I was looking for a word for someone that is really into getting free things, that doesn't necessarily carry a negative connotation. I'd describe them as:

  • that person that shows up to random meetings in college just for the free pizza.
  • someone willing to send in postcard entries to a sweepstakes (instead of buying some product).
  • a person that loves getting free stuff and constantly shares with others how they can get free stuff (i.e. the Points Guy).
  • the child voted "mostly likely to get abducted by a stranger giving away free candy."
  • a person that's overly excited about getting something for free.

If the word already exists (even if it isn't English), then I'd prefer that word. I'm okay with slang/neologisms. Thus far, the best I could come up with is "liberphile"/"liberophile".

Other similar questions that don't get to what I'm looking for because they're pejorative:
Is there a word for people who revel in freebies?

What would you call someone who imposes on other people's generosity?

  • In New York City, we would have labeled it shrewd. But imposes in negative. Commented May 31, 2022 at 23:00
  • 2
    I think you're supposed to show at least one sample sentence with a blank where the word/phrase would go. / Frugal? King/Queen of scavenging? Scavenger extraordinaire? Re-use maven? Commented Jun 1, 2022 at 2:11

1 Answer 1


Some words I might use:

Opportunity Hunter/Utilizer

Cost Optimizer (Hey, this contains the sound "miser" !)

Deal/Bargain Hunter/Utilizer

Welfare/Gift Seeker

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