DirectX Developer Blog

D3D12 Preview: Mesh Nodes in Work Graphs

Hi everyone, Today we’re excited to announce the newest Preview Agility SDK v1.715.0, download here. Since this is a preview SDK, the new features are not in final state and thus only available via Developer Mode within Windows (see the prerequisites section for more).  This preview serves as a first look to explore what might be ...

DirectSR Preview Available Now

In the evolving landscape of Super Resolution (SR), GPU hardware vendors have set the stage with their respective technologies – AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution, Intel XeSS, and NVIDIA DLSS Super Resolution. These cutting-edge solutions elevate the gaming experience by boosting frame rates while maintaining exceptional visual quality. Yet...

D3D12 Work Graphs

This is the official release of D3D12 Work Graphs, enabling new types of GPU autonomy, originally available as a preview in 2023. To start, here's what Epic sees: With the proliferation of GPU-driven rendering techniques - such as Nanite in Unreal Engine 5 - the role of the CPU is trending towards primarily resource management and ...

Open Sourcing Direct3D 9 on 12 and the Release of the DXBC Signer NuGet Package

It’s been a while since we last mentioned the D3D9On12 mapping layer. As a quick refresher, it maps D3D9 commands to D3D12 by acting as the D3D9 Device Driver Interface (DDI). Having this mapping layer enables older D3D9 applications to run on modern systems that may not have a D3D9 driver. Since the last blog post, we’ve added support for...

Direct3D 11 on 12 Updates

It’s been quite a while since we last talked about D3D11On12, which enables incremental porting of an application from D3D11 to D3D12 by allowing developers to use D3D11 interfaces and objects to drive the D3D12 API. Since that time, there’s been quite a few changes, and I’d like to touch upon some things that you can expect when you use...

Gaming with Windows ML

Neural Networks Will Revolutionize Gaming Earlier this month, Microsoft announced the availability of Windows Machine Learning. We mentioned the wide-ranging applications of WinML on areas as diverse as security, productivity, and the internet of things. We even showed how WinML can be used to help cameras detect faulty chips during hardware ...

Announcing new DirectX 12 features

Announcing new DirectX 12 features We’ve come a long way since we launched DirectX 12 with Windows 10 on July 29, 2015. Since then, we’ve heard every bit of feedback and improved the API to enhance stability and offer more versatility. Today, developers using DirectX 12 can build games that have better graphics, run faster and that are ...

GPU plugins, improved SDK layers, and hang debugging: Bringing DirectX 12 tools to the next level

If you are a Windows game developer using DirectX 12, you know that great tools are essential for getting the most out of the graphics hardware. In the past few months, we’ve been making rapid progress on delivering the tools you’ve requested. At the Game Developers Conference today, we demoed new features for both PIX, our premier tool ...