of death” could encompass a range of semantic vectors depending on how one ...
Auri's user avatar
  • 1
0 votes
2 answers

What's an adjective or noun that means "about the meaning of life and purpose"?

What's an adjective or noun that means "about the meaning of life and purpose"? Nihilism is the belief that life is meaningless, so we shouldn't have to burden ourselves with purpose. ...
minseong's user avatar
  • 3,526
1 vote
1 answer

Word for "multi-influenced"

I am looking for a word to describe a phenomenon that has multiple influences. For example, a disease that has many risk factors. It can be used in a sentence such as: Although the disease is likely {...
Brigadeiro's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Another word for 'one-of-a-kind' [closed]

I'm looking for a specific adjective for a product (meaning something created by a human and not naturally occurring) where there is only one unit ever produced. Similar meaning to bespoke but that ...
Vikesh's user avatar
  • 27
3 votes
2 answers

Adjective to describe period before creation

Especially in the context of history or Bible studies, we see the term "antediluvean" to describe the period of time before the "great flood." I'm basically searching for a ...
Arash Howaida's user avatar
28 votes
23 answers

What is the word for a belief that is nearly universally rejected?

There is no significant debate over whether or not theft should be legal. There are not pro-theft and anti-theft political groups; basically everyone agrees theft is bad, so that precludes the ...
Someone's user avatar
  • 770
0 votes
0 answers

Is there a specific term for boasting about habitual actions?

There are certain activities that all humans perform habitually. For example: Brushing teeth, having breakfast, lunch and dinner, a goodnight's sleep, etc. What if a person keeps on constantly ...
ViviRukisha's user avatar
5 votes
10 answers

Adjective that means ‘having agency’

I’m looking for an adjective that means the person described has the power to choose their own actions, rather than being someone else’s puppet. Potent is the closest I’ve come but it’s not right. ...
Beanluc's user avatar
  • 478
1 vote
3 answers

Words for smug, evil look?

I'm looking for words to describe that classic smug and evil facial expression. Something similar to this emoji - 😈. I was thinking mischievous but that word doesn't adequately connote the evil ...
Archipelago2000's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

What word begins with "s" and means "seperated from religion"

What word begins with a letter "s" and means "seperated from religion"
Toothpick Anemone's user avatar
15 votes
12 answers

I am looking for a word (a noun preferably but an adjective would suffice) that denotes a person that knowingly allows another to use them regularly

This is for a poetic endeavor. The person allowing this is a people pleaser and lacking in self-esteem (obviously). They feel they are in love with the “user” and although aware that the “relationship”...
Kary's user avatar
  • 163
-1 votes
1 answer

What is an adjective for a person who perceives everything and everyone as dumb? [closed]

Perhaps a word that is a little less than "nihilistic"
RemyG's user avatar
  • 7
1 vote
1 answer

A word that means the opposite of "shoehorned", something that fits its purpose well

I'm looking for a word that means the opposite of shoehorned, ie. something that DOES fit its purpose well. shoehorn (v.) (transitive, figuratively) To force (something) into (a tight space); to ...
zud3652's user avatar
  • 23
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a word that means "blaring" but in a good way?

I'm looking for an adjective that describes the sound of a marching band that plays really loud and energetic and you like it. If you hated the music, it would be "blaring", because it's way ...
eltomito's user avatar
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6 answers

Adjective for "lacking/losing/wanting of elasticity/stretchiness after too much stretching" to describe originally elastic/stretchy things?

When certain elastic or stretchy objects are overstretched, especially in prolonged periods, they may lose elasticity altogether and cannot return to their unstretched state. What would be an ...
Vun-Hugh Vaw's user avatar
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3 answers

Strict adjective for "in a different country, not your own", for use before a noun (attributive, not predicate), that's not "overseas"?

What would be a usable alternative to overseas, in the very strict sense of "living in a country not your own"? It is strange that the most common attributive adjective for this notion is ...
Vun-Hugh Vaw's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

What is a word for someone who sees themself as ‘unlovable’?

I’m doing some character work and I was wondering if anyone could find a word that means ‘someone who feels unlovable’ or ‘believes themself unworthy of having their love returned’. I'm looking for ...
Cannon Gray Craft's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

A long, obscure word with the meaning "abstruse, erudite, (of a text) difficult"

I have forgotten a particular word. It's very rare, but not so rare that it doesn't appear in online dictionaries—for instance, it appeared in Google Search's dedicated dictionary widget with its ...
ersatz_couch's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Idiom for spending too much time on a single topic? [duplicate]

Is there an idiom (or just an adjective) for spending too much time on a topic? What about saying the same thing over and over again in different ways? Example: "We don't need to keep talking ...
doug's user avatar
  • 99
16 votes
6 answers

What is the term for words such as Turkish, American, Canadian, Mexican, Polish, etc.?

Is there a word/term that relates to those? Usage examples of the words in the title: Turkish cuisine American passport Canadian insignia Mexican beadwork Polish calculator Use of this mystery word/...
cutechocobo's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

Word that means the first approach to a problem a reasonable person would likely consider

I'm looking for a wonderfully useful adjective I've come across several times but have since forgotten. It was used in the context of solving a difficult problem (think puzzle, math, or science) and ...
Brendan S's user avatar

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