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Questions tagged [docker-registry]

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failed to --set value=true in helm install

I'm trying to deploy docker-registry pod in master node by giving nodeSelector value when helm install Here is the command I gave helm install docker-registry docker-registry.helm-main/ --set ...
jobamei's user avatar
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Nexus OSS docker security

I am using Nexus OSS 3.34 as my private artifacts repository. I have configured Docker registry as private one and I thought it was private. The registry have its own TCP port and is served to ...
kab00m's user avatar
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How to efficiently copy multiple Docker images between two air gapped repositories?

I need to efficiently copy Docker images between two air gapped repositories. The current method of saving images to disk and transferring them as tarballs is time-consuming, so I am looking for a ...
Sergey's user avatar
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MicroK8s does not authenticate with gitlab private registry

I have an instance of MicroK8s, I am currently migrating my applications. But I can't authenticate to Gitlab's private registry. About my environment: MicroK8s Gitlab (with registry working securely) ...
Hiago Souza's user avatar
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What is the URL I provide to docker or podman to pull down a GitLab registry image?

When I am at a repo's container registry, I can see this, However it's not clear ohw that URL works, the URL provided is gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/alpine-no-root But I can't run podman pull gitlab-...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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AWX Failed to pull image on a private registry

Context: I got a K8s cluster where I setup AWX using the official Helm install. On this cluster, there I also setup a Sonatype Nexus repository with a docker(hosted) private registry configured in ...
motorbass's user avatar
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Unsecure container registry declaration in Gitlab CI/CD

I have the following .gitlab-ci.yml file : stages: - publish - deploy variables: TAG_LATEST: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME:latest TAG_COMMIT: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME:$...
baks's user avatar
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Unable to pull image from a private Docker registry with Let's Encrypt certificate in Kubernetes

I have set up a private Docker registry on my Kubernetes cluster (k3s) running on a Raspberry Pi 4. I have secured the registry with a Let's Encrypt certificate, and I can confirm that the certificate ...
Snorghma's user avatar
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3 answers

Azure Devops pipeline not listing artifact created by it

I am building and pushing Docker images to my Azure Container Registry from Azure DevOps using the azure-pipelines.yml file below. This works great except that there doesn't seem to be any relation ...
Oskar Persson's user avatar
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Exporting multi-arch Docker image from local registry to .tar file

I have a multi-arch build that is pushing to a local registry I have running: docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --push -t localhost:5000/myimage:latest I need to export this ...
Jordan's user avatar
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How to configure registries.yaml to point to several Harbor proxy cache registry?

I have configured a Harbor (with SSL and FQDN: as a proxy cache for several docker registries (, and I can pull any images without any problem from ...
k.Cyborg's user avatar
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gitlab container registry: how to test that it's set up and working?

I'm trying to push for the first time to a gitlab project container registry. I am not a gitlab administrator so I can't change global settings. But as far as my project is concerned I've made sure ...
dot's user avatar
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gitlab project registry - docker push fails with invalid reference format error message

I have create a personal access token for my project. in my gitlab-ci.yml I'm trying to create a docker image and then save it in my project's repository. I'm able to login - I see an explicit ...
dot's user avatar
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While pulling windows docker image from private registry, Docker trying to download some layers from internet

I created a Windows based docker image ( web project) and pushed it to my private image registry. when i pull the image from another windows server (offline and there is not a proxy), i'm ...
Murat Cabuk's user avatar
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Kubernetes Failing with Self Signed Docker Registry Certificate

We have a private Docker registry and we're attempting to get a our Kubernetes cluster to pull images from it, but it's failing with the following error: Type Reason Age From ...
senfo's user avatar
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