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Questions tagged [avr]

AVR is a 8- and 32-bit microcontroller core developed by Atmel. AVR was chosen as microcontroller for the first generations of the popular Arduino SBCs.

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4 answers

What does it mean the MCU has 1 ADC and 10 ADC channels?

I got this AVR Microchip MCU ATtiny 204 chip. Now what I can't get, what do they mean in the datasheet it has 1 ADC and 10 channels ADC? The datasheet:
Hazardous Voltage's user avatar
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LCD Entry Mode Set and AVR MCU

I want to simulate **the Entry set mode ** function of and LCD based on HITACHI 44780 Controller. (Here is the datasheet.) The "Entry set mode" is given the following code of the 8 bits data ...
learn design's user avatar
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Analog switch for controlling LED

I need help/suggestions for the implementation of my schematic: In the schematic image pasted below, particularly look only at the charging IC, boost converter, analog switch, and ATTiny 1616 ...
Tahoor Asim's user avatar
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AVR128Dx TCB Input Capture issue

Ive made a code for reading SENT sensor using TCB interrupt with event system. It works 90% of the time, but those 10% seems like it doesnt read correct high pulse duration, mby someone will see, what ...
Ralfs Volis's user avatar
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Memory view is showing multiple bytes change after a single byte is assigned to a register. Why?

I am debugging an issue I have on a legacy codebase that is running on an atxmega32c4u chip. I am writing single bytes to registers in PORTC, but the memory view is showing multiple bytes change. The ...
daviegravee's user avatar
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No touch points close to the edge of the screen

Just for fun and to learn, I'm writing code to drive a 800x480 TFT with resistive touch driven by an RA8875 and an ATmega328P and avr-libc. It works fine so far but when reading touch events, I don't ...
Torsten Römer's user avatar
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Which ATtiny TWI parameter provides more robust operation?

I'm using an ATtiny3226 as an I2C client (slave) interface in a robot, to get commands from the main controller (single master) using I2C on a shielded cable. There are brushless and servo motors ...
Tirdad Sadri Nejad's user avatar
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AVR assembly indirect addressing: "Found no label/variable/constant named …"

I am currently trying to indirectly address the SRAM of the ATMega328P by using the following code: ...
user380637's user avatar
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SSD1306 display goes out-of-sync only if ATmega328 is reprogrammed

I have ATmega328 directly connected to the SSD1306 Display through I2C. Whenever I power up the ATmega, everything works great and the display works as expected. The problem occurs only when I upload ...
0x29a's user avatar
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Problems with OCR1B on Atmega328p

Trying to control 4 servos (SG90) using 4 pots on an arduino nano and the one connected to OC1B keeps having problems, with bits of jittering and it just not moving correctly (occasionally spinning), ...
jimothy's user avatar
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Why did fuse bits successfully reset using ICSP and USBASP programmer?

I read a lot about fuse bits in AVR microcontrollers and everyone says that fuse bits can be reset by using high-voltage programmer only, they can't be reset via UART<->ICSP. So, I've received ...
Alexander Perechnev's user avatar
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Extended IO registers handling in AVR using Assembly language

I want to program the ADC module of arduino Mega2560 using Assembly language (for simulation and learning), I can initialise the ADC Module using Assembly and my program converts in the first ...
learn design's user avatar
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Manipulating EEPROM in AVR using assembly programming

In the following video(at 10min): The microcontroller used in the video series is ATmega32. Let's ...
learn design's user avatar
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SPI: Write to display while reading multiple blocks from SD card

I'm reading BMP images with hundreds of kB's raw from an SD card and parse/write the image data to a TFT LCD with an AVR MCU with 2kB RAM. Reading a single block of 512 bytes with CMD17, passing it to ...
Torsten Römer's user avatar
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Tightest finite wait loop possible in AVR8

I need a wait delay function with fine grained control of the delay. I came up with the fairly standard way ldi Rx, N lp: dec Rx brne lp This ...
Peter Rottengatter's user avatar
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AVR ATmega328P if statement wrongly executed after reset

I have simplified the listing to bare minimum where I can still observe this behaviour. When this program is running, it works as expected. Button press causes LED to show up. The problem exist on ...
smajli's user avatar
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How to increase the Atmega32A input output pins

I’m using ATmega32A to control a system which have a 30 outputs and 30 inputs. The issue is that the ATmega32A have only 32 DIO pin which can be use as input output pins. So how can I increase the ...
abdalla zakaria's user avatar
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ATTiny85 won't reprogram

I am using a tiny AVR programmer to program code specifically this one, , I can successfully upload code onto a blank ...
Ash Ketchup's user avatar
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AVR32DA VIH threshold

I am looking into using an AVR32DA48 MCU for a design. The MCU will be powered at 5V and needs to interface with an IC at 3.3V. The IC is 5V tolerant and I am trying to figure out if a level ...
Mr.Y's user avatar
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How to identify all AVR MCUs (ATtiny and ATmega) that feature a factory-programmed unique ID

On Microchip's site, the "parametric search" table for microcontrollers does not have a filter column to select the models that feature a unique ID. Is there a way to list (enumerate) all ...
Cal-linux's user avatar
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Can WINC1500 be used with SPI for connecting to a router?

I'm planning to buy the WINC1500 WiFi module. I have heard that it contains a SPI layer, which can be used for telling the WINC1500 to connect to a router. But as I can see in the documentation, I ...
euraad's user avatar
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Ohmic load on AVR's SCK?

I have an ATTINY13, and almost all pins are used (only PB2 is free). What I need to add is a controllable ohmic load, which I believe best way to add is with an N-channel MOSFET, similarly with this ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Can I treat the USB controller in the ATMEGA8U2 as seperate from the rest of the microcontroller?

I'm working on a project that runs on a battery, but can be connected to a computer for a serial connection/charging. In the documentation it lists an example of a bus powered USB controller with ...
Elliot Smith's user avatar
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ATMEGA328 out of memory, but avr-size reports I still have a lot of space

I have a program written in C. I have 390 byte array defined and a long string value consisting of around 475 bytes. Now I hit a problem if I add more characters to the string value, around 30 bytes, ...
0x29a's user avatar
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Transmitting from PC via USART to MCU working but very slow

I am sending a small 16-Bit RGB BMP image file from my Linux PC via USART (with a loosely wired USB to serial converter) to an AVR ATmega MCU sitting on a breadboard, running at 8 MHz with the ...
Torsten Römer's user avatar
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Graphical LCD With Atmega64

I have ATMEGA64 and LCM240128, The wiring is as below: And my code is ( I'm using codevision): ...
Mojtaba Miraki's user avatar
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ATmega64 custom board is not programming

I have designed a custom board for ATmega64 as below: It's the first time I want to program it, and I get a "chip enable program error". I can program ATmega16 and ATmega8, but for ATmega64 ...
Mojtaba Miraki's user avatar
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ATMega328p wakes immediately after sleep

I'm having issues with my current AVR-C project that runs on an ATMega328p. After issuing the sleep command the chip wakes up again immediately. I want to wakeup with an external interrupt, but while ...
Julian F. Weinert's user avatar
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Assembly: AVR Studio alternatives for Linux [closed]

I had been using using AVR Studio on Windows to write assembly code for my MCUs (mainly for atmega8515) for a couple years. However, recently I transitioned to Linux and turns out there aren't any ...
Heather7283's user avatar
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AVR code disassembly - what is this code doing?

I have read and disassembled the code from an Atmel8 microcontroller from a faulty oscilloscope. This is the start routine: ...
DrD's user avatar
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Dual Slope integrator voltmeter improvement in Design

So, I'm attempting to design a dual-slope integrator voltmeter. I have the following block diagram so far. Now an AVR microcontroller will have an ADC pin in the range of 0-5 Volts . So negative ...
Zipho Lunika's user avatar
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Regulating multiple +5V sources to one output to increase current, but avoid interference/noise

I'm designing a circuit with 4 USB 2.0 upstream ports that each connect to their own AVR (ATMEGA32U4), 1 master and 3 slave connected via I2C, master then communicates with a USB controller via SPI, ...
WiredOpposite's user avatar
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AVR code - where is Z register pointing to?

I am disassembling AVR code from a bit of hardware. The processor is an Atmel-8. On restart, after setting the stack pointer, the program calls a subroutine that starts with: ...
DrD's user avatar
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3V oscillator to 5V µC with an 74HCT inverter (12.8 MHz) - bad idea?

I'd like to use an AVR (ATmega328P-AU to be precise) in combination with a fairly accurate oscillator for timing purposes. I stumbled upon the fact that oscillators which have greater accuracy mostly ...
Korbinian's user avatar
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avr debugWIRE On chip debug system

I am new into avr and am working on atmega328p. I am not able to understand the avr debugwire system. What is this and how it works. I am seen the datasheet but am not getting a good clear ...
kam1212's user avatar
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Multiplexed keyboard based on MOSFET for AVR gives sometimes wrong reading

I made simple example for multiplexed keyboard 2x2 on AVR. Like schematic below: And Source code: ...
Leszek Mazur's user avatar
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AT90USB1286 bricks after disabling clock divider

I have an AT90USB1286 which is connected to a 16MHz external crystal oscillator. It is my understanding that by default from the factory the CKDIV fuse is enabled which makes the chip run at an ...
00728M's user avatar
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Switching reference voltage with capacitor on AREF

I do two conversions (ratiometric measurement) with AREF = AVCC = VCC = 3 x AAA battery. AVCC is connected to VCC via an LC network as recommended in the data sheet of the ATmega328P. I would like ...
Torsten Römer's user avatar
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Why is nothing happening on my CLKOUT pin, despite the RTC working fine? [closed]

I apologize for the (probably) trivial question -- I'm just starting to get back into coding for MCUs after a long hiatus, so please be patient with me. I'll preface this by acknowledging that there ...
uWaveMan's user avatar
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ATMega32U4 USB design considerations

I'm desigining a board with ATMega32U4 microcontroller. The board will be minimal, and will feed the microcontroller from USB of an M.2 socket (E type) on a PC mainboard: Now, checking Leonardo's ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How can I do immediate addition in the Atmel AVR instruction set?

I've been doing some AVR assembly programming for a university course, and I recently happened upon a situation where I would have wanted an "add immediate" instruction. However, no such ...
Newbyte's user avatar
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Schematic design for CJMCU Beetle?

I have this bare ATMEGA32U4 breakout: There are no components on the backside, and I need to redesign this for my own purposes. I'm looking for the schematic design of this. Although I can reverse ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Cannot stop Microcontroller's Hardware Timer from running

I'm using an Atmel ATMega8 microcontroller to control a stepper motor. (Datasheet). Timer1 (a 16-bit hardware counter) is used in CTC mode to modulate an IO pin to provide the stepping signal to the ...
Wossname's user avatar
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Driving 10ch outputs with 5V AVR

I use a 5V AVR (ATmega1284p) to measure some data. Depending on the data I would like to switch one of 10 outputs. Each of these outputs should have a LED (as an indicator and for debugging purposes) ...
Eimer Z.'s user avatar
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How to make a circuit which can give divided voltage to ADC and can send a trigger pulse to INT0 when I press a button?

I connected 4 buttons to the ADC module of AVR-ATMega328p with different resistor values, To know which button is pressed this ...
in.yssh's user avatar
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PID H-bridge random current spikes

My H-bridge consists of 4 n-channel MOSFETs. The high side is driven by a basic bootstrap circuit, and the low side is directly driven from the MCU. Using a PID function to control the motor by its ...
Ralfs Volis's user avatar
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How do I measure distance of Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 using the ATmega328P Timer Input Capture?

I am using an ATmega328P MCU with an 16 MHz external oscillator. I need to measure distance of Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 using the ATmega328P Timer 1 Input Capture interrupt. I have to measure the ...
Pumbaa's user avatar
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Software serial not sending the first byte correctly

I implemented the following program to send data to a serial monitor.When I run it, I expect to see abcd but I always see ⸮bcd: <...
kovac's user avatar
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Are ATmega48/168/328 suitable for automotive applications?

I'm trying to figure out if it's ok to use ATmega48 in a homemade project involving some safety-related aspects with moving vehicles. (the project will be a control board for excavator joysticks) ...
floppydisk's user avatar
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ESP8266 responds with gibberish and 'ready' to AT commands from C program

I have gotten the ESP8266 working by sending commands manually from the TTY. Now, I'm trying to connect to wifi using the following C program: ...
kovac's user avatar
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