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Questions tagged [helm]

For questions about Helm - the Kubernetes Package Manager

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How to better organise Terraform code using Helm provider

I inherited a Terraform codebase from a former development team. The former development team and I have in common .NET and C# experience, so not really experts. The current codebase uses Helm provider ...
Alberto Solano's user avatar
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failed to --set value=true in helm install

I'm trying to deploy docker-registry pod in master node by giving nodeSelector value when helm install Here is the command I gave helm install docker-registry docker-registry.helm-main/ --set ...
jobamei's user avatar
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Got "Error: chart requires kubeVersion: >=1.19.0-0 which is incompatible with Kubernetes v1.16.0" when deploy kube-prometheus-stack using Argo CD

My Amazon EKS is using Kuberentes 1.30: ➜ kubectl version Client Version: v1.30.0 Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3 Server Version: v1.30.0-eks-036c24b However, when I deploy ...
Hongbo Miao's user avatar
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Install Linkerd in the same kubernetes namespace as the application(s) - good practise?

Assuming I have got a business application such as content-managment-system. Should one install Linkerd in a seperate namespace than the application? Is a seperate namespace needed or just good ...
Simon_Prewo's user avatar
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Migrating from a Helm chart release to an ArgoCD Application

The process to create an ArgoCD application from an existing helm chart release without downtime is well documented e.g. here: Just create an application, you can start with auto-sync turned off to ...
thiagowfx's user avatar
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Argo CD Deployment with Helmfile Plugin - VolumeMounts Not Found

I'm trying to set up an Argo CD deployment with a Helmfile plugin in my Rancher kubernetes cluster, following this reference document. However, I am encountering issues with volume mounts not being ...
hamed's user avatar
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Ideal way to save edits to a Kubernetes Deployment/StatefulSet

I edited a deployment and a stateful set of a Helm chart so that it mounts a specific persistent volume to the pod container deployed to a local cluster. The Helm chart is installed via Helm install ...
kloudkid's user avatar
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Error: release: not found when trying to rollback existing helm release

I am currently running into an issue where when I try to rollback a helm release (that exists) I am getting an error saying the release cannot be found. When I run helm rollback johndoe-anon-app 1, I ...
Bucky Rich's user avatar
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Helm Charts for deploying a web app with a frontend and 5 microservices

My organization has decided to migrate to kubernetes and we have chosen to leverage eks.My task is to migrate our simple system consisting of a frontend and 5 microservices to the cluster.I want to ...
Stanley's user avatar
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Setting ingress port with helm parameter

I am runnning portainer on a k3s cluster, and installing/updating portainer using the command helm upgrade --install --create-namespace -n portainer portainer portainer/portainer\ --set ...
JoSSte's user avatar
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metrics-server on EKS - no metrics to server

I am attempting to setup metrics-server to server my 'horizon pod autoscaling' and manage my app pods scaling based on CPU. I am unable to get the metrics-server to run properly which fails with ...
Don Draper's user avatar
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Statefulset is creating more pods than expected

I have a simple StatefulSet here that has replicas = 2 but it's creating 4 pods: service-0 service-1 service-bf28b090c-0 service-44adf4asd-0 statefulset.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet ...
martin8768's user avatar
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Error: failed to prepare subPath for volumeMount "data" of container

I'm facing a critical issue while setting up a mail server in my Kubernetes cluster using the Mailu Helm Chart. Despite meticulously following the provided instructions, my pods are failing to start. ...
dariush's user avatar
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helm trouble creating pod using bitnami/mongodb chart

Here is my My Chart.yaml file: apiVersion: v2 name: pixer-microservice-infra description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes type: application version: 0.1.0 appVersion: "1.16.0" dependencies: - ...
harrydang's user avatar
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How do I include a file in a helm config map

I have a helm deployment that includes a configmap. I would like to add a few rather large files to it and I thought I coud put them in a an external directory my-app/values.yaml my-app/conf/my-large-...
Nifle's user avatar
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