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Descarcă BT Pay

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT Pay

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT Pay

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă NeoBT

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă NeoBT

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă NeoBT

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT24

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT24

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.


Descarcă BT Pay

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT Pay

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT Pay

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă NeoBT

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă NeoBT

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă NeoBT

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT24

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT24

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Social Governance

We took a firm commitment to Romanians and local entrepreneurs in building on their dreams, Banca Transilvania always being a reliable partner to start the journey with.

From vision to action: step by step towards a sustainable future 

As Romania's largest bank, we are aware of the significant contribution that we have in shaping the future of the Romanian financial system and economy. As part of our development the commitment to responsible growth remains strong, and all our endeavours prove once again that, step by step, we are making progress towards a more sustainable economy.

That's why responsible growth is an integral part of our commitment, recognising that non-financial performance is just as important as financial performance. As a responsible member of the community, we are committed to the continuous support of entrepreneurship and the development and transformation of the economic and business environment in Romania. Prosperity is the result of economic growth, digital and technological innovation. It must be built with the future in mind.

Ömer Tetik

CEO, Banca Transilvania

Ömer Tetik CEO, Banca Transilvania
Ömer Tetik CEO, Banca Transilvania
Ömer Tetik CEO, Banca Transilvania

Green Products

Our commitment to responsible, impactful financing is […]


Our commitment to responsible, impactful financing is embedded in our product offering, ranging from green mortgages to green personal needs loans.

Through these products, we seek to support our clients in all their projects, helping both their development and their adaptation to the context of sustainable development. We have increased our focus on energy efficiency projects, smart agriculture, efficient transport, and water efficiency.



green loans, worth CCA. RON 790 million

846 M

RON in green mortgages, out of which RON 560 million are EU Taxonomy aligned (partial alignment).


eco-friendly recycled plastic credit cards.

Financial Literacy

Our customers must be in a position to […]


Our customers must be in a position to make informed financial decisions. So, we help them to know and understand what they need to manage effectively.

Through Intreb BT a friendly, easy to use platform, people can find answers to the most searched-for banking topics, ranging from cards, loans, internet & mobile banking, even how to recover a lost or forgotten password.


daily users on June 2023.

10 M

users have accessed the Intreb BT platform since its launch until now.

2 M

opened sessions from January 2023 until June 2023.

Diversity and Inclusion

BT's diversity and inclusion initiatives include […]


BT's diversity and inclusion initiatives include deliberate efforts to create an inclusive and equitable workplace that values and respects people from different backgrounds, identities, and experiences.

These initiatives aim to foster a culture that embraces diversity and empowers all employees to contribute their unique perspectives and talents. Our initiatives are tailored to our specific organizational culture, goals, and challenges, always attentive to everyone’s rights to increase a diverse work force and hence improve performance.


discrimination incidents reported by our employees.


of the Leader’s Committee positions are held by women.


hours of training were dedicated to training on equal opportunities, and the prevention of discrimination and harassment in the workplace.


We take cybersecurity very seriously. All our internal […]


We take cybersecurity very seriously. All our internal information security policies are developed in accordance with the ISO 27001 standard. To secure online and POS payments, we comply with the Strong Customer Authentication standards, part of the European Directive on Payment Services (PSD2).

Access to banking applications - BT Pay, Neo BT, BT24 and BT Visual Help - is carried out in a secure manner, with high safety requirements.

Cards added to the BT Pay app and other wallet (Apple Pay, Google Pay, Fitbit Pay, Garmin Pay) are tokenised. Our issued cards also comply with internationally regulated security standards of Visa/Mastercard payment schemes.


special section on our website is dedicated to our customers and provides advice and information related to cybersecurity.


training hours for BT employees on topics related to phishing, security awareness, incident management or email threats, over the las year.


training hours for BT employees on security topics, realised in 2022.


Sustainable Payments

We take responsibility for protecting the environment and […]


We take responsibility for protecting the environment and contributing to the development of a sustainable, more inclusive society, making banking services more accessible.

We therefore set goals that reinforce our commitment to a more financially inclusive future, such as the development of innovative payment applications and services and the provision of dedicated payment products such as BT Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, smartwatches (Fitbit Pay, Garmin Pay), payment solutions for entrepreneurs and small business owners such as traditional POS, POS app and BTeCommerce.

2.8 M

unique cards are enrolled in BT Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Fitbit Pay, Garmin Pay, wallets.


of Banca Transilvania customers are digitized.


For us, corporate citizenship is about accountability and […]


For us, corporate citizenship is about accountability and transparency. More specifically, it is our way of saying thank you to the communities we are part of.

Supporting social ventures means both participating in national projects and providing one-off support for local needs through our local network. This allows us to stay connected with the community.


associations and non-governmental organizations that benefited from our support in 2022.

30.5 M

RON our investment in the development of local communities through the funding of cultural and educational events, the support of social causes and our contribution to community projects.


EUR have been invested in volunteer programmes dedicated to reforestation in several ares: Cluj, Bistrița Năsăud, Călărași, Buzău, Bucharest



Aligning the interests of all stakeholders is a […]


Aligning the interests of all stakeholders is a key aspect of our day-to-day operations, which is why transparency about our strategic direction, objectives and risk management is essential. We take responsibility for creating a sustainable business and a positive impact on society.

This mindset has helped us gain more than two decades of experience on the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

Furthermore, by making this principle a fundamental rule, we constantly communicate efficiently with all stakeholders, according to our Financial Calendar, offer transparent financial results, organise conference calls meet with investors at various international conferences, or regularly publish informative reports on financial results.


The first bank from Romania, listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange.


is the score obtained in the evaluation of the Romanian Investor Relations Association (ARIR) on the disclosure of companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange - both in 2022 and 2021.

Responsible Funding

Our commitment to sustainable development has […]


Our commitment to sustainable development has been demonstrated over the past few years. We continue to support the steps taken at the European Union level towards the transition to a sustainable economy and we are aware of the role we have, as part of the financial sector in Romania, to allocate capital to projects or causes that contribute positively to this transition.

We have partnered with international financial institutions such as EBRD, IFC, EFSE, AIIB to develop funding portfolios in sustainable areas and to stimulate innovation and positive impact on our society and environment.

25 M

EUR were granted by EBRD through the Resilience and Livelihoods Framework as part of the War on Ukraine - EBRD Resilience Package to help sustain the provision of services and safeguard business activities in Ukraine and the Affected Countries with the go

100 M

EUR IFC loan to support blue economy projects in Romania, in the field of sustainable production, tourism, fisheries, agricultural irrigation, with a contribution to the sustainability of water resources.

1 B

EUR Medium Term Note Programme with part of proceeds used to finance green mortgages and financing women entrepreneurs.


BT means people. And above all […]


BT means people. And above all, we are a team. We work together, supporting and encouraging each other because we know that what we do every day has a direct impact on our customers.

To ensure smooth and optimal business operations, we have consolidated our core strategy and developed new programmes and activities for our employees with high attendance figures recorded in development programmes.

Skilling #peopleofBT meant creating a digital space to promote the Think Green concept bringing together webinars, resources regarding funding programs, legislation in Romania and the European Union, Q&A on how to carry out the lending activity.


training hours were dedicated to each employee of Banca Transilvania.


applications and over 90 BT employees have been selected for the company's IT Reskilling programmes. As a result of the competition 44 colleagues are now working in new technical roles.


of cumulative attendance in classrooms, webinars and e-Learning were achieved during 2022.

Digital Transformation

We are highly receptive to technological innovation […]


We are highly receptive to technological innovation, ensuring that we streamline the process of communicating information in real time, with a focus on continuous adaptation in times of rapid change.

We see extraordinary opportunities for customers in terms of mobility through remote banking, access to new products and services, and rapidly growing confidence in online payments.


more interactions in 2022 with BT Visual Help App, our digital call centre platform.


new customers opened their business current account 100% online


documents were sent in 2022 via Fileshare, the secure document transfer solution between clients and the bank.

Responsible Banking

By adopting the UNEP FI Principles for […]


By adopting the UNEP FI (United Nations Environmental Programme - Finance Initiative) Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) in February 2022, we have ensured that our business strategy and practices are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and the provisions of the Paris Agreement.

We have taken extensive steps to analyse the impact of our portfolio on the economy, environment and society, to identify negative or positive contributions to sustainable development, and to identify activities undertaken by the Bank that can have a significant impact.

For details, please refer to the Self-Assessment Report on the Implementation of the Principles for Responsible Banking, 2022.

Clean Mobility

Clean & Green mobility translates into […]


Clean & Green mobility translates into BT Leasing and Idea::Leasing, Banca Transilvania Financial Group’s companies through we finance sustainable solutions that are meant to reduce the impact of transport on climate change and air pollution.

Promoting green finance is one of our strategic objectives. Thus, we have created a point where we ensure accessibility to the purchase of electric and hybrid cars for individuals and companies.


green vehicles financed in 2022, of which 600 electric and 2100 hybrid.

Entrepreneurial ecosystem

BT's financial ecosystem is complemented by […]


BT's financial ecosystem is complemented by BT Mic & Stup, created to support, and help the entrepreneurial community under the umbrella of #sefacelastup.

BT Mic provides funding to the smallest companies in the market, financing start-up entrepreneurs with an annual turnover of up to 1 million lei. The purpose of the loan can range from supporting and developing the day-to-day business to purchasing goods, paying suppliers, investing in jobs and/or creating new ones, purchasing machinery and equipment.

Stup is a physical & virtual space that brings together most of the products and services an entrepreneur needs. It hosts events for entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs, organised both by BT and partners. It is open to all entrepreneurs, regardless of which bank they are a customer of, with no membership fee, free advice, and many discounts on partner products.


loans worth RON 430 million were granted by BT Mic in 2022.


entrepreneurs have joined the Stup community after the first half year of opening.


accounts opened on the platform.


Întreb BT este cel mai mare program online de educație financiară al Băncii Transilvania, cu peste 2.000 de întrebări și răspunsuri din banking.
Sugestii de căutare
Powered by Azure OpenAI GPT4
AI Search oferă răspunsuri generate automat, folosind tehnologia GPT4, ce pot avea conținut inexact sau potențial ofensator, care nu reprezintă punctul de vedere al Băncii Transilvania. Ești singurul responsabil pentru utilizarea conținutului generat de acest serviciu. .
Termenii și condiții


AI Search este un proiect pilot - în varianta beta - care folosește tehnologia GPT4 pentru a simplifica procesul de căutare și înțelegere a produselor bancare.

AI Search este antrenat să răspundă unor întrebări care au legătură exclusiv cu produsele bancare oferite de BT, însă în anumite situații și în funcție de întrebările adresate, este posibil să răspundă și la întrebări generale. Raspunsurile oferite sunt generate automat si trebuie sa fie utilizate doar in scop informativ. Serviciul poate oferi uneori conținut inexact sau potențial ofensator, care nu reprezintă punctul de vedere al Bancii Transilvania. Sunteți singurul responsabil pentru utilizarea conținutului generat de acest serviciu în orice mod. Nu vă bazați pe acest serviciu pentru sfaturi financiare, juridice sau alte sfaturi profesionale si nu introduceți în acesta date cu caracter personal sau alte informații confidențiale.

Utilizarea AI Search presupune acceptarea Termenilor și condițiilor.

Accesul și utilizarea serviciului implică acceptarea fără rezerve a acestor termeni și condiții. Dacă nu sunteți de acord cu acestea, vă rugăm să nu utilizați acest serviciu. Prin acceptarea termenilor și condițiilor pentru a folosi acest serviciu furnizat algoritmic de un model de inteligență artificială, va asumați întreg riscul în ceea ce privește calitatea, siguranța și performanța acestui serviciu.

Banca Transilvania nu furnizează nicio garanție în legătură cu răspunsurile oferite de acest serviciu.

AI Search furnizează răspunsuri algoritmic și acestea pot conține uneori informații inexacte sau limbaj potențial ofensator. Aceste informații nu exprimă poziția Băncii Transilvania și nu pot angaja responsabilitatea Băncii pentru conținutul oferit.

AI Search nu oferă răspunsuri la întrebări personalizate, astfel încât prin utilizarea acestuia va obligați să nu furnizați și să nu introduceți în mesajele/întrebările transmise niciun fel de date cu caracter personal sau alte informații confidențiale. În cazul nerespectării acestei obligații, prin inserarea unor date personale/informații confidențiale în cadrul AI Search, va exprimați consimțământul pentru prelucrarea acestora în vederea oferirii serviciului (răspunsurilor la întrebările pe care le adresați), precum și pentru îmbunătățirea modelului algoritmic al robotului de către dezvoltatorul acestuia.

Orice informație furnizată de către utilizatori în timpul interacțiunii cu AI Search va fi tratată în mod confidențial, fiind dezvăluită doar unor destinatari care au dreptul și nevoia de a o cunoaște.

Conținutul oferit de AI Search are doar scop informativ.

Utilizatorii sunt responsabili pentru întrebările și mesajele adresate în cadrul utilizării AI Search. Orice abuz sau limbaj neadecvat poate duce la întreruperea interacțiunii.

AI Search nu oferă sfaturi financiare, juridice sau profesionale și nu înlocuiește consultarea unor experți umani sau profesioniști specializați în domeniul respectiv. Utilizatorii nu trebuie să se bazeze pe informațiile furnizate de către AI Search pentru luarea deciziilor.

Banca își rezervă dreptul de a întrerupe serviciul AI Search în orice moment, fără o notificare prealabilă.

Termenii și condițiile pot fi revizuite/ actualizate în orice moment.